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AngularJs vs Angular Versions - Comparison Guide


Google developed Angular in 2009 and launched its revised version 1.0 in 2011. Angular JS has become one of the most preferred choices by JavaScript developers today. This is the market leader of open-source JavaScript frameworks too. It is well known for its enthusiastic support and widespread adoption among enterprise owners and individuals.

Angular has evolved from the basic version to the latest Angular 6.0 version where advanced features are added to every new version to make it more suitable as per the latest market trends. Many of the users are planning to migrate to its latest and improved versions due to the advanced functionality and features available with them. Considering that, in this difference guide on angular vs angularJS we will provide you :

  • Different versions of Angular with their noticeable features
  • Difference between Angular and AngularJS
  • Comparative study of various AngularJS versions that help you understand the difference between Angular and Angular JS

Through this comparative study, you will be able to compare and choose the best suitable Angular version among all Angular versions,  for your next IT project.

So. let start with, what are all the different versions of Angular.

AngularJS vs Angular Versions: Demystifying The Differences Between AngularJs and Angular Versions

Differences Between AngularJs and Angular Versions

AngularJS vs Angular Versions:

Before explaining and comparing all versions of AngularJS in detail, let us first describe the major differences with their noticeable features & updates in brief:

Angular vs Angular JS: AngularJS / Angular version 1.0

AngularJS is a front-end, open-source, JavaScript-based dynamic web application framework that is used for web application development.AngularJS uses HTML as a scripting language to extend its syntax. In AngularJS data is bound with expressions and helps to create a more expressive and extraordinary environment that can quickly develop the applications.

Features & Updates of AngularJS / Angular version 1.0 

  • A JavaScript MVW Framework
  • Use HTML as a scripting language
  • Allows easy event Handling
  • Supports for Data Binding
  • Built-In Template Engine and Routing
  • Form Validations and Animations
  • Dependencies Injection

In the versions that were launched after AngularJS, the term Angular is associated with almost every version including Angular 2, Angular 4, and the rest of the versions. 

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular version 2

Angular 2.0 was the complete rewrite of AngularJS, which is a more streamlined framework that allows developers to focus on simply building JavaScript classes. 

Features & Updates of Angular version 2

  • Modern, faster, and highly scalable framework
  • An equally useful for all platforms including web, mobile, and desktop apps
  • Web components based architecture
  • Supports Hierarchical Dependency Injection

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular Version 4

Angular 4 is a backward compatible and rewrite version of Angular2 and is not majorly different from Angular2. This version has come up with advanced built-in features for animation, HTTP service, and materials which in turn has features such as auto-complete, navigation, toolbar, menus, and more.

Features & Updates of Angular 4

  • Reduce code up to 60%
  • Offer Animation in a separate package 
  • Supports for if/else statement
  • Supports for email validator

Both Angular 2 and Angular 4 are TypeScript-based open-source versions.

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular Version 5

Angular 5.0 has lots of improved features and several bugs have been fixed in this version and have improved performance. It is quite an advanced and improved version of Angular4.0. Several drawbacks of version 4 have been removed in Angular 5.

Angular 5 is far better than earlier versions of Angular JS. It has a bunch of new features and focuses more on improving the performance and enhancing the bug-fixing capabilities. Here, we are going to enlist some of the surprises offered by  Angular5  for Angular lovers:

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See what’s new in angular 5

  • Angular 5 has a build optimizer to reduce or eliminate useless code from the application. This helps to achieve a more optimized, neater, shorter, and arranged code structure when compared to previous versions.
  • It has an in-built Angular Universal State Transfer API and Dom that helps in sharing the application state between the client-side and the server-side.
  • Incremental compilation can be done with the help of the Angular 5 compiler and due to this feature, applications can be compiled in a faster and easier manner.
  • In this version of Angular 5, whitespace is preserved that helps in keeping the code well-arranged and organized. There are meaningful gaps and disjoints are also removed from the code.
  • The code can be optimized for different browsers, for this well-defined structure is being used along with a special format for date, numbers, currencies, and other functional elements.
  • Angular 5 comes with increased decorator support with lambda expressions and don’t have nomenclatures or naming functions. Here’s an example:

Updates of Angular 5.0

Features & Updates of Angular 5.0 

  • Make AOT the default
  • Easier to build progressive web apps
  • Type checking in templates
  • Support Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes.
  • An update to Httpclient
  • Zone speed improvements
  • New Router Lifecycle Event

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular Version 6

Angular 6.0 has been furthermore advanced and improved than Angular 5. It is a faster, smaller, and easy-to-use version launched to make the life of developers easier and advanced.

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Angular 6 has some of the advanced features and it is quite easier and faster in use. Below-listed features are provided in the latest version:

See what’s new in Angular 6

  • It has improved decorator and error message scheme
  • Multiple validators are added for the array method
  • Added support for the native elements
  • Closure compiler that continuously generates small bundles
  • Typescript 2.7 + supports
  • Injectable HttpInterceprtor that can be injected HttpClient
  • Missing lifecycle tests can be added for projected components
  • Optional generic types can be added for ElementRef
  • Query predicates can be renamed LQuery and LQuery to queries
  • Canonical view query can be added
  • Type and hooks can be added to directive def
  • Restored state and navigation source can be added to NavigationStart

Features & Updates of Angular 6

  • Provide Angular  element
  • Service Worker Support
  • Removed template elements
  • Introduces  internationalization or i18n
  • introduced a third rendering engine called Ivy
  • ngModelChange
  • ElementRef, RxJS 6.0
  • Bazel Compiler support

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 7

Angular 7 has come up with some useful upgraded features for Angular front-end developers including improvements to Angular Material and the core framework, advanced CLI with synchronized major versions, and upgraded toolchain.

Features & Updates of Angular 7

  • CLI prompts updated to v7.0.2 with new features
  • Angular material & component dev kit (CDK)
  • drag & drop interfaces
  • Supports Virtual Scrolling
  • Application performance improvements
  • Documentation updates
  • Dependency updates

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 8

Angular 8 includes a new schematic used with the ng generate command to create and update the necessary files in your project and easier handling of CPU-intensive tasks in your apps. 

Features & Updates of Angular 8

  • Differential loading of modern JavaScript. 
  • Opt-In usage sharing. 
  • Improved web worker bundling. 
  • Angular router backward compatibility. 
  • Dependency updates
  • Support for TypeScript 3.4.
  • Dart-sass for Sass files.

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 9

Angular 9 is a major release that switches applications to the Ivy compiler and runtime by default and introduces improved ways of testing components.

Features & Updates of Angular 9

  • Support Ivy compiler and runtime by default
  • Provide faster testing
  • Offer better debugging
  • Angular Core Type-Safe Changes. 
  • ModuleWithProviders Support. 
  • Changes with Angular Forms. 
  • Dependency Injection Changes in Core. 
  • Enhancement of Language Service. 
  • Service Worker Updates. 
  • i18n Improvements.

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 10

Angular 10 is highly focused on the quality tools and ecosystem instead of launching new features and provides a stricter project setup for making a new workspace using ng new.

Features & Updates of Angular 10

  • Warnings on CommonJS Imports
  • Optional Stricter Settings
  • New Date Range Picker
  • Enhanced Community Engagement
  • Boost in ngcc Performance
  • Async Locking Timeout
  • Compiler Update
  • Introduced TSLint v6, TSLib 2.9, and Typescript 3.9
  • Fixes Terser Inlining Bug

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 11

Angular 11 provides experimental support for web pack 5, includes stricter types, router performance improvements, and automatic inlining of fonts, and more.

Features & Updates of Angular 11

  • Automatic Inlining of Fonts.
  • Component Test Harnesses.
  • Improved Reporting and Logging.
  • Updated Language Service Preview.
  • Updated Hot Module Replacement (HMR) Support.
  • Faster Builds.
  • Experimental webpack 5 Support.

Angular vs Angular JS: Angular 12

Angular 12 is the latest production release of Google's popular TypeScript-based web framework, which adds compiler support for shorthand property declarations as well as fixes for the compiler, compiler CLI, router, and service workers.

Features & Updates of Angular 12

  • Migrating from legacy i18n message IDs
  • Protractor: planning for future
  • Nullish Coalescing
  • Improvements in styling
  • Deprecating support for IE11
  • Strict by default
  • Production build by default
  • HTTP improvements
  • ng API improvements
  • Offer New Dev Tools
  • Improvements for in an operator
  • And more..

Difference Between AngularJs vs. Angular 2 vs. Angular 4 vs. Angular 5 vs. Angular 6 infographic

Angular vs Angular JS: Difference Between Angular and AngularJS

Angular vs Angular JS

People are often confused between Angular and AngularJS. It might be a surprise to you that Angular is different from AngularJs.

So, what is the difference between angular and angularJS?

Here is your answer...

AngularJS vs Angular: Angular

AngularJS vs Angular: AngularAngular is an open-source Typescript framework introduced by Google for web application development. Its updated versions are much more efficient than older ones. Angular is a blanket term used for all the versions which have been released after AngularJS. Angular has become the topmost choice of developers due to a wider range of features that are offered in its every improved version. 

AngularJS vs Angular :Angular JS

AngularJS vs Angular :Angular JS

AngularJs is the fastest growing and evolving Javascript open-source front-end framework that is mainly used to develop single-page front-end web applications(SPAs). It is a continuously growing and widely preferred framework that provides better ways for developing web applications.

It can resolve the compliance factors and compatibility issues across different orientations of mobile and desktop. This is all because the language provides a continuously expanding and growing framework to provide better ways for developing web applications. More authentic templates and the data-binding facility are also available within this framework.

To choose the best among all available version, this is necessary here to compare various versions of Angular to get a perfect idea.

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Difference Between AngularJs and Angular Versions

Differences between Angular JS and Angular 2

When the first version of AngularJS was released in 2010 than it was referred to as Angular 1, while Angular 2 was released in 2016 that was not an update but a completely transformed version of Angular which was written from the scratch only. This is why when someone writes a code in Angular and Angular 2, it looks completely different. Here, in this section, we are going to highlight the major differences between both of these versions that make them unique from each other.

Angular JS vs Angular 2 – Components

Here, Angular JS wins the race among the two.

  • When AngularJS and Angular 2 are compared, Angular JS is found much smoother and faster in message processing and communication between various components. Therefore, it is considered a highly supportive and convenient interface for the developers.
  • AngularJS is controller-based in which $scope is used to set up communication among different Views, while Angular 2 is component-based. In Angular 2 the controllers are only used assorted building blocks that make the code reusability easier.
  • As Angular 2  is component-based that promotes smoothness and consistency, unit testing is done in quite less time than Angular JS. Due to this feature, they can be tested conveniently for the use of resources, event execution, and component flow.

Angular JS vs Angular 2 – Performance

Here, Angular 2 is a Winner.

  • If the performance of Angular JS and Angular 2 will be compared then you will find that Angular 2 is 5 times faster than AngularJS.
  • One more major difference between both versions is that Angular JS does not support mobile apps, while Angular 2 does support all mobile, desktop, and web apps.
  • There are more language choices in Angular 2 like Dart, JavaScript, TypeScript, Elm, and PureScript, etc. while there is no such choice in AngularJS that makes them unique from each other.

Differences Between Angular 2 And Angular 4

Angular 2 was released in 2016 and Angular 4 in 2017, but both are different in terms of performance values. Angular 4 can be considered as an enhanced version of Angular 2 because it comes with better performance, better resources, better user-interaction features, smoother user experience, better results, least commotions, and faster reflexes, etc. Differences between these two versions are listed below:

  • Approaches and concepts of both Angular 2 and Angular 4 are a little bit the same, so the developers can easily work on Angular 4 if they have earlier worked on Angular 2.
  • Angular 2 and Angular 4 both are the enhanced size of AoT( ahead-of-time) and have compiler-generated code. Due to compiler-generated code, Angular 4 is much more smoother and swift than Angular 2.
  • They Support different typescript versions, Angular 2 supports TypeScript 1.8 version, whereas Angular 4 supports the typescript 2.1 and 2.2 versions.
  • See how Angular 2, user can use “else” block along with “*ngif” block, and how the same code be written in Angular 4?

Angular 2 Code:


Angular 4 Code:


AngularJS vs Angular 4: Difference between AngularJS and angular 4

AngularJS is a front-end, open-source, JavaScript-based dynamic web application framework that uses HTML as a scripting language in web application development.  Angular 2 was the complete rewrite of AngularJS, while Angular 4 is not majorly different from Angular2. It is a backward compatible and rewrites version of Angular2. 

Angular 4 vs Angular 5: Difference Between Angular 4 and Angular 5

Angular 4 is a JavaScript-based open-source framework for building web applications in JavaScript, HTML, and supports earlier TypeScript versions such as TypeScript 2.2 and 2.1. Angular 5 is more advanced than Angular 4, has its own set of features like build optimizer, compiler improvements, and code-sharing feature.

  • Angular 4 supports earlier TypeScript versions such as TypeScript 2.2 and 2.1, whereas Angular 5 only supports TypeScript 2.5.
  • Angular 4 does not have the feature of build optimizer, whereas  Angular 5 has.
  • Angular 5 provides the option to restrict tabs, whitespaces, and newlines whereas, Angular 4 doesn’t.
  • Angular 5 provides support of multiple naming schemes for both directives and components whereas Angular 4 doesn’t.
  • Using Angular 5, a developer can track the route of life cycle events with a new router which provides a more realistic tracking than Angular 4.

Angular vs Angular JS: What is Better Angular or AngularJS?

Angular is MUCH BETTER than Angular JS, as it is five times faster than AngularJS due to a more advanced algorithm for data binding and a component-based architecture.  Angular applications can be rendered both on browsers and mobile devices whereas AngularJS applications do not support by mobile browsers. However, Angular has a Better structure compare to AngularJS, it is easier to create and maintain large applications with Angular but left behind AngularJS in the case of small applications development.

Angular JS vs Angular: Which Angular Version Is Best Overall?

Although Angular has released many versions with different advanced features and updates, both Angular 2 and Angular 4 are among the most popular and widely preferred good choices for the development of enterprise web applications with high standards for code reliability. However, Angular 4 has much more advanced features than Angular 2 applications and uses TypeScript version 2.2, which is the latest TypeScript version.

Rest all depends on your project requirements.

Final Words On Angular vs AngularJs

Web applications development has become more secure, easy, and quick with the help of Angular JS. It has made the applications scalable, flexible, and highly secure. Users can easily upgrade the basic version of Angular JS to any of the latest advanced versions. As there were some bottlenecks in the previous Angular versions, so the advanced versions were launched to eliminate those drawbacks and introduced new features.

After comparing all of these versions of Angular, we can say that each and every version is somehow different and unique from another one. Each version has come up with certain advanced features than its older version and in the future, we can expect more powerful features too. Hope this AngularJS vs Angular comparison guide help you in understanding the difference between Angular and AngularJS. And help you pick the one that suits your requirements the most.

If you are a new Angular user, you still might have confusion or need any professional assistance for your next project, you can reach our expert professional at JanBask Training.

Do you have any questions about Angular and Angular JS? Feel free to comment below!!

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  • P

    Prince Bailey

    Earlier I was unable to differentiate between Angular js and Angular, but after going through this post now I understand their basic differences.

    • JanBask  User


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  • B

    Bodhi Rivera

    Quite an informative post, most of the blog I found on the same topic has covered older Angular version, this blog is providing details of all released angular versions till today.

    • JanBask  User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Titus Perry

    One of the best blogs I have found on Angular js vs Angular versions.

    • JanBask  User


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    Rylan Parez

    Does Angular JS also have different versions?

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    Kayson Powell

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    Ricardo Long

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    • JanBask  User


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Tanner Patterson

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    • JanBask  User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Paxton Harris

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    • JanBask  User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • N

    Nash Martin

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    • JanBask  User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • O

    Omar Moore

    Thanks for such a detailed blog, but still I need professional assistance to identify which one will be more suitable as per my project. Can your team help me with that?

    • JanBask  User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

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