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QTP/UFT Tutorial Guide for Beginners


Automation testing has gained prominence in recent times as the internet grows in size and expands. Every day many new software and websites hit the market. Such huge workloads and information that is growing exponentially were not possible to be tackled manually. Automation testing soon took over the manual mode of testing, especially at times when there is a pressing need for repeated testing where one has to constantly compare automated and actual test results and even generate detailed reports of the tests. The automation of tests also requires sound investments in both money and resources.

QTP/UFT Training by JanBask Training helps you to understand the concepts of QA Software Testing life-cycle and get practically introduced to different levels of testing, from test execution manually to automatedly.

What is QTP Testing?

The QTP or the Quick Test Professional is basically software that helps in the facilitation of Automation Testing for a huge variety of software applications, particularly Functional Testing, and Regression Testing. QTP actually has a user interface that is seen as an Integrated Development Environment for the test.

What is QTP Testing?

It is this Integrated Development Environment that has many features useful for the tester for developing a detailed script that will validate the purpose of the test.

It thus helps the testers to go for seamless testing without any need for monitoring after the script is fully developed. It is based on Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) for automation of the applications. Also, there is no need for the installation of a separate scripting engine as it comes as a part of the Windows OS. But you need to remember that VBScript is an object-based language and not an object-oriented language. However, gaining a QA Testing Certification is the very step to earning lucrative paychecks!

Before you move further, let us explore some advantages and disadvantages of QTP:

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What made QTP popular?

QTP is a Functional Testing Tool that is the best fit for the regression testing of the applications. It has gradually become the most popular tool that is available in the market. 

Advantages of QTP

  • One of the foremost advantages of QTP is that it does not require any seasoned coder for execution. It is easier to work with as compared to many other object-oriented programming languages.
  • The tool is pretty easy to use and offers great ease of navigation and generation of reports.
  • QTP can also be easily integrated with software testing tools that allow for simple scheduling and monitoring.
  • It is also now used for mobile application testing.
  • It supports various technologies like the Web, Java.Net, SAP, Siebel, Webservices, PeopleSoft, etc.

Along with these advantages, it also comes loaded with many drawbacks.

Disadvantages of QTP

  • One of the major drawbacks of the QTP is that it can only work with a Windows Operating system.
  • Also, QTP does not support all the versions of the browsers, and testers have to wait for the patch which has to be released for every major version that has been released.
  • As it is a commercial tool, the cost of licensing is very high.
  • QTP puts a great load on both the CPU and the RAM making the execution time very high.

When is it the Apt time to consider QTP?

It has been commonly observed that people often go for automation following the hype surrounding it. It is only after they reach the terminal point, that they realize that automation has not delivered the desired results. Hence, it is always advisable to carry out a detailed study of the application or module before you pick up an automation method. So what are the preferred test cases for use of the QTP:

  • Tests that have to be run for every kind of build.
  • Tests that need more than one data value for the same action.
  • Similar tests have to be executed for making use of different browsers.

In addition, to all this, you cannot ignore the effort that is needed to both develop and maintain automated scripts, especially in terms of both time and budget. You should also consider the number of changes the application has to undergo while you opt for test automation. Latter is important as if an application undergoes continuous and prominent changes, that will also mean the scripts for automation also have to be revised at the same rate. Hence, when you have to calculate the actual Return on Investment, the above points have to be considered.

Also, if you are seriously looking to gain an upper hand in this domain, check out the Test Case Design Techniques with Examples.

Let us also consider taking a sneak peek into UFT as well!

What is UFT?

Universal Functional Testing which is popularly known as UFT is a known testing tool by HP Enterprise. UFT is basically used for testing both the GUI and API part of your application. Now let us see how we actually download and install UFT tools on the system.

What is UFT?

HPE recommends some minimum requirements of the system in order to install UFT. In this case, it is always better to have a system that is better than the minimum required configuration:

  • Computer/Processor: Dual Core CPUs are better than the others.
  • Operating System: The recommended operating system is Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Memory: It is required that there should be a minimum of 2 GB of memory when three add-ins are loaded together. Also, in case more add-ins are required, additional memory can be used.
  • Color: The settings of color should be High Color 16-bit.
  • Graphics Card: A graphics card with 64 MB memory can be used.
  • Free Space in Hard Disk: 1 GB of free disk space for application files and folders is required. You should also have a window for the accommodation of 120 MB of free disk space on the system disk.

Start exploring your software testing knowledge through this fun-filled free Quiz on QA Software testing. 

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Download and Installation of UFT

The latest version of UFT has been released by HP- the UFT 14.51. Let us walk through a step-wise guide of installation of the same.

  • Go to the UFT 14.51 version for downloading.
  • Herein you have to click on the button saying, “Download Now”

Download and Installation of UFT

  • After this, you have to fill in all your details and then click on the “Sign Up” button.Download and Installation of UFT

  • Then you are required to verify your email.

Download and Installation of UFT

  • After verification of the email, you should then log in to your account

.Download and Installation of UFT

  • After you have logged in to your account, you have to move over the option of “More Products” and then pick the “Unified Functional Testing” from the list.Download and Installation of UFT
  • Then on the next page, you have to select the option, “Start your Free Trial”.Download and Installation of UFT

  • It will then also open another page, that includes what is there in the UFT trial. Here you have to click the Next button.Download and Installation of UFT

  • UFT will be displayed as “Trials/Freemiums”. Then you have to hit the “Download” button in front of the UFT.Download and Installation of UFT

  • UFT downloads will be displayed on the next page. Then there are two options, the first one is called “A full installation package” and the second one is called “A compressed downloadable UFT installation package”. Here you need to select the “A full installation package” and click on the link.Download and Installation of UFT

  • The complete package for installation is around 3 GB while the compressed one is less than 1 GB. It often takes 1hour to download anything. This will be dependent on internet speed.
  • Once you will download it, there will be a zip file.
  • It is important that you also check the integrity of the file that you have downloaded.
  • The file can be unzipped with your favorite unzipping software.

Tip: Go through the Software Testing Tutorial Guide for Beginners if you’re planning to take your first step in this domain.

This process has to be followed by the installation. Now when you begin the installation, you have to remember, the following:

  • You should have the administrative privileges of the drive in which you have to install the UFT.
  • Then you need to install the IE7 or IE8 or even IE9 installed on your machine.
  • You should have Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8 on your machine.
  • In case if you want to upgrade from the versions above QTP 9.5 then the previous versions will be automatically uninstalled.
  • Also, after the contents have been extracted, then you need to go to the UFT_14.50_DVD and then you have to click on the Setup.exe file for starting the installation.
  • On the following few screens, you have to choose the default options.
  • In the places where it asks for the UFT license keys, you have to click on the Cancel button.

Always remember, there is no order number needed for the trial version.  

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UFT Shortcuts for the Desktop

After the installation of UFT, you then will find these icons of the shortcuts on your desktops.

  • First Shortcut: HP Unified Functional Testing will actually go on to launch the UFT Tool on the system.
  • Second Shortcut: Run Results Viewer will show the run results viewer on the system. The run results can then be actually made to open once the test is finished. Then you can also open run results individually after the shortcut is used.
  • Third Shortcut: This is the Edge agent used for Functional Testing that will only be installed on Windows 10 machines. It will not get installed on Windows OS 8.1/8.7. In case if you do not want to test the applications on the Microsoft Edge browser, you should only use this icon only and not the default Edge browser icon that is on your Windows machine.

Add-Ins for the QTP/UFT

All the add-ins in the UFT are a perfect way for ensuring the identification of objects by the UFT in a typical corresponding environment. For instance, if the Java-based UI controls are used, you will need a Java add-in while for the Siebel app, a Siebel add-in is used. UFT is highly flexible and helps to support many technologies. This is considered the primary reason for the popularity of UFT.

Selenium is also another popular tool for automation but again it is limited to web-based testing and has no support for windows-based applications. Check out this quick and easy Selenium Tutorial to gain a complete understanding. 

List of add-ins or technologies that are supported by UFT

  • .NET: A .NET add-in is needed for testing the UI objects in Silverlight, .NET webforms, .NET Windows Forms, etc.
  • Active X: This plug-in will also be required. Now you have to remember that Siebel and Active X add-ins often end in a conflict if they are added together.
  • Delphi: This add-in is needed for testing the Delphi controls that are created by the Delphi IDE that is based on the Win32 VCL library.
  • Flex: A flex add-in is needed for loading the test applications that open in the Adobe Flash player debugger. There are many dependencies that are present in the Adobe Flash player.
  • Java: For all the Java UI objects, a Java add-in is needed. UFT does not depend on the server-side technologies for the identification of the objects. Applications built on server-side technologies like Java and PHP will not affect UFT at all.
  • Mobile: Mobile applications can be tested by the Mobile center that is used by mobile add-ins.
  • Oracle: Oracle add-ins and even the Web add-ins will be used for testing the Oracle applications.
  • PeopleSoft: PeopleSoft plug-in will be needed for testing the PeopleSoft applications. There is no requirement for a special configuration.
  • PowerBuilder: This plug-in is needed for testing the PowerBuilder applications. This is basically the windows based add-ins.
  • Siebel: This add-in is basically used for testing the standard interactivity and the high interactivity applications.
  • Terminal Emulator: This add-in is needed for testing the applications in the terminal emulator. You have to ensure that the TE settings are configured so they can work with the UFT.
  • Visual Basic: This add-in is needed for testing of the Visual Basic applications.

Are you seeking a career in QA software testing? Our Career guide on QA software testing can take you a step ahead to your perfect career.

Apart from the above, there are certain default add-ins

  • ActiveX
  • Mobile
  • UI Automation
  • Visual Basic
  • Web

Ways to Optimize the UFT Scripts

Tips and Tricks for optimization of UFT scripts that make it run faster:

  • You should launch the UFT while using a .vbs file and not by using the QTP desktop icon.
  • Only those add-ins should be loaded that are needed for the Application Under Test.
  • You need to reduce the default time-out settings for both the Object synchronization timeout and the Browser Navigation Timeout.
  • In case of large tests, variables and functions have to defined in an external .vbs file and not in a reusable action. All these files have to be attached to the test scripts.
  • Smart identification has to be disabled in the production environment. Smart identification can be used for the effective creation of scripts where it is used for object identification issues.
  • It is also advised to use a lot of RAM, as UFT consumes a lot of memory. The good processor speed will also be highly helpful. Remember when QTP is used for extended periods of time, there are high chances of memory leaks. Hence you can also restart QTP at regular intervals.
  • Do not make use of the hard-coded Wait statement, even if the event has already taken place.
  • You have to make complete use of the HP-QTP tool that has been provided by the IDE.
  • Unless it is really needed, do not check the options of “Save still image capture to results” and “Save movie to results”.
  • In order to prevent the bloat of results while debugging the scripts, you need to save the run results to a temporary folder. Disk space then fills fast when you debug scripts.
  • Put the run mode to “fast”.
  • There should be no more than a few dozen actions in a test. If you exceed that then your performance does suffer.
  • All the pure functions have to be stored in the function library and not in reusable actions.
  • Hiding of the Active Screen may help in editing the response time.


QTP is an automated testing tool that helps in the execution of automated tests for the identification of errors, defects, and even gaps. The tool has emerged as one of the most popular testing tools that completely automates the Regression and Functional Testing of an application. It also allows for Business Process Testing. The QTP testing is based on the scripting language of the VBscript. QTP is also used by testers for performing automated functional testing in an interrupted manner. 

Thinking why you should opt for JanBask Training Online QTP/UFT Certifications? Because this certification training will help you in shaping your career and leveraging the growing demand for certified QTP/UFT professionals. You can also join Software QA Testing Community & Forum to meet the experts who go above and beyond to help community members succeed with QA testing.


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Q2. Is your certification program suitable for anyone?

At JanBask Training, you’ll get training courses based on the skills that are the key part of today’s job market and are suitable for beginners to professionals with or without any technical background. We impart training in such a way that you learn not just for skill but rather for a wholesome profession.  

Q3. What are the three benefits of online training?

Learning online now is as efficient as offline training, especially with JanBask Training. Because 

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    Leena Garg

    Being a Senior Automation Tester I love to first analyze the things and then deliver quality work. By automating and maintaining my task, I have achieved my goals and also contributed to multitasking projects. I believe in learning new technologies with time.


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