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You Can’t Miss the Top 17+ Security Testing Interview Questions


Testing is not a new profession; rather, it is now required of every software project. When it comes to pursuing a career in testing, you must first obtain all of the necessary information to become a professional tester. For our readers willing to make a career in security testing, we have got the top 17 security testing interview questions and answers in this blog. 

These well-researched information security interview questions for freshers, and experienced candidates, and they are frequently asked by interviewers to assess your expertise.

A. Information Security Interview Questions for Freshers

Q1). Explain the Security Testing.

A: The security testing procedure is used to uncover or detect faults in the information system's security mechanism. An information system essentially safeguards data and maintains performance in accordance with user expectations and needs.

One of the most critical types of testing for every application is security testing. In this style of testing, the tester assumes the position of the attacker and moves around the program looking for bugs. Among the several types of testing accessible today, security testing is regarded as one of the most critical.

Q2). What Is the Objective of Security Testing?

A: One of the most essential types of testing is security testing, which seeks to identify faults or vulnerabilities in software or any desktop or web-based application. It is being done in order to protect data from any unforeseen attack or invader.

Many applications include sensitive information that must be safeguarded. It must be done on a regular basis in order to identify threats and take immediate action.

Q3). Define Vulnerability.

A: To answer this information security interview questions for freshers, grab the response below:

The weakness of any system due to which any bug or intruder can attack the system is known as its vulnerability. If testing is not performed rigorously of the system then chances of attack get increased. To avoid such attacks from time to time patches and fixes are applied to prevent the system from any unpredicted vulnerability.

Q4). Explain Intrusion Detection.

A: An intrusion detection system basically detects the possibility of an attack and many times deals with it as well. Basically, it collects information from a number of sources, analyzes the information, and finds out all possible ways to attack the system. It checks for the following:

  • Attack possibility
  • Abnormal activity detection
  • System data auditing
  • Data collection analysis

Q5). Explain SQL Injection.

A: Commonly hackers attack the system with this technique known as SQL injection to hack all critical data. They check and try to find any system loophole, in which they find a query that bypasses the security check and returns back critical data. This process is known as SQL injection; it can not only hack the data but sometimes even crash the system.

The SQL injections are quite critical so they must be avoided. They can be avoided by periodic attacks. SQL database security must be defined correctly in that input boxes and special characters must be handled properly.

Q6): What is Adhoc Testing?

A: Adhoc testing is when you intentionally try to break a system by spontaneous and unplanned testing, much like structured testing, there is no specific way of creating a test case. Adhoc tests are usually done without any formal documentation and don't rely on pre-written tests, this is often used to find bugs in the software.

Q7). What Are the Security Testing Attributes?

A: The following Attributes Are Considered for Security Testing:

  • Authentication
  • Confidentiality
  • Authorization
  • Integrity
  • Availability
  • Resilience
  • Non-repudiation               

Q8). What Do You Understand by Cross-Site Scripting or Xss?

A: Cross-site scripting is the type of vulnerability that is used by hackers to attack web applications. Through this, the hackers inject HTML and JAVASCRIPT code into web pages through which hackers steal confidential information from the web page cookies that is ultimately returned to the hackers. One must try to prevent this technique while designing the web application.

Q9): What is loop testing and how does it work?

A: Loop testing, also known as "Loop Testing," is a type of software testing that specifically checks if the loop structures within a program are functioning correctly. It's part of Control Structure Testing, which includes path testing, validating data, and checking conditions.

Loop testing is a form of white box testing, where testers examine the internal workings of the program. The main focus is on ensuring that loops in the software perform their tasks accurately and handle different scenarios effectively. This helps identify and fix any issues related to how loops are implemented and used in the software code.

Q10). Differentiate SSL Connection and SSL Session?

A: SSL or secured socket layer connection is a transient connection that is established to set up peer-to-peer communication. In these connections, each connection has one SSL Session.

SSL session is defined as an association between client and server. Usually, a handshake networking protocol is used in these connections. The parameters that are defined in these connections must be shared by multiple SSL connections.

Q11). Explain “Penetration Testing”.

A: Penetration testing is done to identify and detect system vulnerabilities. In this testing manual and automatic techniques are used to detect system vulnerabilities. After identifying the vulnerability, testers try to find more vulnerabilities associated with this one by accessing the system deeply.

This testing helps in preventing the system from any possible attack. Testers perform this testing in two ways either white-box testing or black-box testing.

In the case of white-box testing, all information is available to the testers, while in the case of black-box testing testers test the system in the real-world environment without any information and find out the vulnerabilities.

Q12). Why Should Penetration Testing Be Used?

A: Due to the following reasons, Penetration testing must be used by the testers:

  • As threats and attacks can be done at any time loopholes and security breaches can be much costly. Hackers cannot only steal the information but also crash the system.
  • As hackers adopt new ways of hacking every day, sometimes it may be difficult to protect the information all the time. So testers must perform the testing period to detect and prevent the attack.
  • Penetration testing protects the system from the above-mentioned attacks and helps organizations to keep data safe.

B. Security Testing Questions & Answers for Experienced

Q13). How Can the Password File Be Protected?

A: The following two techniques are used to protect the password file:

  • Hashed Password
  • Salt Value or Password File Access Control

Q14). What Are the Most Used Abbreviations and Full Forms That Are Used for Software Security?

A: Below-listed abbreviations are used in software security and they are given with their full forms:

  • OSI- Open System Interconnection
  • ISDN- Integrated Services Digital Network
  • DDS-Digital Data System
  • FTP-File Transfer Protocol
  • GOSIP-Government Open System Interconnection Profile
  • CHAP-Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  • SSH-The Secure Shell
  • DES-Data Encryption Standard
  • DBA-Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
  • COPS-Common Open Policy Services
  • BONDING- Bandwidth On Demand Interoperability Group
  • ISAKMP-Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
  • USM- User-based Security Model
  • TLS-The Transport Layer Security
  • IPSec-Internet Protocol Security is a protocol suite used for internet security.

Q15). What Are the Factors That Can Cause Vulnerability?

ABelow are listed factors that can cause vulnerability:

  • Passwords- If hackers know the password then they can steal the information easily. Password policy must be followed properly to avoid this risk.
  • Design flaws- Due to design flaws the system loopholes can allow hackers to attack systems easily
  • Human Error- Human errors must be identified as they are the biggest source of vulnerabilities
  • Management – Poor data management can also lead to many vulnerabilities, so they must be also identified
  • Complexity – If complex coding is being used for software then it may also result in a vulnerability.

Q16). Define ISO 17799.

A: This standard is published in the UK and defines the practices that must be followed for software security. This standard has guidelines for all size organizations including small, medium, and large size organizations.

Q17: What is port scanning?

A: Ports are the entry and exit points of a system and port scanning is a way of checking these ports to find any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. This way you can identify any potential points of attack so that you can take steps to secure them. There are different types of port scans, including Strobe (checks known services), FTP bounce (uses an FTP server to disguise the scan's source), Vanilla (tries to connect to all ports), Fragmented packets (sends packets that bypass firewall filters), Stealth scan (hides the scan from the target system), Sweep (connects to the same port on multiple machines), and UDP (checks open UDP ports).

Q18). What Are the Types of Testing?

Testing can be of the following types:

  • White Box: In this type of testing all information is provided to the testers
  • Black Box Testing: In this type of testing no information is provided to the testers and they test the application in the real-world scenario
  • Grey Box Testing: Partial information is provided to the testers rest have their own information

Q19). As per the Oss Testing Methodology Manual Which of the Seven Security Types Exist?

A: As per the Open Source Security Testing methodology manual following seven types of testing may exist:

  • Security Scanning: It must be done to identify system or network weakness
  • Vulnerability Scanning: As per this standard automated software must scan a system against any vulnerability.
  • Risk Assessment: It involves possible risk analysis of the system that can be classified as low, medium, and high
  • Security Auditing: The complete system is scanned for any vulnerability
  • Posture Assessment: It combines ethical hacking, security scanning, and risk assessment to show the overall security posture of any organization
  • Penetration Testing: Penetration testing helps the testers in identifying system vulnerabilities.

Q20). Explain the WSDL and SOAP?

A: SOAP is a Simple Object Access Protocol that is an XML-based protocol that is used to exchange information over HTTP. Web services send XML requests in SOAP format and then the SOAP client sends a message to the server. The server then responds back with a SOAP message.

WSDL or Web Services Description Language is an XML formatted language that is used by UDDI. It describes the web services and the way in which they can be used and accessed.

Final Words

I hope you find this set of information security interview questions for freshers and experienced helpful in preparing for your interview. However, if you want to get a leg up on your competitors, you should enroll in professional security testing online course, which will solidify your foundation, provide you with deep industry insights, real-time exposure, and improve your skill sets.

Best wishes!!


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  • J

    Jax Williams

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  • A

    Amari Jones

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    Zane Brown

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    Emilio Davis

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