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Top 30 Regression Testing Interview Questions And Answers


Regressing Testing is performed to check that modified code should not break the application functionality. It can be done either manually or automatically. This is a functional testing technique that has to go under various phases that need to be considered carefully while testing. In this blog, we will discuss the popular interview questions for functional testing that are necessary to learn by quality experts when they are preparing for the interview.

Regression Testing Interview Questions and Answers

These questions are frequently asked by the interviewers and answers for each of them are prepared after a careful research only. Once you go through all these questions answer for fresher and experienced both, it will increase the overall chances of passing the interview and help you in grabbing your dream job.

Regressing Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher

Q1). What is Functional testing?

Ans:- This is black box testing where the performance of an application is checked by giving certain inputs and generate the desired outputs. The objective of functional testing is validating the behavior of the application based on documents specifications and it also checks either application is ready to release in a specific environment or not.This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q2). What are the most popular techniques of the Functional Testing?

Ans:- A few popular functional testing techniques are –

Unit Testing, Smoke Testing, Regressing Testing, usability testing, integration testing, system testing, user acceptance testing, etc.

Q3). What is Regression Testing?

Ans:- This is a simple process of repeating test cases that is performed every time you modify the application functionality. It may be your code, design, or any other things related to the framework. The regression testing makes sure that changes will not impact or break the application functionality. So, every time new version of an app is created, the bugs are fixed automatically.This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q4). Is Regression testing done either manually or automated?

Ans:- Well, the best part is that it can be done in both ways either manually or automatically. You just have to check which technique suits your project requirements the most.This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q5). How to perform the Regression testing?

Ans:-  You are established with regression testing means repeating a set of test cases at any particular situation. When the app is small, regression testing can be performed manually. As the time moves on, the application starts getting more complicated and you need testing tools to speed up the process. In this case, regression testing is automated based on document specification.

Q6). What are the steps involved while performing the regression testing?

Ans:-  Every time changes are committed to an application or software program; the following steps need to perform to carry out the regression testing. These are –

  • Firstly, you need to check what type of changes are made to the application,
  • Now you have to check how it may affect the application behavior.
  • Take a closer look at the test case and determine either you need to perform a full, partial or unit testing. Don’t forget to check which testing suits your requirements the most.
  • Set the time and go away! All the best!

This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q7). Why is Regression testing beneficial for IT industries?

Ans:-  Every time when a programmer adds the new code to fix the previous bug, several new bugs are introduced simultaneously. The objective of Regression Testing is to check where the new code complies with the older ones. The application behavior should be as per expectation otherwise changes are discarded immediately.  For this purpose, this is necessary that testing should be completed on time before the product is released onto the market. This is a continuous process and should be taken as the routine activity during application development. This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q8). Regression Testing is needed to what extent?

Ans:- Well, it depends on application nature and scope of changes. If the scope is large then testing needs to perform thoroughly and it will take time. The complete information can be obtained from the developer about the scope, nature of applications, the total amount of change.

Q9). What are the most common types of Regression tests?

Ans:- As this a repetitive tests process, a set of test cases can be used again for a new build. Keep in mind that selection of test cases should be done carefully and a number of counts also needs to be minimum. They should be improved continuously to meet the expectations of the new app.

If the scope of changes is large the continuous improvement may be difficult and needs extra efforts by testers. For this purpose, selective test cases will be used to save the overall time and money. These test cases are selected on the basis where it affects the most.

Q10). What is the best time to perform the Regression Testing?

Ans:- Mostly, the regression testing is carried out throughout the development process and this is a continuous process too. Still, the best time to perform regression testing is after smoke testing or at the end of function testing after a short release.This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

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Regression Testing Interview Questions And Answers for Experienced

Q11). How can you perform the regression testing effectively? Explain based on your previous work experiences?

Ans:- To perform the regression testing effectively, you need to create the test plans. The plan will include the testing strategy and the exit criteria. Performance testing is also done later to make sure that changes will not affect the performance of system components. This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q12). What are the best practices you followed to perform the Regression Testing successfully?

Ans:-  Here, are some of the best practices listed below based on my experience to perform the regression testing successfully without any failure.

  • The test cases should run automatically daily in the evening when changes are made to the application.
  • In this way, bugs can be identified at an early stage and it will be fixed immediately.
  • It will also reduce the risks associated with the release by covering all the defects earliest at the end of the release cycle.

Q13). Why do we need the Regression testing tools?

Ans:- Regression tools are vital to automate the testing process. When we are loaded with a plenty of test cases whose manual execution is impossible and time – consuming too. Here, we need regression testing tools where test cases can be executed automatically and it saves your precious time too. To which level, you wanted to automate the testing process depends on a number of test cases remaining to execute.This is an important answer to these kinds of functional testing interview questions and answers.

Q14). Have you used any regression testing tool during any project?

Ans:-  Yes, I have worked on selenium testing tool during my past work experiences. This is a popular automation tool where test scripts are automated as a convenience.

This is an important answer to regression test template.

Q15). Do Regression testing of GUI application is possible?

Ans:-  Well, testing of GUI applications is tough when changes are made to the interface. Still, this is possible to write the effective test cases that need continuous improvements every time the GUI is changed. The process is a little difficult so the best idea is utilizing a number of testing tools to make the process easier.

Q16). What are the strategies to follow while conducting regression testing?

Ans:-  Well, there are two popular strategies that you should follow –

  • Either you may run all the test cases,
  • Or you need to select a set of test cases based on the nature and scope of the changes.

Q17). When will QA team perform Regression Testing?

Ans:-  Regression testing is performed when a new build comes to the QA team and it is prone to bugs. Here, quality testers need to remove the bugs during each release cycle and make sure that application is still working fine as earlier. 

Q18). Can you explain the concept of Regression Testing with the help of Example?

Ans:- Yes, I will explain to you the concept of regression testing with a simple example and easy to understand for everyone. Take an example of regression testing project having multiple modules like Admin module, employee module, personal details modules etc. there is some error in admin module like users are not able to login to their account even with the right credentials. So, this is an error and need to be fixed by the development team. Here, Development team modified existing code or added new code to fix this issue and the module is sent back to the testing team again. 

Now the testing team will check either modified code has not affected the behavior of the rest of the application or it is giving output as per expectations only or still needs changes. This is called Regression testing where new code should never affect the functionality of application during bug fixing. I hope you better understand the concept now whats regression testing and how is it performed. This is an important example of regression testing.

Q19). What are the important facts to focus on while writing Regression test cases?

Ans:-  Writing a test case is the most important step while performing test execution process and in-depth knowledge can always make the testing process easier and quicker. 

  • To write the regression test template, you should have a clear understanding of the client requirements.
  • Each requirement should be presented in the form of test cases and make sure nothing important details are left out.
  • Based on the document specifications, remember that functional and non-functional requirements are represented well.
  • The regression test template  should be reviewed from time to time and make sure that they are not repeated.
  • As soon as changes are made to the application, design new test cases if old ones are not valid.
  • The structure of a regression test template should be kept simpler so that it can be validated for a wider range and understood by everyone.

Q20). What is the difference between regression testing the retesting?

Ans:-  Re-testing is a special technique needed to check the test cases that not successful in the final execution and passed directly after the defects the repaired.

At the same time, Regressing testing is used to check the code either changes don’t have any adverse effect on the app functionality. 

Q21) Explain the benefits of regression testing. 

Ans:- Here are some of the advantages of regression testing:

  • Regression Testing helps to improve a product's quality.
  • It ensures that any bug fixes do not impact the product's functionality.
  • Automation technologies can be used to do regression testing.
  • It ensures that issues that have been addressed do not recur.

Q22) What factors to consider while running a regression testing?

Ans:-  To decide which tests to run for regression testing, we should consider 

  • The sections of the system that have altered.
  • Risk of regression
  • Coverage goals

You may also want to consider running all or a subset of the tests in your regression suite.

Q23) What are the challenges associated with regression testing?

Ans:-  One of the most difficult aspects of regression testing is making sure that all relevant tests are executed. Another challenge can be automating regression tests, as it can be difficult to create tests that cover all potential areas of the program. Based on the size and complexity of the system, it can take a lot of time to test all the various aspects of regression testing. 

Q24) Explain Configuration Management In Regression Testing.

Ans:-  In Agile environments, configuration management in regression testing becomes essential. These are the following procedures to follow in order to ensure a regression test.

  • During the regression testing phase, no changes to the code are permitted.
  • Developer changes must not influence a regression test scenario.
  • It is necessary to isolate the database used for regression testing.
  • Alterations to the database are not allowed.

Get a complete guide to Regression Testing procedures and applications with Regression Testing Tutorial.

Q25) How can you choose test cases for regression testing?

Ans:- It was investigated as part of an industry probe after a client reported numerous issues caused by last-minute bug patches. Choosing a Test Choosing a case for regression testing is difficult due to these negative effects. Regression testing can be carried out using the following methods:

  • A test case having maximum defects
  • Features that are more visible to the users.
  • Test cases that verify the basic features of the product. 
  • All integration test cases.
  • All complex test scenarios
  • Test Cases of boundary values
  • Successful test cases
  • Test cases that fail

Q26) What do you understand by Rational Functional Tester?

Ans:- A Java program called Rational Functional Tester automates software application test cases. It is a regression test framework that works with the rational functional tester and automates regression test cases.

Q27) When can you perform Full Regression Testing?

Ans:- Full Regression Testing is conducted when the following criteria is met:

  • When the change is made to the product's source file. For example: JVM is the JAVA application's root file, and any changes to JVM will cause the whole JAVA programme to be tested.
  • When we have a large number of modifications to perform.

Q28) What are the drawbacks of doing regression testing manually?


  • Reduction in Performance
  • It is a challenging task to do.
  • Irregularity in test execution.
  • Enhancement of the test execution time.

Thus, it is recommended to turn to automation to solve these problems.

Q29) Define Unit Regression Testing.

Ans:- The unit regression testing indicates that all tests for the unit are repeated when there is any change made in it. These tests are executed separately from other test cases from other units, with no interaction or dependencies.

Q30) Define Progressive Regression Testing.

Ans:- The Progressive Regression Testing ensures that new test scenarios and test cases are included in testing to ensure that the latest version of the programme does not interfere with previously functioning functionalities.

It's utilised when there have been significant modifications to the programme specifications or when developers have made changes to the code.

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If you're preparing for a job interview that will focus on regression analysis, then you should definitely check out the most functional testing interview questions and answers. Doing so will help ensure that you're able to confidently answer any questions that come up during the interview. The interviewer is more concerned with getting to know you as a technical expert. Good Luck For Your Next Interview!

 Please let us know if you have any functional testing interview questions that aren't addressed here so we can add them for the benefit of the testing community. Enroll in the QA Software Testing Training program and become an expert now!

With a little bit of practice, you'll be able to impress your interviewer and land the job you want.


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