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Top Accenture Interview Questions & Answers


If you're familiar with consulting, you've probably heard of the firm Accenture. The corporation is the world's largest consulting organization, employing approximately 425,000 individuals in 120 countries. Accenture offers top-notch experience and sought-after jobs for freshers and experienced.

Accenture's strength is in utilizing its industry knowledge and technological capabilities to identify new business and technology trends, resulting in the development of viable solutions to assist customers worldwide in entering new markets or increasing revenues in existing areas. In this blog we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked Accenture interview questions to help you bag your dream job role. 

There are a few methods to travel across this potentially tricky terrain, and we'll show you how to crack interview process, and interview questions. We'll even demonstrate how to manage the procedure and possibly secure a profitable position in professional services with the help of our professional courses. 

But before moving forward, let us know what is Accenture, and where does this company origin?

Accenture: Company Background

Accenture is a professional services firm located in Ireland. Accenture was started in 1989 by Arthur Andersen as Andersen Consulting.

Accenture became official in 2001. Arthur Andersen desired that the new name reflect the company's goal of becoming a world-class worldwide consulting firm. Accenture missions to sees the future of finance, technology, and professional services. They work with 91 of the world's Fortune 100 companies. Accenture has appeared on Fortune's "World's Most Admired Companies" list 19 times in a row as of 2024.

But what precisely does a professional services firm do? Professional services can fall into a variety of categories; therefore it is up to the organisation and its business proposal. Accenture, for example, largely provides consulting services. As you can see, Accenture offers a wide range of employment opportunities, from entry-level positions to senior management positions.

Accenture Recruitment process

Phases of recruitment process in Accenture

There are mainly there phases of recruitment process in Accenture, that is: 

  • Interview 
  • Assessment
  • HR Round

Interview Process

Interview Process

According to some of the previously interviewed individuals, the Accenture interview process is a little difficult. Because of the large number of applications submitted, candidates are often intimidated by the difficult questions in each interview round at Accenture. As a result, a thorough preparation strategy and frequent practise will undoubtedly help you pass this interview.

To begin, the academic requirements for an Accenture interview are as follows:

  • Candidates with a relevant graduate degree and a 65% aggregate are eligible.
  • The candidate should have passed all topics and have no ongoing backlog.
  • The time between your studies should not be more than one year.

 Accenture's interview process typically consists of three rounds:

  • Technical Interview
  • Online Assessment Test
  • Human Resources Interview

Interview Rounds

The Accenture interview process for freshers and experienced candidates remains same as well. However, for some significant positions, you may have to go through two or more rounds of technical interviews, followed by an HR interview.

Interview Rounds Online Assessment Test: As an elimination round in the Accenture interview process, this initial round is the toughest of all. Accenture online assessment exams are meant to analyse candidates' cognitive function and abilities. Questions in this round are based on Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability. In this round, you must answer the necessary number of questions in the allotted time frame.

Technical Interview: If you pass the online test, you will be invited to a technical interview. The technical round basically reviews the candidate's coding and problem-solving abilities. To ace the technical interview, candidates should have a fundamental understanding of data structures, algorithms, and other computer science-related areas such as OS, DBMS, CN, etc. Learning about Java Collections interview questions, and other programming languages  is a crucial component of this preparation. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you showcase your technical proficiency and offer you an advantage over other candidates throughout the interview process.

HR Interview: The HR Interview is Accenture's final and only interview round because it allows for the assessment of a candidate's personality and other pertinent qualities. The questions that might be asked here range from your introduction, qualification, experience, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, wage expectations, and so on. In this round, you may also ask Accenture-related questions. The objective of an HR interview at Accenture is to ascertain whether you are a good fit for the company whereas the other two interview rounds at Accenture evaluate your skills and academics.

Technical Accenture Interview Questions

Technical Accenture Interview Questions

Let us begin with some standard Accenture interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced that interviewers ask to test your expertise. They will try to determine whether you are a good fit for their work culture and whether you are impulsive or not.

Here are some of the most common Java collections interview questions, C++, Computer Network, DBMS, coding and some tips on how to best answer them during an Accenture job interview process.

Accenture Interview questions for Freshers and Experienced: Technical and HR Questions

Q1. What are the characteristics of the C programming language?

  • C programmes are both efficient and speedy. This is because of its diverse data types and powerful operators.
  • Today, C is the most extensively used programming language in operating systems and embedded system development.
  • Portable or machine-independent structured programming language

Q2.  What exactly is recursion in C?

When a function calls itself, the process is known as recursion. A recursive function is one that repeatedly invokes itself.

Q3. How does the pointer function in C?

Array element access, dynamic memory allocation, call by reference, and data structures such as a tree, graph, linked list, and so on.

Q4. In C, what is an auto keyword?

Every local variable of a function is referred to as an automatic (auto) variable in C. Local variables are declared within the function block within any program. Local variables are also referred to as auto variables. It is optional to use an auto keyword before a variable's data type. If there is no value in the local then this value is called as garbage value.

Q5. What is the longest an identifier can be?

It should be 32 characters; however this depends on the implementation.

Q6. What exactly is an infinite loop?

An endless loop is a loop that runs continuously for an unbounded number of times.

Q7. In C, what functions are utilised for dynamic memory allocation?

malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() are all functions.

Q8.Is it possible to compile a programme without the main () function?

We can compile it, but it cannot be executed.

Q9. Can you tell me what the newline escape sequence is?

"n" represents the new line escape sequence. It adds a line to the output screen.

Q10.What are the different OOPs ideas in C++?

Class, Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Data Binding are all terms used in programming.

Q11.  What are the many kinds of polymorphism in C++?

Run-time Polymorphism


Q12.  What is the difference between delete [] and delete?

Delete is used to release a memory unit, while delete [] is used to release an array.

Q13.  What exactly is an object?

The Object is a class instance. A class serves as an object's blueprint. As a result, you can generate an object from a class. The objects of a class are declared in the same way as variables of basic kinds are declared.

Q14.  What exactly is a constructor?

A Constructor is a method that is used to initialise an object and must have the same name as the class.

Q15.  What is a destructor?

A Destructor destroys any excess resources that the object has allocated. When an object exits scope, the destructor function is invoked automatically.

Q16.   What exactly is virtual inheritance?

Even if an item occurs more than once in the hierarchy, virtual inheritance allows you to generate only one copy of it.

Q17.  What is an overflow error?

It is an example of an arithmetic error. It occurs when the outcome of a mathematical operation exceeds the real space allotted by the system.

Q18. Why is Java referred to as platform-independent?

Because we can run our code on any operating system, including Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, Java is known as platform agnostic.

Q19. What is mean by "Exception Handling" term?

When an exception occurs, exception handling maintains the program's normal flow. An exception frequently disrupts the normal flow of the programme, which is why we need to handle them.

Q20. In Java, how can we get access to a private member of a class?

To access private members of a class from outside the class, we can use public getters and setters in Java.

Q21. What exactly is object cloning?

The process of reproducing an object is known as object cloning. For object cloning, utilise the Object class clone () function. Java.lang. Clonable interface must be implemented by the class whose clone we intend to generate, else an error will be thrown.

Q22. What is the distinction between (var++) and (++var)?

(var++) evaluates the statement first, then increments the value by one, whereas (++var) evaluates the expression first, then increments the value.

Q23. What is the purpose of getch()?

The getch () function is a predefined library function that captures a character from the screen and holds it until it can't find another character in the input.

Q24. What is the purpose of the Database Management System?

The following are some examples of DBMS applications:

  • Managing track of data in a database
  • Developing a new database
  • Updated Data in the database
  • Memory Administration

Q25. What is the difference between turnaround time and response time?

  • Turnaround Time: This is the time it takes to complete a request.
  • Response Time: The average time necessary for the request to be submitted when the first response happens.

Q26. In Java, where do we utilise static keywords?

  • Static keywords are used in memory management with block, variable, method, and nested classes as follows:
  • Block: It aids in the initialization of static data members.
  • Variable: It aids in the creation of a single copy of the variable that is shared by all class objects.
  • The non-static members of the outer class are not accessible to the static class.
  • Method: Static methods can only directly read static data and call other static methods.

Q27. What are the benefits of microservices?

Microservices are services that can be managed separately. These services have a minimal impact on existing services. Instead of having to upgrade the entire programme, you may change and upgrade each service independently.

Q28. Explain the basic difference between method overloading and overriding.

When two or more methods in the same class have the same name but different parameters, this is known as overloading. Overriding happens when the method signature (name and parameters) in both the superclass and the child class are the same.

Q29. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference in the C programming language?

There are two ways to pass value to a function: call by value and call by reference.

In the case of a call by value, a copy of the value is sent to the function, thus the original value is not altered.

However, in the case of a call by reference, an address of value is supplied to the function; therefore the original value is updated.

Q30. Why aren't there any global variables in Java?

Global variables are available everywhere. Because of the following reasons, Java does not enable globally accessible variables:

  • The use of global variables compromises referential transparency.
  • Global variables cause namespace collisions.

Q31. What exactly is the distinction between a constructor and a method?

A constructor is a class member function used to generate objects of that class. It is called with the same name as the class, has no return type, and is invoked using the new operator.

A method is a type of class member function. It has its own name, a return type (which could be void), and is called with the dot operator.

Q32.  What is meant by inheritance, and what are the benefits of it?

Inheritance is the process of gaining all of the characteristics of a class.

The following are the benefits of inheritance:

  • Access of variables and methods of the superclass by subclasses.
  • Code Reusability

Q33. What is the significance of the Java keywords "super" and "this"?

Super Keyword: In Java, the "super" keyword refers to the instance of the parent class (superclass). Because it is a reserved keyword, it cannot be used as an identifier in Java. This keyword can also be used to invoke parent class constructors and methods.

This keyword: The keyword "this" in Java refers to the instance of the current class. Because it is a reserved keyword, it cannot be used as an identifier in Java. It can be used to refer to an object of the current class, to invoke a constructor of the current class, or to provide an argument in a method or constructor call.

Technical questions for experienced Candidates

Q34. What exactly is variable initialization, and why is it important?

Variable initialization is the process of assigning an initial value to a variable before using it in a programme. Without variable initialization, a variable would have an unknown value, resulting in unpredictable results when utilised in computational programming or other activities.

Q35. In C, what is the purpose of the pointer?

Array element accesses, dynamic memory allocation, call by reference, and data structures such as a tree, graph, linked list, and so on.

Q36. What exactly is database normalisation?

What exactly is database normalisation

Normalisation (also known as data normalisation or database normalisation) is a technique for organising data in a database to reduce redundancy and increase data integrity. We can organise data in tables and columns using database normalisation, and we can also build relationships between these tables and columns.

The following are the most widely used normalisation forms:

  • 1NF stands for First Normal Form
  •  2NF stands for Second Normal Form.
  • 3NF stands for Third Normal Form.
  •  BCNF stands for Boyce-Codd Normal Form.
  • 4NF stands for Fourth Normal Form.
  • 5NF stands for Fifth Normal Form.

Q37. What exactly is Pandas in Python?

Pandas is an open-source Python software package that is useful for data manipulation and analysis. It supports a wide range of data types and operations, including the editing of numerical tables and time series. It can handle various file kinds and is regarded as one of the most vital tools to master.

Pandas provide the following attributes or methods:

  • axes: It returns a list of row axis labels.
  • Empty: If the series is empty, it returns true; else false.
  • size: This function returns the number of elements in the underlying data.
  • Value: It returns the series as and array.
  • head():  returns the first n rows of a data frame or array.
  • tail(): Returns the last n rows of a data frame or series.

Q38. In Python, what is a classifier?

A classifier is an algorithm that uses a set of attributes to predict the class of an input element. It will typically employ training data (huge datasets used to train an algorithm or machine learning model) to gain understanding of the relationship between input factors and class. It is mostly used in supervised and machine learning.

Q39. What exactly is XML?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a mark-up language that specifies rules for document encoding formatting in a way that both people and machines can understand.

Q40. In Python, what is the difference between a dictionary and a tuple?

1) . Dictionary: A dictionary is an unordered data collection that stores data in the form of key-value pairs.

Tuple: A tuple is an ordered data collection.

2). Dictionary: Key values are used to access elements.

Tuple: Numeric index values are used to access elements.

3). Dictionary: A dictionary can have an unlimited amount of values.

Tuple: A tuple can only contain a certain amount of values.

4) . Dictionary: It functions as a model object.

Tuple: It is handy when a function returns numerous values.

Q41. What are some examples of domains where data structures can be used extensively?

Every aspect of computer science, including the design of compilers, operating systems, graphics, artificial intelligence, and many more, makes extensive use of data structures. Many computer science algorithms include data structures because they make data management easier for programmers.

Q42. Explain the binary semaphore and its use.

Binary semaphores are synchronisation systems with integer values ranging from 0 to 1. As a result, this sort of semaphore provides a single point of access to a critical component. It denotes that only one person will have concurrent access to the critical component.

Q43. What is the difference between while and do while Loop

The Significant Difference between a While and a Do While Loop

The control statement is run before to the loop body, while in the do while loop the control statement follows the loop body.

When the condition is met, the loop body is executed while in do while loop the loop body only runs once, regardless of whether the condition is true or not.

Q44. In OS, what is thrashing?

Due to frequent page faults, the system may spend the majority of its time in multiprogramming transporting pages between the main memory and the secondary memory. This is referred to as thrashing.

Q45. What is a variable's size?

Size is the amount of memory reserved by the compiler when a variable is declared by the programmer to contain the data assigned to it. The size of a variable is determined by its type, and C++ contains a highly useful operator called sizeof that returns the size of a variable or type in bytes.

Q46. What does stack mean in C?

A stack is a form of linear data structure that contains objects of the same type. The insertion and deletion of elements in a stack occurs only at one endpoint. A stack's behaviour is described as "Last In, First Out" (LIFO).

Q47. What exactly is a data structure?

A data structure is a form of storage that store and organise data. It is a method of organising data on a computer so that it can be easily accessed and modified. It is critical to select the appropriate data format for your project based on your requirements and project.

Q48. What are the uses of the tree data structure?

Trees are used in computer science for a variety of activities, including data storage, hierarchical data representation, and providing efficient algorithms for operations such as insertion, deletion, and searching.

Q49. Can you name a few applications that make use of Multi-Linked Structures?

The applications are as follows:

  • Sparse matrices,
  • Index construction.

Q50. What algorithm is utilised to solve the eight queens problem?

The backtracking algorithm is a typical approach used to solve the 8 Queens Problem. It tries to put queens on the chessboard column by column, examining if each placement is valid and retracing if it is not.

Q51. In RDBMS, which data structure is utilised to store data?

A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores data in a row-based table structure that connects related data components.

Q52. Is a linked list a linear data structure or a nonlinear data structure?

A linked list is a linear data structure in which entries are not stored in the same order.

Q53. In C, what are dlanging pointers?

Dangling Pointers are pointers that point to a memory location that has been released or erased by the programme.

Q54. What are the methods in Java that can be overridden?

Instance methods are overridden if they are inherits the subclass. A method that has been declared final is unchangeable. Although a static method can be extended, it cannot be overridden.

Q55. What are the characteristics of an object-oriented language?

Class, Object, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Abstraction Polymorphism are the primary features of object-oriented programming. These characteristics make the code versatile, expandable, reusable, and simple to understand.

Q56. What is the distinction between a "copy constructor" and a "assignment operator"?

The copy constructor differs from an assignment operator is that a copy constructor allows you to create a copy of an already existing object without changing its original value, whereas an assignment operator allows you to assign a new value to a data member or an object in the program.

Q57. What exactly is multiprocess scheduling?

In multi-processor scheduling, many processors (CPUs) share the load to ensure that processes run without any error. The processors self-schedule in symmetric multi-processor scheduling. Each processor's scheduler scans the ready queue and chooses a process to execute.

Q58.  Explain briefly what a trap and a trapdoor are.

A trapdoor is an undocumented secret entry point into a programme that is used to allow access without using standard means of access authentication. A trap is a type of software interrupt that occurs as a result of an erroneous circumstance.

Q59. Where are abstract classes and interfaces used?

Abstract classes are used for closely linked objects, while interfaces are used for providing common functionality to unrelated classes.

Q60. Differentiate between interpreters and compilers.

Interpreters and compilers frequently deal with how programme codes are finished. While compilers take the programme as a whole and turn it into object code before executing it, interpreters run the programme codes one line at a time. The main distinction between them is that an interpreter allows a programme to continue running even while it encounters a syntax error in the middle of it. Compilers, on the other hand, examine the program's entire syntax and only execute it after finding no syntax mistakes.

Q61. What exactly is an HTTP handler?

The HTTP handler is a Java component with properties. The handler sends an outbound integration message as an XML document to a URL via HTTP or HTTPS. The HTTP handler additionally assesses the remote system's response code.

Q62. What exactly are variables, and how are they distinct from constants?

At first look, variables and constants may seem similar since both are identifiers made up of one or more characters (letters, integers, and a few permitted symbols). Constants and variables will both have a predetermined value. Variables like this one can have different values at different times in the programme and can be used in the majority of operations and calculations. Constants are introduced at the very beginning of a programme and are only supplied one value at a time. The programme makes no changes to these values.

Q63. What exactly is the copy constructor in OOPs?

A copy constructor is a type of constructor that copies the contents of an existing object to initialise all of the data members of the newly generated object. The compiler includes a copy constructor by default.

Q64. What is.NET and what are its features?

The .NET Framework is an open-source developer platform that may be used to build a variety of applications. This free cross-platform framework supports many coding languages and includes vast code libraries that make it simple to create applications for mobile devices, desktop computers, the web, and the Internet of Things.

Q65. What exactly is serialisation in OOP?

The process of transforming object state into a format that can be transferred or stored is known as serialisation or marshalling. The serialisation is the process that converts the object state into a series of bits. The object state could be rebuilt later in a process known as deserialization.

Q66. What does the C++ Friend function mean?

A friend () function is one that has access to private and protected members of another class, i.e. one that is declared as a friend. With the use of the friend keyword, you can declare a function as a friend function.

Q67. What is a deadlock in multithreading?

A deadlock scenario occurs in multithreading when one thread is waiting for an object lock that has already been obtained by another thread and the second thread is waiting for a lock object that has already been taken by the first thread; this condition is referred to as a deadlock in multithreading.

Coding Questions

Q68. What is the difference between a class and an object in C++?

A class is a custom data type with data members and member functions. Data members are data variables, and member functions are functions that execute actions on these variables. An object is a class instance. Because a class is a user-defined data type, an object is sometimes referred to as a variable of that data type.

class A
int data;
public: void fun()

Q69. What exactly is operator overloading?

Operator overloading is a critical component for performing operations on user-defined data types. We can change the default meaning of operators like +, -, *, /, =, and so on by using operator overloading.

Operator Overloading 

Q70. In C++, how do you allocate and deallocate memory?

In C++, the new operator is used for memory allocation, while the deletes operator is used for memory deallocation.

int value=new int;

delete value;

int *arr=new int[10];

int delete []arr;

Q71. Describe the getch() method in a C++ programme. What distinguishes it from the getche() function?

The getch() method is a pre-defined library function in C++ that is used to receive a single input character from the keyboard and retain the screen until no character from standard input is received. This function takes no arguments and is defined in the "conio.h" header file.



void main() cout"Enter the following character:"endl;


Q72. Create a C++ programme to generate the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is a number sequence in which each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The first two numbers in the Fibonacci series will be 0 and 1.

The Fibonacci sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....

The programme below will display the Fibonacci series of n numbers specified by the user. If the entered range value is 1, the num1 value, i.e. 0, will be printed. If the entered range value is 2, the values num1 and num2 (i.e., 0 and 1) will be printed. If the entered range value is n, the values num1 and num2 will be printed.

If the entered range value is n, the values num1 and num2 will be printed. In addition, each subsequent term will be calculated based on the addition of the previous two numbers, and this procedure will be repeated until the Fibonacci series yields n numbers.

C++ code for programme to generate the Fibonacci sequence

Q73. Write a programme that prints the k largest elements in an array. Array elements can be arranged in any sequence.

For example, if the given array is [120, 35, 67, 89, 20, 10, 34, 100] and you are asked to print the 5th number of the array.

Array elements

These were some accenture interview questions for freshers and experienced candidates. Technical Accenture interview questions includes knowledge of OS, DBMS,C,C++ and Java.

HR Interview Questions

At Accenture, the HR interview is just as significant as the technical interview, therefore it's important to give HR interview questions equal importance as technical questions. While other interviews assess your abilities and accomplishments, the HR interview examines your background, assesses your personality, looks at your strengths and shortcomings, and determines whether you are a good fit for the position and the firm.

HR interview Question

Q74. Tell us something about yourself.

Self Introduction is the first answer that retails most about you. So , begin your response with a confident but relaxed tone, aside from introducing yourself, highlight your key achievements, abilities along with academic credentials in this answer. Another thing to keep in mind is that, while you must have all of the introductory points prepared ahead of time, but your response should not sound rehearsed.

Good morning, everyone. My name is ABC, and I'm from Gujarat. I recently received my bachelor's degree in information technology from XYZ Institution. I've produced projects that may be found on my XYZ profile, and I'm always learning new things. My final year project on artificial intelligence was recently published, and I was given the opportunity to present my project at several college levels. Perhaps my biggest skill is that I never back down from a challenge and always confront a problem head on. If you give me the opportunity, I believe I would be an asset to your firm.

Q75. How would you benefit the company?

Consider the organization's objectives and guiding principles when you formulate your response. Additionally, thoroughly read the job description, and if at all feasible, mention the talents that the firm is looking for in your response. 

As a newcomer, I believe that the values of knowledge, leadership, execution, honesty, and consistency in delivery that are aligned with the organization's vision, goal, and policy are its most valuable assets. And, rest assured, my work ethics will never deviate from these values. As an employee, I can operate under minimum support and supervision and handle pressure with easily. I shall devote my full attention to the company's expansion. As a result, I believe I'll be able to develop into a useful asset for the organisation in a relatively short period of time.

Q76. What are your interests and hobbies?

Try to list interests that qualify for qualities you would also need at work. 

Reading, Painting, Coding and making new things are some of my favourite activities. I always make time for my intrests, which helps me relax and boosts my visualisation skills while also enhancing my memory.

Q77. What are your strong points and weak points?

 It is crucial to be sincere and accurate in your response to this question. Giving instances from real life can help to further illustrate your idea. Avoid mentioning any flaws that would hurt your chances of landing a job.

To state my strengths and weaknesses can be a little difficult because both concepts are the same for me is the quality of being self-motivated. I am willing to work hard and regularly to achieve a goal if it would help me grow and learn. I can inspire myself to complete a task even though there are numerous impediments.

However, my weakness is being very self-motivated since it causes me to forget myself and become overly goal-oriented. If it is a team task, my personal aspirations become a burden for them, resulting in disputes and group breakdowns. I've been working on it for a while where I establish a boundary for myself and the team, trying not to let my ambitions and objectives become a source of stress for the others.

As a result, both my strength and weakness stem from the same quality.

Q78. Can you work well under pressure?

 You must be ready with examples of times when you managed stress properly. Avoid stating anything that would suggest inadequate work-related stress management.

Workplace pressure is difficult to deal with, but I can handle it by keeping cool, focused on my task, and patient at all times.

Q79. What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?

 Maintain a concise long-term professional plan to discuss during the interview.  

In five years, I hope to be in a respectable position at a recognised firm like yours. In terms of skill, efficiency, and professionalism, I see myself improving. I want to spend the next several years learning new skills, taking on challenging work, working on a range of projects, contributing as much as possible, and putting in the necessary effort to see myself advance to the next level.

Q80. What are your life goals and ambitions?

 Your answer must reflect the eagerness to learn and grow with the support and guidance of the company.

Currently, my short-term objective is to ace this interview and land a job with this reputable company, and my long-term goal is to climb the corporate ladder and picture myself as a respected executive. Above all, I need to be happy and satisfied with my career. I want a comfortable and happy life for myself and my family.

Q81. When was Accenture established?

Accenture was established in 1989.

Q82.  Can you tell me anything about Accenture?

  • Accenture is a professional services company having specialization in information technology and consulting services.
  • Accenture Strategy and Consulting specialises on technology, business, and operations strategy. It also offers business, technology, and management consultancy.
  • Accenture Interactive (previously Digital) is another subsidiary that offers digital marketing, analytics, and mobile services.
  • Accenture technological offers services such as implementation, technological software, delivery, and research and development.
  • Accenture Operations is the company's second business, and it offers IT, cloud, BPO, managed operations, and security services.

Q83. What distinguishes confidence from overconfidence?

Answering Tip: Through this question interviewer wants to check that candidate is confident and whether they know about thin line between confidence and overconfidence. 

There is a little difference between being confident and being arrogant. Your trust determines whether you believe you have the ability to execute the assignment. And you're overconfident if you believe you're the only one who can fulfil the assignment comfortably and that no one else can do it as well as you. As a result, trust is advantageous, whereas overconfidence is detrimental. Your arrogance has resulted in the loss of your job.

Q84: What are the most significant aspects of your employment for you?

Talk about a couple of recent, professional accomplishments. Quantify the productivity, time, or financial advantage the achievement brought to the firm and list the talents you used to achieve it.

The capacity to deliver high-quality results on time is the most important aspect of my job. This was crucial for me during my most recent job, as I finished both my main project and a secondary optional assignment.

Q85. Do you see yourself as a team player?

Use the proper real-life examples to persuade the interviewer that you are a good team player. 

I am not going to deny that I can operate alone with little supervision, but I'm also the one companion every leader would want on his team. Whatever assignment is handed to me, I make certain that it meets or exceeds expectations. I also make an effort to contact my teammates whenever possible. I understand that teamwork is frequently the key to innovation and success, and I am totally comfortable working in a team, thus I honestly consider myself a team player.

Q86. What software do you have experience with?

The interviewer's goal in asking this question is to determine the software you are familiar with and whether you are aware of the software that is necessary for you to work for the organisation. Always answer about the softwares you have knowledge about.

I am acquainted with the Microsoft Office suite, which consists of Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. I am familiar with the Windows and Linux operating systems. I also know how to use AutoCAD, Photoshop, and meeting scheduling software.

Q87. Who is Accenture's current CEO?

Julie Sweet is Accenture's current CEO.

Q88. Why Accenture?

Accenture has a global success record. The work environment is employee-friendly and conducive to professional development, according to the reviews.

Q89. How do you define success?

The best strategy is to discuss achieving both personal and professional goals while providing pertinent examples.

Reaching modest and major milestones to achieve a goal is considered a success in my opinion. For me, success is a process in which barriers force me to think differently and come up with creative answers to problems. Taking on those challenges allows me to grow as a person while also supporting me in meeting company objectives. Even if I don't complete every personal goal for the day, I may leave work feeling content if I made some effort towards fixing an issue or attaining a goal.

Q90. Who Founded Accenture?

Clarence DeLany.

Q91. Which is more important to you, money or work?

The best way to answer this question is to show the importance of work to you.

To me, the job has always been more important than the money. Of course, having enough money to live on is essential. However, in the past, I've had jobs that paid well but made me sad. I'd rather have meaningful work that allows me to help others than make a lot of money doing something I loathe every day.

Q 92: Are you prepared to relocate?

Depending upon the situation , you can honestly tell them whether you are comfortable moving for the job or not.

I'd like to advance in my profession. It's an excellent opportunity for me to meet new people and broaden my network. I'm confident that it will also benefit my knowledge. If the option provided to me is acceptable, fulfilling, and feasible, I don't think I’ll drop this opportunity.

Q93. Are you well-organized?

The answer must reflect your personality and organization skills that your are efficient and productive enough for their company.

I think of myself as well-organized. Priorities and deadlines are how I prefer to organise my job. This is something I do on a regular basis to increase my productivity. As a result, I am able to produce high-quality work in the limited time I have.

Q94. What are some of the things you want to work on?

 You should take some instances where you did some mistakes and tell them how you  

My biggest mistake is that I try so hard to do so many things and juggle them all at the same time." I work really hard and make every effort to complete all homework by the end of every day. This, however, is not always achievable. To achieve progress in that area, I focus on and commit time to my regular to-do lists in order to keep on top of my responsibilities and avoid rushing.

Q95. What if we reject you?

Your response to this question will reveal a lot about your personality, particularly how you will react when things don't go according to plan. Therefore, it's crucial that you can provide a justifiable response.

 Despite performing well in the selection process, if I am not chosen, it is apparent that your performance expectations from the applicant are higher. I'd give it my all the next time, and in the meantime, I'll work on improving my talents.

Q96. What drives you to strive for excellence in your work?

The best way is to tell them how do you keep going when things get tough, so answer them with some of your positive qualities.

My capacity to work hard and generate results motivates me the most. However, later appreciation of my work motivates me to continue my efforts. This also provides me with a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. Furthermore, responsibility at work inspires me the most, and my goal in any organisation is to advance to higher degrees of responsibility. The satisfaction of being able to create something important encourages me to work harder.

Q97: Do you have any questions?

In order to get additional information about the company, try to ask the interviewer open-ended questions. But you must understand where to draw the line. If the interviewer wants to wrap up the conversation fast, you must recognise the cue.

Below are some questions you can ask an interviewer at the end of the interview.

  • How does an average workday look like?
  • Can you tell me about the workplace culture?

These are some generally asked accenture interview questions; prepare thoroughly for each question, along with some interview preparation tips.

Interview Preparation tips for Aspirants

The interview is designed to assess your ability to think, code, and solve problems. The technical interview phase may appear difficult at first, but with proper preparation, you may easily pass it. These are some pointers to help you to get success in your Accenture interview:

Learn all the concepts: If you want to clear the technical interview with flying colours at Accenture, you must first know the basic about coding, algorithms, and data structures. You should have proficient knowledge on algorithm-based and system design problems when preparing for and practising for the interview.

Enhance your problem-solving abilities: You will be able to solve any type of difficulty with adequate practise. This precise talent can only be honed by answering and learning these questions every day and modifying the way you perceive and approach every single topic.

Clarify your doubts: Before the interview, join some relevant online forums or use any valuable resources to clear your worries. You should be well-prepared and confident to answer any question that the interviewer asks during the interview.

Take part in mock interviews: Mock interviews are a great way to practise and gain feedback on areas where you need to improve. Mock interviews will also boost your confidence for the real time.

Be calm and composed during the interview: Take your time to fully comprehend the questions posed to you. If necessary, try to figure out a strategy before diving into any coding problems.

Ask questions: At the end of the interview, you should be prepared to ask the interviewer questions about the policies, work culture, etc. This will undoubtedly demonstrate your interest in the organisation and the position for which you are seeking.

Wrapping up

Accenture is one of the top Fortune 500 companies in the world, outperforming other MNCs in terms of revenue and profitability. It is renowned for having a diverse and vibrant workplace culture. You might develop your expertise and career with Accenture.

Every year, Accenture announces huge vacancies for various openings. Candidates should make every effort to fulfil their objectives, and the organisation should speed up the process to obtain greater recognition in the long term. Accenture declared that it will hire a large number of people with numerous roles, so this is an excellent opportunity for all of you.

Hopefully this blog helps you learn more about the Accenture interview process and prepare for it. In this blog, we have focused on many areas such as Accenture corporate profile, Accenture interview questions for freshers/experienced Accenture HR interview questions, and Accenture technical interview questions. Prepare yourself thoroughly for each question, since this blog will improve your grasp of the Accenture recruitment process.


Q1.What should I do to prepare for my Accenture interview?

Ans:- The following are a few things to consider as you prepare for the Accenture interview:

Do your research: Mainly Understand the job role for which you are applying, as well as some Accenture-related facts. Prepare by researching these topics in advance, whether by studying Accenture's official website or speaking with a friend who works for Accenture.

Think During your responses: While Accenture interview themes might range from technical to personal, plan ahead of time how you will respond to the inquiries. Consider the role's needs, your successes, and your own goals, which will help you prepare for the interview sessions.

Prepare the following questions: Your interviewer will usually allow you time to ask questions. As a result, it is critical to have a question ready to ask! Not one that has already been answered, but one that indicates your knowledge and interest in both the position and the organisation.

Q2. Is the Accenture interview difficult?

Ans:- The Accenture interview may be difficult, but it is easily overcome with adequate preparation. Accenture's different interview rounds are challenging compared to ordinary interviews at large corporate organisations since Accenture is a high-performing company that aims to hire the best people possible. However, with proper preparation, the interview can really become relatively easy to pass.

Q3. Why should Accenture hire you?

Ans:- The question can effectively be answered as follows: "It is a fantastic opportunity for me to be interviewed in such a prestigious company." I am convinced that Accenture will provide me with a good platform to demonstrate my talents and knowledge in the corporate sector. Well, this is the job for which I am looking. Despite my inexperience, I assure you that I will give my all and work to my full capacity in order to contribute as much as possible to the growth and success of this fantastic brand. So I'm definitely looking forward to working with Accenture."

Q4. What is the work atmosphere at Accenture?

Ans:- Accenture's dynamic work environment is the primary reason why it is a wonderful location to work or advance your career. You will work and learn from some of the smartest, most generous people on the planet, with diverse areas of expertise and experiences. Accenture's multi-functional spaces essentially foster creativity, innovation, learning and growth, and teamwork regardless of work location.

Q5.How long does the Accenture interview process take?

Ans:- The Accenture interview process typically takes one month from start to finish, though it may take longer during peak recruitment periods. Once a candidate's online application and interviews are finished, Accenture typically strives to react to their decision within 10-15 working days. So, if you passed an assessment test, you should receive favourable feedback within two weeks of its completion.

Every year, Accenture receives a considerable number of applications for various positions. As a result, there is a greater chance that it will end applications earlier than expected, so apply early.

Q6. How are java collections interview questions beneficial for a person?

Ans:- Java collections interview questions are a set of questions that help the candidate to perform even better in the interview to pursue his career in Java collections. It is the ultimate solutions for every data manipulation jobs involving data collection, finding, sorting, inserting an deleting data. Java collection works as a single entity, and a Java Collection Framework offers multiple interfaces and Classes. 

Q7. How is business analyst online course helpful for an individual?

Ans:- Business analyst is a tempting job area and there are several benefits of pursuing business analyst online course. The advantages have been mentioned below:

  • The course can help fetch lucrative job offers.
  • It will boost data-interpretation and decision-making capabilities.
  • It imparts knowledge on how to quantify business ethics.
  • It widens the viewpoint and assists in data visualization.
  • It exposes individual to data management and decision trees.
  • The job does not get monotonous and always keeps the person ready to use new business tools. 

Q8. How is business analyst training courses at Janbask Trainign a great choice?

Ans:- Business analyst training courses at Janbask Training nourishes your practical skills through the modern business analyst tools and methods apart from planning and observing, visualizations, Data Analysis, SDLC models and Agile Scrum techniques. Janbask Training involves great expertise and real-world assignments that helps you to become a professional in this domain and outshine the rest of the crowd. The topclass mentors and online learning materials provide proper ground to turn you into a leading business analyst. 

Q9. There are several skills taught in business analyst training. What are they?

Ans:- The business analyst training imparts certain skills to a candidate because to execute the responsibilities, he must possess a technical and non-technical skill set. Some of the skills are listed below:

  • Degree and field insight- The person must have a degree in the specific field. Having proper knowledge in the domain along with working experience is also necessary.
  • Analytical skills- Business analysts must have analytical skills, part from logical and intricate thinking. This allows interpretation of business demands and selecting the proper solution to address any business issue.
  • Microsoft Excel- Excel creates multiple graphs and allows creating dynamic reports as per a business problem.
  • Negotiation skills- A business analyst should possess great negotiation skills to attain profitable outcome for the firm while maintaining customer satisfaction. 

Q10. What is the advantage of online business analyst class?

Ans:- Online business analyst class helps the candidate to attend the sessions from the comfort of their home. They do not need to travel to a physical location but they can attend the training easily from their place, under the guidance of expert mentors through e-learning materials. Online business analyst class trains the candidate to incorproate specific skills to establish himself as a professional in this domain.


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