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Decoding the Nuances of Cyber Literacy and Digital Literacy


Why understanding the difference between cyber literacy and digital literacy is crucial?

The Internet has become an indispensable part of our lives today, and it is tough to imagine a world without it. Whether you are a student or a business person, a homemaker or a salaried employee of a company, the information that you readily receive just by the click of a button has made our lives easier in multiple ways. However, the increasing number of cyber-attacks has made us wary of the uniquely shocking and disappointing events that can happen to any of us due to the lack of cyber literacy. 

And to gain cyber literacy, it is essential to understand digital literacy because the former cannot be achieved before the latter. Before learning to protect personal information on a chosen digital device, one needs to learn how to operate the device and navigate through the various channels that the Internet has to offer. Cyber literacy is incomplete without digital literacy. Let’s explore these terms in depth and understand why it is important to know about them for the future consumption of the Internet.

What is Digital Literacy?

Before learning about cyber literacy, let’s delve into what digital literacy is. In simpler terms, digital literacy is the ability to use and navigate through computers and other technological devices. When a person is digitally literate, he/she/they can use digital tools and platforms effectively.

Suppose you have downloaded an app that lets you order groceries and delivers them to your chosen address. If you are digitally literate, you shall have no problem doing this, but if you are not, you might have a tough time understanding the layout of the app and navigating through the various breadcrumbs or categories.

The world was a lot simpler before the advent of the Internet. People read books and picked up things by communicating with each other. The Internet has changed the way knowledge is shared and perceived. Even though it has helped mankind in countless ways, one cannot help but acknowledge the perennial state of confusion it has led to due to the vast pool of data it holds.

To determine how well someone comprehends digital literacy, Dr. Doug Belshaw came up with 8 elements or parts that offer a holistic view of the entire concept. These are like different pieces that make up a person's digital skills. One can learn these aspects to understand the importance of digital literacy in-depth. 

The 8 elements are:

  1. Cognitive (How to Do) – It emphasizes how to use technology efficiently. Learning to use technological devices or gadgets makes us realize why technology literacy is important in this era of digitalization.
  2. Confident (How to Belong) - This element emphasizes how to be a part of the online world and understand how the online/digital space is quite different from the offline world.
  3. Cultural (How to Behave) - This element focuses on etiquette and conduct. It talks about how people should behave with others online.
  4. Constructive (How to Use) - This element talks about how to be creative and make the most of the content online. It is imperative to figure out the practical applications of all the data available online.
  5. Communicative (How to Communicate) - This element is about learning and familiarizing oneself with accepted communication methods and linguistic preferences across various online platforms.
  6. Civic (How to Participate) - This element is about how to participate in social events online.
  7. Critical (How to Evaluate) - This element focuses on the ability to question, analyze, and understand the reasoning behind a piece of content available online. It also involves the concept of media literacy, addressing how the media industry works and conducts itself online.
  8. Creative (How to Create) - When people learn to create content for online platforms that can help or educate the audience in some way, it can be termed as creative literacy.

Thus, digital literacy can be referred to a human’s ability to access, understand, evaluate, and, receive and share information with the help of technological devices and digital platforms. An individual that holds technical as well as cognitive skills can be identified as someone with digital literacy. 

Digital literacy is not impossible or extremely difficult to achieve. Unlike rocket science, the learning process is gradual and encompasses several steps, trials, and errors when venturing into digital space. Unfortunately, digital literacy is highly undervalued, as people do not realize it is essential to be digitally literate before aiming for digital cyber literacy

What is Cyber Literacy?

What is Cyber Literacy

Cyber literacy can be defined as the intelligence to use computer technologies effectively and realize the positive as well as negative implications of cybersecurity. Most technological products used for communication, such as computers, smartphones, and iPads, can ensure access to the Internet and open the world of cyberspace for all their users. Thus, it is also important for users to understand why technology literacy is equally important as digital cyber literacy or cyber literacy, for that matter.

Cyber literacy is the first and foremost step in being aware of cybersecurity measures. It is not just about knowing how to use a particular device; it also involves understanding what can be done and what should not be done while sharing and using personal information online, especially when purchasing something or transferring money to someone. Only if a person is aware of cyber do’s and don’ts, can he/she/they be trained further on cyber literacy.

Cyber literacy exclusively involves being aware of, if not equipped to handle, the various kinds of cyber threats that are out there. Here is the list of the most common type of cyber threats:

  1. Malware: Malware, also known as malicious software, is made of programs designed to manipulate computers, networks, and servers. They can be used to steal sensitive data, spy on high-profile officials of a company/organization, and let out crucial company data out in the public. Some prominent examples are Spyware, Ransomware, and Trojan.
  2. Phishing: Crafting and sending emails from a known person’s account to direct others in the organization to perform a task or do something. Phishing attacks are generally carried out to trick users into revealing sensitive information about themselves or the organization they are working for.
  3. Virtual Identity-theft: Virtual identity theft involves stealing login credentials of an authorized user or hacking into an authorized user’s account and conducting data breaches in that chosen individual’s name.
  4. Code Injection: This process involves injection or embedding of malicious scripts or code in to applications and webpages of an organization.
  5. Insider Threats: Many a times companies or organizations have faced security breaches when an insider has intentionally/unintentionally authorized access to a source that wasn’t supposed to have it.
  6. IoT-Based Attacks: These attacks are about security loopholes in IoT devices such as home automated systems and advanced lockers to gain unauthorized access.

A person from a non-technical background may find it cumbersome to identify such threats. However, since most professions today require professionals from all fields, including freshers, to work in a digital environment, it is important to undergo a cybersecurity training at an early stage of one’s professional life

Differences Between Cyber Literacy and Digital Literacy

Even though digital literacy and cyber literacy are related, both have distinct agendas in the field of technology. While digital literacy encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, cyber literacy can be counted as a subset of digital literacy and a consequent outcome of a robust and well-informed digitally literate environment.

Digital Literacy:

  • Digital literacy involves activities done online such as reading, writing, creating, and sharing of content in a digital space.
  • Digital literacy is being skilled and comfortable in using computers and various other digital operating devices. 
  • It involves accessing and sharing information through the various online platforms.
  • Digital literacy also consists of creating information for online sharing and the ability to communicate using social media and other spaces made of constructive discussions.

Cyber Literacy:

  • Cyber literacy emphasizes on having the necessary skills to navigate and engage safely and responsibly online.
  • It involves identifying situations that can lead to data breach, fraudulent transactions, unintentional sharing of personal information, all of which could cause problems in the future, and more.
  • Cyber literacy also involves acknowledging the need of protecting the technological devices in use from virus and malware attacks.
  • Cyber literacy underscores the need for being vigilant and cautious of all the potential threats that could be present in the cyber world.


Importance Of Digital Literacy and Cyber Literacy for Students and Professionals

Digital literacy and cyber literacy skills are extremely crucial for students and professionals in every field. Whether it is for studying, researching, or consulting an expert, students spend a significant amount of their time online. Due to the convenience factor, they have started preferring digital libraries over physical ones. This is why digital literacy skills for students are extremely important and should be taught and practiced in every school, college, and educational institution. Once they are digitally literate, they can gradually become interested in cyber literacy. In recent times, many young students have fallen prey to unfavorable situations that have impacted their mental health and overall well-being. Sharing personal information such as photos, chats, and voice recordings without consent and cyberbullying are two of the many negative consequences of lacking cyber literacy skills.

Nowadays, there is hardly any profession left where the Internet is not being leveraged for the myriad of benefits it has to offer. Working professionals in every field are making the most of the Internet to gain information, share their work, and acquire clients for their business. With such deep involvement, professionals are susceptible to data breaches, data theft, and monetary fraud. Thus, in addition to students, professionals from every field should develop cyber literacy skills to avoid such adverse situations in the future.
Digital Litracy and Cyber Litracy

Value Of Cybersecurity Training and Certification

At present, many companies make it a point to educate their employees about cyber threats and encourage them to take cybersecurity training and obtain certificates to survive in a safe and threat-free digital environment. If not at the office, professionals dealing with customer or high-profile client data daily, due to their work profiles, take it upon themselves to enroll in cybersecurity training online.

Advantages of cybersecurity training and certificates:

  • They can help you identify and eventually prevent phishing attacks and data breaches.
  • They can help you remain compliant with the company’s data policies.
  • They educate you about why it is essential to have secured and limited access to company or business-related portals.
  • They help you understand the positive consequences of having a strong password and why it is important to change them at regular intervals.

Cybersecurity training can be ordained in multiple ways. One can be part of classroom training, virtual simulations, or undertake extensive cybersecurity training online. JanBask offers one of the best cyber security certifications to interested individuals.


Digital literacy and cyber literacy are equally important to navigate the current cyberspace. While digital literacy encompasses a wide range of activities such as reading, writing, creating, and sharing content online, similar to a universal set, cyber literacy focuses on the responsible handling of data to prevent data breaches and thefts in the future, representing a subset of digital literacy. If one intends to strengthen their knowledge on cybersecurity or make a career out of it, opting for an extensive cybersecurity course run by experts is the first and foremost step.


1. Who all can enroll for the cybersecurity course?

Ans: Students and working professionals who wish to make a career in this field are eligible to enroll for the cybersecurity training course.

2. What is special about the cyber security training provided by JanBask?

Ans: The cyber security training by JanBask has been devised by industry experts. The training has a comprehensive module and covers each topic in depth.

3. Will I get a job after completing the training by JanBask?

Ans: Our job is to make you ready for real-time tasks and responsibilities. Once you complete the course, our team at JanBask will assist you with job opportunities across companies.

4. Do you guys conduct the cyber security course online?

Ans: Yes, the course is aimed for students and working professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge in the field of cyber security and cyber literacy. The course is a self-paced one and can be taken online.


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    A dynamic, highly professional, and a global online training course provider committed to propelling the next generation of technology learners with a whole new way of training experience.

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