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Manual vs Automation Testing - Your Complete Guide!


Software is a broad term used to describe the various kinds of programs that are used to operate various computers and other related devices. It can be called a collection of instructions that empower the user to act together with a computer and its hardware to perform the desired tasks. However, the software requires testing to achieve optimal performance levels post-rollout. Here comes the necessity of manual and automation testing. To know which one is better or the best suited one for your software, you need to be a certified software tester with a clear idea of manual testing vs automation testing.

Just like software is crucial for computers, testing is crucial for software to function properly. Therefore, when software is developed, it is tested carefully to check whether it works as desired. Otherwise, it is useless.

A comparison between manual testing vs automation testing will help understand which technique is best suited to check a software’s effectiveness.

In this article, we will delve into dwell between manual vs automation testing. You will learn:  -

  • What is software testing? And a brief on manual testing vs automation testing
  • Why do we need software testing?
  • What is manual testing?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of manual testing?
  • What is automation testing?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of automation testing?
  • What is the difference between automation testing and manual testing? And more!

So, without wasting further time, let’s dive in for an enriched learning experience!

What Is Software Testing?

Software Testing is the activity that is aimed at evaluating the capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its expected results. Simply put, it is the process of executing a program or system  to find errors or mistakes. 

The problem in software testing stems from the complexity of the software; we cannot wholly test a program with mild complexity. Software Testing is something more than just debugging. The purpose of software testing can be quality assurance, reliability estimation or verification and validation.

Unlike physical systems, most software defects are design errors and not manufacturing defects. Once the software is ready, the design defects remain concealed until activation. Therefore, software testing becomes an integral part of removing any of the bugs that may have appeared. You first have to become a software tester to learn about the detailed concept. 

Why Do We Need Software Testing?

Software testing is broadly dispersed in every phase of the software development cycle. More than 50% of the development time is spent in its testing.

need of software testing

Software testing is needed in software development for the following purposes:

Read: Sanity Testing Tutorial Guide for Beginner

1. For Reliability Estimation—Software reliability is related to many aspects of the software, including its structure and the amount of testing it has been subjected to. Testing can serve as a statistical sampling method to gain failure data for reliability estimation based on an operational profile.

2. To Improve Quality - As computers and software are used in critical applications, the outcome of a bug can be severe. Bugs in critical systems have caused airplane crashes, halted trading on the stock market, and even worse. Bugs can cause massive disasters. 

Quality means conformance to the specified design requirement. To be correct, the minimum requirement of quality means performing as required under specified circumstances. Debugging is a narrow view of software testing, and the programmer performs it heavily to find design defects.

3. For Verification and Validation - Verification and validation are other vital purposes of software testing. Testers make claims based on interpretations of the testing results. We can also compare the quality of different products under the same specification based on results from the same test. Good software testing provides measures for all relevant factors.

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Learn QA Software Testing in the Easiest Way

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What Is Manual Testing?

Manual Testing is a procedure done to determine the defects in software that have been developed. In this type of testing, the tester manually checks the features of the given application, program, and software to ensure the proper functioning of that application, program, or software. 

In Manual Testing, a tester executes the test cases and generates test reports without using automation testing tools. It is performed by an experienced testing professional as a preparatory method that must be completed before the various experiments are automated. This method additionally checks the need for mechanized testing. 

What Are the Advantages of Manual Testing?

Here are a few advantages and disadvantages that you have when you opt for manual testing-

advantages of manual testing

  1. Cost-Effective in Short-Term Scenarios: Buying software automation tools can turn out to be very expensive. With the help of manual testing, you won’t have to invest an insanely huge amount of money in testing
  2. Bugs Related to User-Handling are Caught More Easily: Automated tests are literally robotic. They fail to act as an actual end-user would. On the other hand, manual testing permits the developing program to be tested and used as it would be used on its launch or final delivery. Any bugs and defects that may pop up as soon as a user handles the given software in a certain way are more likely to be wedged with the help of manual testing.
  3. Manual Testing is Adaptable: In manual testing, you can swiftly test and see the outcomes. Automatic tests take more time to set up and adjust to the change, which prevents you from testing ideas swiftly and conveniently.
  4. Effortless recruitment: In manual testing, the skills required are more generalized, allowing a wider pool of candidates to perform the tests, thereby simplifying the hiring process and making it more efficient.

Manual Testing Cons

  • Incomplete defect detection: In manual testing, there is no guarantee of achieving 100% test coverage, which means some defects may go undetected.
  • Non-recordable process: You will not be able to record the manual testing process. Hence, you can’t use this process again.
  • Time-consuming: Manual testing is an extensive activity that requires a significant amount of time to develop test cases manually, ensuring all functionalities are covered and tested.
  • High expertise needed: While manual testing can be performed by anyone, certain complex cases demand a higher level of expertise.

Read More: Manual Testing Interview Questions & Answers

What Is Automation Testing?

Before we discuss manual testing vs. automation testing, let’s first understand Automation Testing. It is a type of testing performed with the help of an automation tool to write and then execute a tester's test scripts and test cases. The critical purpose of Automation Testing is to lessen the number of test cases run by manual testers but not discard Manual Testing altogether.

If the software's intended expectations and outcomes align, then it is understood that your project is behaving as it should and that your program is most likely bug-free. If the two are not in accordance, that indicates an issue that needs to be addressed. 

You'll have to examine your code carefully, change it, and continue to run the necessary tests until the actual results align with the expected results.

Read: Usability Testing Interview Questions & Answers for Fresher, Experienced


What Are the Advantages & Disadvanages of Automation Testing?

Before you pick sides regarding the type of testing, manual testing vs. automation testing, it is better that you consider the advantages of automation testing, too. 

advantages of automation testing

  1. 1. Instantaneous and Cogent: It is true that the initial setup of the testing does take time, but once it is done, there are no delays after that. Everything is as quick as it could be. You will not be required to continuously fill out the same information or remember to run certain particular tests. Everything is taken care of for you already.
  2. 2. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: While the automation tools can seem exorbitant initially, they do end up saving you a good amount of money in the long run. They surely do a lot more than a human tester can in a given amount of time, and additionally, they also find defects faster.
  3. You may get in touch with the experts to learn about Automation Testing Course
  4. 3. More Fascinating: You can never get bored while conducting automation testing, as setting up test cases requires coding brainpower and thought, which keeps the best of your technical minds engrossed and dedicated to the process.
  5. 4. The Results are Public: In manual testing, the rest of the team involved cannot see the results while the tests are being run. With automated tests, people can simply sign into the testing system and see the results yielded. This provides a good base for superior team cooperation and, eventually a better final product. 

Read More: Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers

Here, we will share a few cons of using automation testing.

Automation Testing Cons

  • Challenging visual inspection- Without human intervention, it is not possible to gain any visual aspects of your UI like font, sizes, colors, contrast or button sizes.
  • Costly implementation: Automation testing incurs high expenses due to the necessity of purchasing tools, which adds to the project's budget.

  • Not foolproof: Automation tests have limitations, and mistakes in automated testing can result in errors and omissions. They may not be 100%  foolproof. 

  • Debugging issues: Debugging a test script is another significant drawback of automated testing.

We also have a bonus for you! Check out these 7 hand-picked automation testing tools

And also go through these 29 Latest Automated Software Testing Tools for Use In 2024 if you crave for more. 

Few Automation Testing Tools

  1. Katalon Studio
  2. Selenium
  3. Appium
  4. TestComplete
  5. Cypress
  6. Ranorex Studio
  7. Perfecto

By now, we have covered what is manual testing and automation testing in-depth. Let’s move on to the difference between manual and automation testing!

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Manual Testing vs Automation Testing: Difference Between Automation Testing and Manual Testing

You can test software through both the techniques, automated and manual testing. But which one you ultimately choose boils down to various factors, such as the associated costs of your project and the benefits it would yield concerning a particular project. 

So, let’s discuss the difference between manual and automation testing. You can then see and weigh the pros and cons of both types of testing and decide the best one for your project – manual testing vs automation testing.

Difference Between Automation Testing and Manual Testing

So, you got to know about manual testing vs automation testing by now. The above comparison must have helped you undersatnd about both these methods of testing and how they work in a detailed way.  Read: Top 10 Automation Testing Tools to Look Out in 2020

Test Cases - Manual Testing vs Automation Testing

Test cases


To help you better analyze manual vs automation testing, here are a few scenarios or manual vs automation testing examples that explain the usability of either of the testing methods in different test cases.

  • Exploratory Testing: In this type of testing, the tester needs consciousness experience, interpretive/rational aptitudes, ingenuity, and intuition. You need human abilities to accomplish the testing process in this scenario and, therefore, should conduct manual testing.
  • Usability Testing: This is one area in which you need to see and test how user-friendly, effective, or suitable the software is for the end-users. Here, human opinion is the most significant factor, so a manual method is a better choice.
  • Ad-hoc Testing: In this test case scenario, there is no definite approach. It is a completely haphazard method of testing, where the tester's indulgence and acumen are the only central factors. Therefore, manual testing can be preferred.
  • Regression Testing: In this scenario, automated testing is considered suitable because of recurrent changes required in the code, and the capability to run the regressions on time is required.
  • Load Testing: Automated testing is also the best method for competently completing load testing.
  • Repeated Execution: Testing which needs repeated task implementation is best automated.
  • Performance Testing: Likewise, testing that needs the replication of numerous concurrent users definitely needs automation.

You may also Read - How to become an automation testing expert?

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing Salary

While talking about manual vs automation testing salary, let’s find out how much a manual tester and automation tester can earn depending on the roles and responsibilities of automation tester and manual tester. 


  • As per, manual testers can earn $82,650 per year on an average in the US. While, automation testers can earn around $100,000 per annum.
  • As per Glassdoor, manual testers can earn Rs. 4,12 017 per annum on average. On the other hand, automation testers can earn Rs. 5,77,715 per annum.

You may read our detailed blog on QA tester career path if you are a job-seeker and want to learn more on manual vs automation testing salary!

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Concluding on Manual Testing vs Automation Testing

Testing is essential to creating effective software that meets all your expectations. The type of testing you wish to conduct (manual or automated) depends on various factors. These include a project’s needs, the given budget, schedule, expertise that your team has, and appropriateness. 

Are you a professional or a fresher looking to learn software testing? So here’s a tip for you from us. To decide upon a course, focus on the three ‘Cs,’ i.e., course time, course cost, and course quality. You can also get a free consultation on online QA training at Janbask Training.  

In case you are a business owner, we hope to  clear all doubts related to the manual vs automation testing once and for all. Assess your project against the various parameters already mentioned to make the right choice! 

To help you understand the manual vs automation testing properly, here are a few most asked questions related to the topic.  Also, don’t forget to share your suggestions in the comment section, happy reading!

Frequently Asked Questions on Manual Testing vs Automation Testing

Q1. Why use manual testing over automated?

Ans:- Automated testing is advanced and can handle sophisticated testing, but in some situations manual testing can be used. In manual testing, there is a lower risk for false negatives. 

Generally, repetitive tests should be automated except the situations when they occur infrequently.

One of the major advantages of mannual testing is that it has focused attention. When a testing is carried manually, there is more ability to manage complex test scenarios.

Q2. Can automation testing replace manual testing?

Ans:- It is not possible that automation testing will not completely replace manual testing. There is a need for both manual and automation testing. Manual testing is generally used to handle complex test cases, while automated testing handles simpler, more repetitive tests. Lastly, in manual vs automation testing – manual testing is important. Adding automated testing makes your manual tests more efficient. 

Q3. Why use automation testing over manual testing? 

Ans:- A major difference between automation testing and manual testing is that automation testing is time-saving. Users often choose automated testing over manual testing because of the timing. Automated testing was developed because manual testing is time-consuming.   

Q4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of automated testing and manual testing?

Ans:-In the manual testing vs automation testing, both have their strengths and drawbacks. Manual testing is considered as slow and reduction but it is better in handling complex scenarios.  For the automated testing, you need coding and test maintenance. Also, it is faster and can cover many more permutations. 

Q5. Is it possible for someone to become an automation tester without ever having been a manual QA?

Ans:-Yes, it is possible to become an automation tester without ever having been a manual QA. A QA automation engineer is an engineer that have both- QA and Automation skills. 

Q6. What is the difference between manual testing vs automation testing salary?

Ans:-  There is not a huge difference between manual testing vs automation testing salary software developer and a software tester as their ultimate goals are the same to enhance the software quality.

Q7. Is it true that QA automation is much closer to software development rather than manual QA?

Ans:- Yes, automation is closer to software development. In manual testing vs automation testing, Automation means tester writer code, then tests the code, then commits it to the repository. 

Q8. “Manual or automation?” – is it a question of personal choice and preferences, or it is a question of skills and competencies?

Ans:- In terms of skills, becoming an automation tester is big tougher. This is the reason why, there is a less number of CVs on this position. 

Q9. What will be the future of automation?

Ans:-The demand for automation testing experts is expected to reach $26 billion by 2025 that was less than $5 billion in 2018. At present, over 25% of companies utilize automation in their hiring process, and by 2022.

That’s it for now. Hopefully, this post helped in understanding the difference and the complete concept of manual testing vs automation testing. If you have any questions about the topic, feel free to in the comment below. Don’t forget to to check the QA training course, if you are looking ahead for manual testing vs automation testing career. 

How do you Choose Automated Testing over Manual Testing?


Deciding between automated and manual testing hinges on various considerations, and there's no universal solution. Here's a breakdown to assist in making the right choice:

Opt for Automated Testing if:

  • You need to execute repetitive tests frequently: Automated testing excels in tasks like regression testing, ensuring that existing features function correctly after updates. It's significantly faster and more efficient than manual testing for repetitive tasks.
  • You have a large number of tests to cover: Automated testing allows simultaneous execution of hundreds or thousands of tests, a feat impractical to achieve manually. This capability enables broader test coverage in less time.
  • Consistency and precision are paramount: Automated tests follow predefined scripts consistently, reducing human error and ensuring reliable results across tests.
  • Resources for manual testing are limited: Automating tests frees up manual testers to focus on intricate, exploratory testing that demands human judgment.
  • Swift feedback is essential: Automated tests can be scheduled to run overnight or triggered on demand, providing rapid feedback on code changes and promptly detecting regressions.

Choosing the right approach depends on your project's specific needs and goals, balancing the benefits of automation with the nuanced insights and adaptability of manual testing.

Consider manual testing when:

  • Testing complex user interactions or exploring edge cases: Manual testing excels in scenarios requiring human intuition and judgment, where automated tests may struggle. It allows for flexible exploration and discovery of unforeseen issues.
  • Usability testing is crucial: Manual testers provide valuable insights into user experience, navigation, and intuitiveness, aspects that are challenging to capture through automation alone.
  • Tests are conducted infrequently or for short-term projects: Automated testing setup and maintenance can be time-consuming and may not be cost-effective for projects requiring sporadic or limited testing.
  • Technical expertise for automation is lacking: Implementing and managing automated tests often demands programming skills that may not be readily available within your team.

Choosing manual testing offers flexibility and human insight, particularly beneficial for intricate scenarios and projects with unique testing requirements or limited resources for automation.

Manual vs Automation Testing: The Difference


Manual vs Automation TestingYou can test software through both automated and manual testing. However, which one you ultimately choose boils down to various factors, such as the associated costs of your project and the benefits it would yield concerning a particular project. 

So, let’s discuss the difference between manual and automation testing. You can then see and weigh the pros and cons of both types of testing and decide the best one for your project. Let’s study Manual vs automation testing below.

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    Sandip pal

    Sandip has been writing blogs and web copies for us in multiple niches utilizing his deep research skills and product knowledge. Besides work, he loves Traveling and the aroma of Coffee sets his spirit high. He has that never say die spirit towards life and his work. His mantra is simple – “Victory belongs to those who believe in the most and believe in it the longest.”


  • N

    Nash Martin

    Don’t have enough words to express my excitement! This is one of the best posts on the Manual vs Automation Testing and career scope . I’m pretty sure that this post is going to help many people

    • Sandip User


      Thanks for your valuable comment. If you need help with anything else please let us know.

  • B

    Brian Taylor

    Wow, what an Awesome Post. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information on Manual vs Automation Testing and a lot more to to start as a fresher. Really helped me to learn a lot about this job profile.

    • Sandip User


      Glad to hear that you found it helpful. We wish you all the best for your career.

  • A

    Aidan Johnson

    I was looking for this kind of comprehensive guidance to approach my career in Manual vs Automation Testing. Thank god, I came here. Keep writing such amazing posts, I will love to explore more.

  • M


    Some great knowledge here – on Manual vs Automation Testing– it’s certainly given me a few ideas for taking things a little further about this particular field. Thanks for sharing!

    • Sandip User


      This is really nice to hear such positive words from you! Keep visiting our site for more insights!

  • D

    Damien Turner

    No doubt, the article is incredible and informational with all the facts Manual vs Automation Testing. I must appreciate how you guys have described every aspect of the topic.

  • H


    Amazing! After going through the whole article I must say it is just wow. I was actively looking for such a quick guide onManual vs Automation Testing. Thanks a lot for sharing it.

    • Sandip User


      You are always welcome, feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this topic.

  • J


    Love the way you provide all the information in such an easy to understand way, Thank you so much for this post. I will surely keep checking your blogs!

    • Sandip User


      Glad to know that you found the post helpful. We will also strive to bring more insights.

  • J


    One of the best posts I have ever come across. Not only did I learn a lot about Manual vs Automation Testing but also it took me hardly 10 minutes to go through the whole post. I will make sure to bookmark this post.

    • Sandip User


      This is really motivating to hear from you. Often visit our site for more such information.

  • J

    Jax Williams

    Hey, thanks for all these facts and points on Manual vs Automation Testing. They are actually very helpful. I have just one doubt, do I need to take any additional courses to get a job in this field?

    • Sandip User


      Thank you for your comment. Please share your email for us to get back to you over this!

  • J

    Jorge Hall

    I was looking for this topic to plan my career in Manual vs Automation Testing. I must say this post is so nice and very informative, thanks a lot for sharing this post.

    • Sandip User


      Thank you too for your positive comment. Keep coming back for more insights!

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