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Java ArrayList: What It Is & How To Create An Arraylist In Java


Java ArrayList is an important part of Java collection framework and a class of java.util package. It helps dynamic arrays and is built upon array data structure. Unlike in-built arrays, ArrayLists in Java don’t have a size limit. I.e., the ArrayLists in Java are resizable; in other words, these arrays can grow and shrink in real time when we add or remove elements. 

Java ArrayList is comparatively slower than built-in arrays but could be of higher use in numerous array manipulation programs. The ArrayList in Java might contain duplicate elements. It deploys a List interface so that we can utilize each and every method of the interface there. The ArrayList in Java also manages the intersection order internally. 

Java ArrayList inherits the AbstractList class and deploys the List interface. Some of the crucial points about the ArrayList are: 

  • It is a non-synchronized class.
  • As this ArrayList works on the basis of index, it allows random access.
  • In Java ArrayList, manipulation could be slightly slower as compared to Java LinkedList because several shifts need to take place if any element is removed from the ArrayList. To ace your Java interview you should know the difference between ArrayList Vs. LinkedList.
  • It's difficult to build an array list of fundamental types like int, float, char, etc. It's necessary to utilize the wrapper class in these cases.

Online Java training will give you a strong foundation in Java and let you grow in your career. Let’s get started.

What is Java ArrayList? How Does it Internally Work?

Java ArrayList is the resizable array or the implementation of List interface that grows automatically as requirement grow, so performance is always better in the case of the single-threaded environment. As the name implies, ArrayList in Java offers capabilities of a dynamic array where the size of an array isn’t fixed. Similarly, being a part of the Java Collection Framework, it contains several features unavailable with in-built arrays. 


public class ArrayList 

extends AbstractList 

Implements List, RandomAccess, Cloneable,

Java ArrayList 


How does it internally Work?

Java ArrayList could modify its size when adding or removing a new element. Inside, the real deployment of elements is plenty of complex work , still the fundamental idea behind how ArrayList in Java world when it gets full and we need to add new elements are described below.

When a Java ArrayList is created, its default capacity is 10 if not given or mentioned by the user. The capacity or the size of the ArrayList in Java increases based on the load factor and existing size.

  • The Load Factor is a means to decide when to grow its size. The default value of a Java ArrayList’s load factor is 0.75f
  • A Java ArrayList increases its size after every entry, which is measured as the product of existing capacity and the ArrayList’s load factor. 

Threshold = (Load Factor) * (Current Capacity)

For instance, if a user creates a Java ArrayList of capacity 10

Threshold = Load Factor * Current Capacity

          = 0.75 * 10

          ≅ 7

Simply put, once a 7th element is added to the list, the capacity will grow as it reaches the threshold value. Inside a new Java ArrayList with a new size is developed, and the existing elements present in the old Java ArrayList are copied to the new Java ArrayList, as described below - 

In Java 8 or in later versions, the new size of the ArrayList is determined to be 50% higher than its earlier capacity.

new_capacity = old_capacity + (old_capacity >> 1)

In the previous formula, the new size is determined as 50% higher than the earlier size. This place (old_capacity >> 1) gives us half the old size. Continue reading to learn more about how the right shift operator works - 

For instance, if the size of an array is  10 and reaches the threshold value, we should increase its size to add new elements. The new size will be 10 + (10 >> 1) => 10 + 5 => 15. Thus the capacity is elevated from 10 to 15. 

Important Note:

Even though ArrayList in Java provides scalability, this procedure levitates plenty of space and time. Because of this, selecting an earlier size at the same time and remembering the no. of anticipated elements in mind will be a smart strategy. 

The default load factor value of the ArrayList, i.e., 0.75f, assures that the Java ArrayList always offers excellent performance with respect to time and space. 

Key takeaway -

  • The supporting data structure of ArrayList in Java is an array.
  • When an array gets full, and we need to add new elements or create object in Java, a new ArrayList in Java with a new size is created.
  • The elements present in the earlier Java ArrayList are copied into the new ArrayList when removing the old ArrayList in Java. 

Let’s move on to the next section -

Important Facts and Features Related to Java ArrayList

As discussed earlier, Java ArrayList is used for storing dynamic-sized collections of elements. Unlike built-in arrays with fixed sizes, an ArrayList's size grows automatically when a new element is added. 

Let's have a look at a few important facts related to Java ArrayList –

  • They do contain duplicate elements and maintain the insertion order. They can also be defined as null as well.
  • ArrayList cannot be synchronized and allows random access when the array works on an index basis.
  • In the case of a Java ArrayList, manipulation is sometimes slower because removing any particular element from the list takes a lot of time.
  • They are unsafe in a threaded environment, so extra care must be performed when executed in a multithreaded environment.
  • Objects are always maintained in a specific order if you want to add objects. To retrieve the first object from an array list, call the index with object 0.
  • The default capacity of an array is taken as 10 in Java. However, the value can be revised anytime by calling the “ensureCapacity (int minCapacity)” method.
  • Once iterators are modified, they can be called by iterator add or remove methods only otherwise, it may throw exceptions. One must know what is exception in Java; it is a robust platform that facilitates handling of all exceptional events that basically take place in some of the higher methods of the call stack.
  • Random access is possible in the case of Java Array List as it works on the basis of the index, and you can access elements anytime when needed.
  • Further, an ArrayList in Java supports Generics, which is the best way to create an array list in Java.

In the next section, we’ll explore some of the important features of Java ArrayList

Besides the following features that allow us to create Java ArrayList, this class in Java also offers a fully grown function API that contains methods that can be utilized to manipulate objects in ArrayList. 

  • Dynamically resize content - Java ArrayList increases the size dynamically when a new element is added to the list or shrinks when an element is removed from the array list. 
  • Organized - Java ArrayList maintains the oder of the elements, which means the order in which the elements were added to the array list. 
  • Index-based - Java ArrayList helps random access from the array list by using index-based positions beginning with ‘0.’
  • Object-based - Java ArrayList could store just the object’s data types, which can’t be utilized for fundamental data types such as int, float, etc. A wrapper class is required for that. 
  • Not Synchronized - Java ArrayList is non-synchronized; we could use the Vector class for the synchronized version. I.e., Java ArrayList operations aren’t thread-safe and several threads shouldn’t work on a similar array list object simultaneously.

Computational complexities of major Java ArrayList operations - 

  • Random access time requires 0(1) time
  • Adding/deleting requires 0(1) time
  • Searching an element requires 0(1) time for an unresolved array and 0(log n) for a sorted array. 

Now let's learn about the 

Basic syntax for Java ArrayList

The following diagram represents the hierarchy of a Java ArrayList where the array list increases the Abstract class, and then it deploys the List first, then collection and iterable objects at the end. The Java collection frameworks were non-generic prior to JDK 1.5, and afterward, they became generic. 

Within a generic collection, you can state just a single type of element or object in the program. 

Java Print ArrayList with Examples

Presently, it has become safe, so there is no requirement for typecasting. ArrayList created in the older version i.e. Non-Generic was as follows - 

Java Print ArrayList with Examples

ArrayLists created in generic version - 

Nowadays, data types used in modern ArrayLists are mentioned in angular braces. They’re required to store a specific kind of object only. If you try to add a new data type, it’ll indicate  a compile-time error. 

error. Constructors in Java ArrayList

As Java ArrayList is a generic class, you can configure it with the help of any data type of your choice and the compiler will make sure that you cannot add Integer values in a collection of strings. Additionally, when accessing any element from the array list, you don’t have to cast them. 

It contains three constructors majorly – ArrayList (), ArrayList (Collection c), and ArrayList (int initialCapacity).

  • ArrayList () – This is the most frequently used Java constructor that will return an empty array with a capacity of 10.

Syntax -

//Creating an object of ArrayList class 

//ArrayList created is empty, and its size is 10 by default.

// It can hold elements of String class

ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>();

ArrayList (Collection c) – It creates an empty Java ArrayList using the initial size as given by the user. 


 // Creating an ArrayList with initial capacity equal to 50. ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(50);  ArrayList (int initialCapacity) – It creates a Java ArrayList and stores the elements that are  present inside the collection list.


// Creating an ArrayList with the elements that are present in the Collection list.

List list = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"foo", "bar"});

List arr = new ArrayList<>(list);

Methods in Java ArrayList Class

There are plenty of methods that can be used along one array list. Here, we’ve listed only a few that are used frequently by programmers and necessary to learn by aspirants. Refer to our how-to-call method in Java to learn more about it.


Method & Description


boolean add(E e)

This method appends the particular element at the end of the list.


boolean addAll(Collection c)

This method appends all of the elements in the given collection to the end of the list, so that they’re returned by the specified collection's Iterator


void clear()

This method deletes all of the elements from the list.


Object clone()

This method returns a shallow copy of the ArrayList instance.


boolean contains(Object o)

This method returns true if the list consists of the specified element.


void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)

This increases the capacity of this ArrayList.


E get(int index)

This method returns the element at the specified position in the list.


int indexOf(Object o)

This method returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the list doesn’t contain the element.


boolean isEmpty()

This method returns true if the list contains no elements.


Iterator iterator()

This method returns an iterator over the elements in the list in the proper sequence.


int lastIndexOf(Object o)

This method returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the list doesn’t contain the element.


ListIterator listIterator()

This method returns a list iterator over the elements in the list in the proper sequence.


E remove(int index)

This method removes the element at the specified position in the list.


boolean removeAll(Collection c)

Removes from the list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.


protected void removeIf(int fromIndex, int toIndex)

This method Removes all of the elements of the collection that satisfy the given predicate.


boolean retainAll(Collection c)

Retains from the list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.


E set(int index, E element)

This method replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.


int size()

This method returns the number of elements in the list.


Spliterator spliterator()

This method creates a late-binding and fail-fast Spliterator over the elements in the list.


List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)

This method returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.


Object[] toArray()

This method returns an array containing all of the elements in the list in the proper sequence (from first to last element).


void trimToSize()

This method trims the capacity of the ArrayList instance to be the list's current size.

Operations performed in Java ArrayList

1. How to add elements? 

To add a new element in a Java ArrayList, you can use the add() method, which is overstuffed to carry out several operations depending on the various parameters, as follows -

  • add(Object): Using this method you can add an element at the end of Java ArrayList. 
  • add(int index, Object): Using this method you can add an element at a particular index in the Java ArrayList. Here’s an example:

// Java Program to Add elements to An ArrayList  

// Importing all utility classes

import java.util.*;  

// Main class

class GFG {  

    // Main driver method

    public static void main(String args[])


        // Creating an Array of string type

        ArrayList al = new ArrayList<>();

          // Adding elements to ArrayList

        // Custom inputs



        // Here we are mentioning the index

        // at which it is to be added

        al.add(0, "Hello");

          // Printing all the elements in an ArrayList




Output -

[Hello, JanBask, Training]

2. How to Change Elements?

Once you add an element, if you want to change it, you can do it by using the set() method. As Java ArrayList is indexed, the specific element which you want to change is mentioned by the index of that element. Hence, this method gets the index and the updated element that is to be added at that position. Here’s an example- 

import java.util.*;

class SetMethod {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList num = new ArrayList();





    System.out.println("ArrayList num : " + num);

    //Replacing element present at 0th index with 40

    num.set(0, 40);

    System.out.println("ArrayList num after updating : " + num);




ArrayList num : [15, 9, 20, 35]

ArrayList num after updating : [40, 9, 20, 35]

3. How to remove an element?

You can use the remove() method to remove an element from the Java ArrayList. This method is overwhelmed to carry out several operations depending on the various parameters as follows -

  • remove(Object): You can use this method to simply remove an object from the Java ArrayList. But, if there’s more than one such object, then the object at the first occurrence is removed.
  • remove(int index): As a Java ArrayList is indexed, this method takes an int. value which just removes the element present at that particular index. Once the element is removed, all the remaining elements are shifted to the left in order to fill the space, and the positions or indices of the remaining elements are updated.

Here’s an example: 

import java.util.*;

class RemoveMethod {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList colors = new ArrayList();







    System.out.println("ArrayList colors : " + colors);

    // removing element pink from the ArrayList


    System.out.println("ArrayList colors : " + colors);

    // removing 3rd element from the ArrayList


    System.out.println("ArrayList colors : " + colors);




ArrayList colors : [red, orange, blue, pink, black, green]   

ArrayList colors : [red, orange, blue, black, green]   

ArrayList colors : [red, orange, black, green]

4. How to Iterate the Java ArrayList Using an Iterator?

There’re several ways to iterate through the Java ArrayList and the most commonly used methods are - the fundamental for loop in association with a get() method in order to get the object at a particular position and the advanced for loop. Here’s an example

import java.util.*;  

public class ArrayListExample2{  

 public static void main(String args[]){  

  ArrayList list=new ArrayList();//Creating arraylist  

  list.add("Mango");//Adding object in arraylist    




  //Traversing list through Iterator  

  Iterator itr=list.iterator();//getting the Iterator  

  while(itr.hasNext()){//check if iterator has the elements  

   System.out.println(;//printing the element and move to next  









Iterating ArrayList using For-each loop

Let's see an example to iterate the Java ArrayList elements with the help of the for-each loop

import java.util.*;  

public class ArrayListExample3{  

 public static void main(String args[]){  

  ArrayList list=new ArrayList();//Creating arraylist  

  list.add("Mango");//Adding object in arraylist    




  //Traversing list through for-each loop  

  for(String fruit:list)    









5. How to Get and Set Java ArrayList?

The get() method returns an object at the particular index, whereas the set() method changes the object. Here’s an example:

import java.util.*;  

public class ArrayListExample4{  

 public static void main(String args[]){  

  ArrayList al=new ArrayList();  





  //accessing the element    

  System.out.println("Returning element: "+al.get(1));//it will return the 2nd element, because index starts from 0  

  //changing the element  


  //Traversing list  

  for(String fruit:al)    





Returning element: Apple





6. How to sort Java ArrayList?

A utility class collections is provided by java.util package, which contains static method known as sort(), using which you can easily sort Java ArrayList. Here’s an example:

import java.util.*;  

class SortArrayList{  

 public static void main(String args[]){  

  //Creating a list of fruits  

  List list1=new ArrayList();  





  //Sorting the list  


   //Traversing list through the for-each loop  

  for(String fruit:list1)  


 System.out.println("Sorting numbers...");  

  //Creating a list of numbers  

  List list2=new ArrayList();  





  //Sorting the list  


   //Traversing list through the for-each loop  

  for(Integer number:list2)  




Output -





Sorting numbers...





7. How to add Elements Between Two Numbers

Here’s an example of how ro add elements between two numbers-

// Java program to add the elements 

// between two numbers in ArrayList


import java.util.*;

class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)


        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();





        // insert missing element 3

        list.add(2, 3);





[1, 2, 4]

[1, 2, 3, 4]

8. How to find the Length of a Java ArrayList?

You can use the size() method to find the length of a Java ArrayList.


size(): This method returns the no. of elements present in a Java ArrayList.

Here’s an example:

import java.util.*;

class SizeMethodExample {

    public static void main(String[] args)


        ArrayList colors= new ArrayList();





        // Printing elements

        System.out.println("colors : " + colors);

        // Printing the size of ArrayList

        System.out.println("Number of elements present in colors : "        

        + colors.size());              




colors : [red, orange, blue, pink]

Number of elements present in colors : 4

**Important note:

The size of Java ArrayList doesn’t necessarily equal to its capacity. 

9. How to check if a Java ArrayList is Empty?

You can use isEmpty() method to find out whether the ArrayList in Java is Empty.


public boolean isEmpty(): This method returns true if a Java ArrayList is empty.

Here’s an example- 

import java.util.*;

class IsEmptyMethod {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList num = new ArrayList<>();



    // Printing elements

    System.out.println("ArrayList num : " + num);

// Checking out if ArrayList is empty or not

    System.out.println("ArrayList is empty : " + num.isEmpty());

    // Removing all the elements from the ArrayList


    // Checking out if ArrayList is empty or not after removing

    // all the elements

    System.out.println("ArrayList is empty : " + num.isEmpty());




ArrayList num : [1, 2]

ArrayList is empty : false

ArrayList is empty : true

10. How to synchronize ArrayList in Java?

As mentioned above, Java ArrayLists aren’t synchronized, i.e., the list should be synchronized externally if a thread changes it structurally and several threads try to access it simultaneously.

Java ArrayList can be synchronized using the following methods -

  • Collections.synchronizedList() method.
  • With the help of CopyOnWriteArrayList (a thread-safe variant of ArrayList)

It is important to remember that under this kind of synchronization, the iterator should be in a synchronized block, as shown in the following example

import java.util.*;

class SynchronizeExample {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    List arr = new ArrayList();

    // adding elements to the list





    // Synchronizing the ArrayList externally using

    // synchronizedList() method

    arr = Collections.synchronizedList(arr);

    synchronized (arr) {

      // It should be in synchronized block

      Iterator it = arr.iterator();

      // Iterating through the elements

      while (it.hasNext()) System.out.println(;









The following code shows how to synchronize ArrayList in Java externally using CopyOnWriteArrayList.


import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

class SynchronizeUsingCopyOnWriteArrayList {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // creating a thread-safe ArrayList using

    // CopyOnWriteArrayist.

    CopyOnWriteArrayList arr = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();

    // Adding elements to synchronized ArrayList





    System.out.println("Elements of synchronized ArrayList :");

    // Iterating on the synchronized ArrayList using an iterator.

    Iterator it = arr.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) System.out.println(;




Elements of synchronized ArrayList:





Key takeaways

  • ArrayList in Java isn’t Synchronized, we’ve to synchronize it externally.
  • Vector is a synchronized class in Java that could be utilized as an alternative to the Java ArrayList class if synchronization is needed. 

Array and Array List Compared

The discussion is incomplete if you don’t know the differences between an array and an  ArrayList in Java and which one to choose among the two. Here, both are compared on eight major points - performance, resizable, primitives, traversal, length, type safety, add elements, and multi-dimensional.

Resizable –

  • Arrays are a fixed data structure and are static in nature. One cannot change the size of an array once it is defined.
  • At the same time, Java ArrayLists are dynamic in nature and associated with an object whose size can be changed as needed. When you add elements to an array list, its size will grow automatically.

Performance –

  • The performance of an array and array list depends on your operations. For example, when the size of an array list is resized, it slows the performance automatically.
  • The performance for adding or removing elements into an array or array list is almost the same in both cases.

Primitives –

  • Array List does not contain any primitive data type but only objects to store data. You’re required to provide wrapper classes for primitive data types.
  • At the same time, arrays can hold primitive data types that include char, int, byte, short, long, double, float, etc., as well as class objects. Users have a misconception that an array list could store primitive data types, too, but this is not true.

Iteration – To iterate through the array list, an iterator is required. We can use either for loop or each loop to iterate through array elements.

Type Safety – In Java, safety is embedded through Generics. At the same time, array lists are a homogeneous data structure. Thus, it contains values of a particular data type only. If you try to store any different value, it will show the compile-time error, Java command not found, in that case.

Length – To give the size of an array list, use the size () method. Each array has a variable-sized object that will return the fixed length in the end.

Integer arrayobject[] = new integer[3]; Arraylength = arrayobject.length; //uses arrayobject length variable Arraylist arraylistobject = new arraylist(); Arraylistobject.add(12); Arraylistobject.size();

Add the Elements – To insert elements in the array list, add () method is used, and it will insert new elements in the list with the assignment operator.

Multi-dimensional – The array could be multi-dimensional, but array lists are always one-dimensional.

Here are some similarities between the array and ArrayList in Java-

  • Performance for getting and adding elements in the array and array lists are the same. Both run constantly at the execution time.
  • Both contain duplicate elements, and they can store NULL values too.
  • The index refers to elements in an array and the array list. There is no guarantee of ordered elements in both cases.

The benefits of ArrayList Over Arrays

Both are useful for storing groups of objects. Earlier, we saw the difference between Java ArrayList and array. Let’s now explore the benefits of Java ArrayList over arrays -

  • The fact that ArrayList is dynamic in size is one of its main advantages. We can increase and decrease the size of ArrayList dynamically.
  • ArrayList has various predefined methods which help to manipulate the stored objects.
  • In ArrayList, we can randomly insert and delete elements.
  • We can add different types of objects into the ArrayList.
  • In ArrayList, listIterator() allows us to traverse in both directions.


With this discussion, we come to the end of this blog. Now you have enough information about ArrayList in Java and how to print the list and add or remove elements to an existing array list based on requirements. To know more, you should join the online Java training program for practical experience and be an established Java programmer.


1. What is a Java ArrayList?

Ans:- Java ArrayList is a part of the Collection framework, which is used for storing elements, and its size is resizable.

2. How is data stored in Java ArrayList?

Ans:- You can store data in Java ArrayList till the ArrayList size is full; after that, the size of ArrayList in Java is doubled if we need to store more elements.

3. Does Java ArrayList allow duplicates?

Ans:-  Yes, Java ArrayList does allow duplicate values to be stored.

4. What ArrayList in Java is used for?

Ans:-  ArrayList in Java is used for storing elements. When we’re not certain about the no. of elements to be stored but we also need to preserve their insertion order, we could use ArrayList.

5. Is Java ArrayList and List the same?

Ans:-  No, they aren’t similar!

The List is an interface, whereas Java ArrayList is a class that deploys the List interface. An ArrayList in Java is a non-generic collection of objects, while a List is the generic version of the ArrayList; it contains elements of a particular type.

6. Is Java ArrayList a list or array?

Ans:-  ArrayList is primarily a class in Java Collection Framework that deploys the List interface and depends upon the array data structure. Internally, it utilizes a backing array for storing elements or objects.

7. Which is faster, List or ArrayList in Java?

Ans:-  Lists are faster as compared to ArrayLists in Java because it avoids boxing. A List doesn’t have to box the values added to them. In contrast, ArrayList only "accepts" objects. Thus it means when you add any object or any element to the ArrayList in Java, it’ll have to be boxed (completely), and then it has to be unboxed again (partially) whenever you need the values.

8. What is the objective of the Java course online?

Ans:-  Our online Java training course aims to provide you with experiences similar to offline classrooms. It redeems you from the turmoil of traveling daily to the physical classes by incurring expenses, energy & time. It helps you complete Java discipline preparation by covering basic to advanced concepts, skills, and techniques required by Java certifications & job roles.

9. What skills will I learn in this best Java course online?

Ans:-  Here’s a quick forecast of the skills/areas you will learn through our immersive & comprehensive Java online training course.

  • Core Java, Oops Concept, Data types, Variables
  • Flow, Statement, Collections, Error Handling
  • JDBC, Servlet, Servlet API
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10. Can I get a free demo class for Java development certification courses?

Ans:- We do provide a Java course free online demo class for a quick roadmap of our Java certification training program. Our Java demo class aims to enlighten you with all the aspects we cover in our online Java certification training program.

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