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What is Software Testing? What Are The Different Types of Software Testing?


As software becomes an increasingly integral part of our daily lives; it's more important than ever to ensure that it's reliable, efficient, and effective. This is where software testing comes in. 

Software testing is a critical process that ensures that the software meets the requirements and performs as expected. It involves the identification of bugs, errors, and other issues in software, as well as verifying and validating its functionality. But with so many different types of software testing out there, it can be challenging to know where to start. 

Here, we'll explore the different types of software testing, including their strengths, weaknesses, and how they fit into the software development process. Additionally, you will explore the top QA Software Testing certifications that will help you build your career in the field.

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a crucial part of the software development process. It involves evaluating the software system or application to ensure that it meets the specified requirements and standards. The main purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps, or missing requirements that may exist in the software. Testing is crucial to ensure that the software is of high quality and meets the desired standards.

There are different types of software testing, including white-box testing and black-box testing.

types of software testing

  • White-box testing is a method of testing where the tester has complete knowledge of the internal workings of the software. It involves examining the code and ensuring that it is working correctly. 
  • Black-box testing, on the other hand, is a method of testing where the tester does not have access to the internal workings of the software. It involves testing the software from the user's perspective to ensure that it meets the desired requirements.

At the heart of software testing is the Application Under Test (AUT) verification. This means that we must ensure that the software meets the requirements and specifications outlined in the development process. This can be achieved through manual or automated testing tools which we will be discussing as we move further.

Software testing is not just about finding bugs or defects in the software. It is also about ensuring that the software meets the user's needs and expectations, which is well stated in the fundamentals of Software Testing. Whether through manual or automated testing, software testing is a crucial step in the development of any software product. so, why is software testing so important in today's digital world?

Well, the answer is right here.

What Are The Different Types Of Software Testing ?

Software testing is an essential aspect of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It ensures that the software product meets the specified requirements and works as expected. Software testing types are generally classified into three categories: 

Each of these software testing types serves a specific purpose and helps ensure that the software product is reliable and robust.

Functional Testing

Functional testing is a type of testing software that verifies the behavior of the software product against the specified requirements. It ensures that the software product meets the functional requirements and performs the tasks it is designed to do. This type of testing software is typically done at the unit, integration, and system levels of the SDLC.

Functional testing is further divided into the following categories:

  • Unit Testing: Unit testing is the process of testing individual units or components of the software product to ensure that they function as expected. This Software testing type is typically done by developers using testing frameworks.
  • Integration Testing: Integration testing is the process of testing the interaction between two or more software components to ensure that they work together correctly. This different type of software testing is typically done after unit testing and before system testing.
  • System Testing: System testing is the process of testing the software product as a whole to ensure that it meets the specified requirements. A dedicated testing team typically does this software testing type.

Non-Functional Testing or Performance Testing

Non-functional testing is a different type of software testing that verifies the performance, reliability, and scalability of the software product. It ensures that the software product performs well under different conditions and meets the non-functional requirements specified in the requirements document.

Non-functional testing is further divided into the following categories:

  • Performance Testing: Performance testing is the process of testing the software product's performance under different load conditions. This testing is typically done using performance testing tools to simulate real-world load conditions.
  • Security Testing: Security testing is the process of testing the software product's security features to ensure that it is secure and protected against potential security threats.
  • Usability Testing: Usability testing is the process of testing the software product's ease of use and user-friendliness. This testing is typically done using user experience testing tools to gather user feedback.

Maintenance Testing (Regression and Maintenance)

Maintenance testing is a type of testing that is done after the software product has been released to production. It ensures that the software product continues to work correctly after any changes or updates have been made.

Maintenance testing is further divided into the following categories:

  • Regression Testing: Regression testing is the process of testing the software product to ensure that any changes or updates have not introduced any new bugs or issues. This testing is typically done using automated testing tools to save time and effort. Want to know more about regression testing and excel in interviews here’s a great guide on interview questions for regression testing.
  • Maintenance Testing: Maintenance testing is the process of testing the software product to ensure that it continues to work correctly after any changes or updates have been made.

To be precise, software testing is an essential part of the software development process. Testing ensures that the software product meets the specified requirements and works as expected. By understanding the different types of testing and their purposes, software development teams can create robust and reliable software products that meet the needs of their customers.

What Are Manual & Automated Testing Methods ?

There are two primary methods of software testing: manual testing and automation testing. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and can be used together to create a comprehensive testing strategy.

Manual Testing

Manual testing is a type of testing where the tester manually executes test cases without the help of any testing tools. Manual testing is typically used for exploratory testing, usability testing, and ad-hoc testing. Manual testing requires the tester to have good knowledge of the software product, the requirements, and the testing process. Our manual testing tutorial can help you learn about every aspect of the testing process.

Automation Testing

Automation testing is a type of testing where the tester uses automated testing tools to execute test cases. It is typically used for regression testing, load testing, and performance testing. Automation testing requires the tester to have good knowledge of the testing tools and the testing process.

Both manual testing and automation testing have their advantages and disadvantages. A combination of manual and automation testing can create a comprehensive testing strategy that ensures the software product meets the specified requirements and works as expected.

What Is Testing In Software Engineering?

According to ANSI/IEEE 1059, Testing is a crucial part of the Software Engineering process that involves the systematic evaluation of a software product to determine if it satisfies the desired specifications. This evaluation process encompasses a range of tests designed to assess the software's features, functionalities, and performance against the specified requirements, including identifying any missing features, detecting bugs or errors, ensuring security and reliability, and assessing performance under different scenarios. Ultimately, the testing process helps to ensure that the software product meets the desired quality standards and is fit for its intended purpose.

What Are The Types Of Testing In Software Engineering?

There are different types of testing that software engineers use to evaluate the software's features and functionalities against the specified requirements.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on testing individual units or components of a software application. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application, such as a function or a method. It ensures that each unit is working as intended and meets its requirements. The goal of unit testing is to identify and fix defects early in the software development lifecycle, before they can cause significant issues down the line. 

It is usually performed by developers as they write their code, using automated testing frameworks that allow them to quickly and efficiently test their units. By ensuring that each unit works as expected, unit testing helps to improve the overall quality of the software application.

Integration Testing

Integration testing, a software testing technique that focuses on testing how different modules of an application work together involves combining individual units of code into groups and testing them as a larger integrated system. The goal of integration testing is to identify defects that may arise from the interactions between these modules. Integration testing can be performed at different levels of the software architecture, including component integration testing, system integration testing, and acceptance integration testing. 

By identifying and addressing issues with the integration of different modules early in the development process, integration testing helps to ensure that the final software product is stable, reliable, and meets its functional and non-functional requirements.

System Testing

System testing focuses on testing the entire system as a whole. It involves testing the entire software application, including its interactions with external systems and hardware components. System testing is typically performed after integration testing and before acceptance testing. The goal of system testing is to ensure that the software application meets all of its functional and non-functional requirements, including its performance, security, and usability. System testing can include different types of tests, such as functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and security testing. 

By performing system testing, software developers and testers can ensure that the software application works as intended and meets the expectations of its users.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing, a software testing technique that focuses on testing whether the software application meets the requirements and expectations of its users or stakeholders is typically performed after system testing and before the software application is released to its intended users. Acceptance testing can be performed by users, customers, or other stakeholders, or it can be automated using specialized testing tools. The goal of acceptance testing is to ensure that the software application meets its functional, non-functional, and business requirements and is ready for deployment. 

It can include different types of acceptance testing, such as user acceptance testing, operational acceptance testing, and contract acceptance testing. By performing acceptance testing, software developers and testers can ensure that the software application meets the needs of its users and stakeholders and is of high quality.

Regression Testing

Regression testing plays a vital role in the software development process, ensuring that modifications and improvements made to a system do not have adverse effects on its existing functionality. It involves running previously passed test cases on the modified software to detect any new defects that may have been introduced. The importance of regression testing cannot be understated, as it helps maintain software quality and performance, and reduces the risk of unforeseen issues cropping up later in the product's lifecycle. 

Additionally, this rigorous testing process fosters a sense of confidence in the development team by confirming that any changes made to the software are well-verified and will not hamper its overall functionality. Ultimately, regression testing is a crucial and integral part of any software development process, laying the groundwork for the successful release of stable and reliable software products that customers can trust.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is a critical aspect in the world of software development, ensuring that applications are not only efficient but also reliable and user-friendly. This type of testing gauges the responsiveness, stability, and speed of a system under various workloads, which allows developers and stakeholders to identify any potential bottlenecks or areas of improvement. As our reliance on technology continues to grow exponentially, the importance of robust and dependable applications is indisputable. 

Performance testing enables teams to proactively detect and address any performance-related issues, reducing the risk of users encountering frustrating experiences or facing significant downtime. By fostering an environment in which performance is consistently monitored and optimized, developers can ensure that end users enjoy a smooth, seamless experience while interacting with applications and thus, drive overall satisfaction and success in the digital realm.

Security Testing

Security testing focuses on testing the security of a software application. It involves testing the software application for vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by hackers or malicious users. Security testing can include different types of tests, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and threat modeling. The goal of security testing is to identify and address security flaws in the software application before it is released to the public. Security testing is important because it helps to ensure that the software application is secure and that users' sensitive information is protected. By performing security testing, software developers and testers can help to prevent security breaches and protect the reputation of the software application and its users.

These are just some of the most common testing types in software engineering we will be discussing in brief as we go further. Depending on the software's complexity and requirements, software engineers may use other testing methods as well.

What Are The Key Principles Of Software Testing?

A thorough software testing process is crucial to delivering high-quality software. Here, we will discuss the key principles of software testing.

  • Testing should start early: The earlier you start testing, the easier it is to find and fix defects. Testing should start at the requirements gathering stage, and it should continue throughout the SDLC.
  • Testing should be planned: A well-defined test plan is essential for successful software testing. The test plan should include the objectives of testing, test strategy, test cases, test scenarios, and test environment requirements.
  • Testing should be comprehensive: Comprehensive testing involves testing all the features and functionalities of the software. It includes functional testing, performance testing, security testing, usability testing, and compatibility testing.
  • Testing should be repeatable: Testing should be repeatable, which means that the same test can be run multiple times and produce the same result. This principle is essential for regression testing, where previously passed tests are re-run to ensure that changes to the software have not introduced new defects.
  • Testing should be automated: Automation is an essential part of software testing. Automated tests are more efficient, repeatable, and scalable than manual tests. Automation tools can also generate test reports and help identify defects.
  • Defects should be tracked: Defect tracking is crucial for successful software testing. Defects should be logged in a defect tracking tool, and each defect should be assigned a severity level and a priority. Defects should be tracked until they are resolved and closed.
  • Testing should be independent: Testing should be independent of the development team. This principle ensures that defects are not overlooked and the software is thoroughly tested.
  • Testing should be risk-based: Testing should focus on the high-risk areas of the software. High-risk areas are those that are critical to the success of the software, such as security and performance.
  • Testing should be continuous: Continuous testing involves testing throughout the SDLC, including the development, testing, and deployment phases. Continuous testing ensures that defects are identified and fixed early, reducing the cost and time required for testing.

Software testing is a critical part of the SDLC. Following these key principles will help ensure that the software is thoroughly tested, meets the requirements of the client, and is delivered on time and within budget.

Why Is Software Testing Important?

Software testing is an essential aspect of the software development process, and there are many reasons why software testing is important. 

benefits of software testing

  • Improves software quality- One of the primary reasons why software testing is important is that it helps to improve the quality of the software. By testing the software, we can identify defects, errors, and gaps in the software that could impact its performance and functionality. This helps ensure that the software is high quality and meets the desired standards. 
  • Saves time and money-  Software testing can help to save time and money in the long run. By identifying defects early in the development process, we can prevent costly rework and delays later on.
  • Builds trust among users- Software testing can help to build trust among users. By testing the software, we can ensure that it meets the user's needs and expectations. This can help to improve the user experience and build trust among users. 
  • Ensures regulatory compliance- Many industries have regulatory requirements that must be met to ensure compliance. Software testing can help to ensure regulatory compliance by identifying defects and gaps in the software that could impact compliance. 
  • Reliability- It ensures that your software is reliable and is doing what it has been developed for.
  • Root cause analysis- If your software fails to meet the designated results, it helps you in bug tracking that is causing the malfunction.
  • Integrate and function with other existing legacy systems- Any software can not essentially work alone. Every now and then, it has to integrate and function with other existing legacy systems, as and when required to be. For such cases, software testing gives a much-wanted reassurance that it will work appropriately and its enactment won’t get affected due to the amalgamation.
  • It helps the end user- Keeping the end user in mind, tests are carried out, and any discrepancy is taken care of, which helps you to get a happy and satisfied end user.
  • It helps in identifying and bug tracking- You can identify the problems beforehand, and the risk of failure is considerably reduced.

To put it all together, software testing can help improve software quality, save time and money, build trust among users, and ensure regulatory compliance. And as a career option, QA Online training can do wonders for your portfolio. With this, you can ensure that the software is of high quality and meets the desired standards. 

How To Build A Career In Software Testing?

Embarking on a career in software testing can lead to a fulfilling and financially rewarding journey in the ever-growing world of technology. 

  • To thrive in this field, start by honing your analytical and problem-solving skills, as these are vital components in uncovering bugs and ensuring high-quality software. 
  • Networking and collaborating with fellow software professionals can provide valuable insights and opportunities, so consider joining online forums, attending conferences, or even engaging in community projects. 
  • Boost your profile by acquiring a relevant certification, such as QA Software Testing Masters Course, and Automation Testing Course, which highlights your commitment to the craft and your competence in staying updated with industry trends. 
  • Furthermore, learning popular programming languages and testing tools can greatly enhance your desirability within the job market. 

Remember to stay flexible and adapt to new developments in the software testing ecosystem while embracing a continuous learning mindset throughout your career. Here are some top SOftware Testing Interview Questions you would like to learn about!

Top Certifications to Pursue in Software Testing

QA Testing Courses Course Link
QA Software Testing Training Course 
Performance Testing 
Manual Testing 
Automation Testing 
Appium (Mobile Applications Testing) 


In summary, software testing plays a crucial role in detecting defects and rectifying them in real-time in software applications and systems to ensure they meet the intended requirements before being released to the user end. Software testing types consist of numerous testing, out of which a few important ones are mentioned, that exist in software engineering. However, checking whether the application lags in unexpected circumstances is equally important. 

There are multiple testing benefits of testing; explore the kind of QA software testing that best suits your purpose. At JanBask Training, we provide a platform to enhance your technical skills if you're into coding and developing and help you build expertise.


Q1) What are the main types of software testing?

The main types of software testing are Manual, Automated and continuous software testing. 

Q2) What are the basics of software testing?

Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product is as per the user’s requirements. The benefits of testing are aimed mainly at the performance, functionality, and specification of the software or application

Q3) What is SDLC in software testing?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that helps in enabling the production of the software to be of high-quality, low-cost, and have short production time. SDLC also helps in producing premium software that meets the stakeholder's requirements. 

Q4) What are the different levels of software testing?

Software testing takes place in four steps- Unit/Component testing, Integration testing, System testing, Acceptance testing.

Q5) What are the different phases of software testing?

The various phases of software testing consist of- Pre-Analytical phase, Analytical Phase, Post-Analytical and phase. 

Q6) How can I find the best course for software testing near me?

You can always find the best online software testing or QA testing course on google search engine directories. JanBask Training offers the best Software testing course, learn QA training online course for beginners , intermediates and even professionals who are looking to upskill themselves. So if you are looking to begin your software testing career or want to upskill yourself, reach out to us at JanBask Training for building a promising career ahead.


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