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How To Make Software Testing More Effective


Software testing, like every process, need some benchmarks to assess whether the testing is moving in the right way. The benchmarks used to determine whether the testing strategy being used is appropriate are the principles of software testing. Software testing principles make sure the primary objective isn't jeopardised while obtaining the finest testing results.

In a nutshell, Software Testing Principles enable the testing team to work efficiently by making the most of their time and energy. Our Online QA Training certification opens the door to understanding the concepts of the software testing cycle and gives you the learning abilities that will unquestionably position you as a leader in the field.

QA testing is done so that the software is free from bugs or errors. To make it more effective, certain practices need to be adopted, which are covered in this blog. 

Let’s start exploring some of the best software testing practices that will make your software stand out from the rest.

13 Software Testing Best Practices

Principles of testing

1. Exhaustive testing is not possible

Exhaustive Testing as the name suggests is a time taking testing process, where the Testing team would target to test each and every permutation and combination. This is one of the must-follow testing best practices that would require a lot of time and effort. Ironically, it’s very rare to accommodate such testing within the Project Timelines. Hence an effective way is to analyze the risk, prioritize the testing based on the risk and make use of testing techniques to get optimized results. Sharpen up your testing skills with the right QA certification course.

For Example: Imagine we have to test a page where there are 5 fields that accept alphabets, numbers or special characters and a numeric field that accepts a value from 1 lac to 10 lac. 

Now, if we perform exhaustive testing, we will have to enter all the combinations one by one and check for all the fields. Covering all the scenarios will take a lot of time. On the contrary, if we use a technique like ‘Equivalence Partitioning’ the testing would be completed in half time

2. Defect Clustering

It usually happens that in a complete feature there are only a few functionalities that will have the maximum no. of bugs. If we go by Pareto’s law 20% of the functionality has 80% of bugs. This is true for large applications that have multiple modules of different complexity. 

For Example: If we have a website that has 3 screens. The first is the signup/login page, the second screen is a form of competitive exam and the 3rd page is a payment screen that takes the card details and processes the payment. Now if asked to a Tester about what will be the most critical functionality of this website. The answer would surely be the Payment Screen. Which is very obvious. And so most of the bugs he would encounter will be around the payment process.

Similarly, shortlisting the modules and preparing the regression testing based on this principle helps identify maximum bugs in very less time. For such testing best practices, you need a sound knowledge of regression testing and its fundamentals. However, this would result in Pesticide Paradox if we do not constantly update the regression suite. We will now understand what the Pesticide Paradox is.

3. Pesticide Paradox

If we use the same type of pesticide for a long period of time to kill insects, the insects gradually develop resistance against these pesticides. And it is no more effective on insects. The same happens in Software testing as well. If we execute the same set of test cases, again and again, we would not be able to discover new defects in the functionality. This happens as the coverage becomes restricted and all the bugs logged around that area will already be fixed as the predefined scope has been tested multiple times.

This can be avoided if we keep revising the test cases. Adding new and different cases each time regression is required would help overcome this issue.

When you are looking for a career in testing, check out the guide on How To Build An Amazing Automation Tester Resume (With Samples)

For Example: If a page with five fields—two dropdowns, two text fields, and one date field—needs to be tested. Since our dropdown fields are interdependent, these fields are where the majority of errors are reported to be. The testing team built test cases to confirm the dropdown fields and left the other 3 fields after taking into account prior findings. Now, there is a risk that the dropdown will function properly but the date field won't accept the right values.

4. Testing shows the presence of defects

Testing is done with the belief that the application has bugs, it is one of the best software testing practices.  Even when the testers are not finding any bugs does not mean that the application is 100 ect-free. Therefore, it is important to design test cases with maximum coverage.

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5. Absence of Error - Fallacy

This principle focuses on checking the completion of requirements specified by business partners. It can happen that an application has almost no bugs but is not meeting the requirements or maybe the testing done was for the wrong requirements. When you want to ensure the testing software's best practice, make sure to follow it.

6. Early Testing

It is believed that testing would be more effective if it is initiated from an early stage. Early testing would include Documents Testing to ensure that the designing phase has no defects. Finding defects in an early stage saves a lot of money, effort, and time. And so it is advised to start testing early in SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), it is among the most important testing best practices.

7.  Context dependent Testing

Testing is different for each domain. Suppose, a banking domain testing will not be the same as an Insurance domain. The software testing methodologies, techniques, and types of testing used will be different in each domain. Our last principle is focused on this factor which emphasizes the importance of understanding that the testing needs to be flexible enough to change as per the project’s requirement.

8. Report as thoroughly as possible

Although reporting bugs may seem like a tedious and tedious chore, it is essential for engineers to understand and address the issues in your software and follow the testing software best practice smartly. Because no one enjoys reading lengthy documents, you should make sure that all bug reports are as informative as they can be while yet remaining manageable.

The finest software testing procedures include producing a well-designed report, which can assist the development team in determining the severity of the problems, prioritizing the corrections, and even coming up with creative solutions to ensure that the errors don't occur again. It is among the best software testing practices.

9. Make security vital during testing

Best software testing practices protect the product from online dangers while ensuring a superior and flawless performance. This is the rationale behind introducing a series of security-motivated tests, such as penetration tests, at all times.

Thinking like a bad actor and attempting to break into your own program might help you better understand the problems and flaws in your software and come up with solutions.

10. Ask more and more questions

It is one of the best software testing practices if you always want to keep an eye on the bigger picture. It would help if you did testing while keeping the user experience in mind. The most excellent principle of testing is asking a lot of questions may seem like they are attempting to prove something, but there is a significant purpose for this.

Its because you need to thoroughly understand a piece of software, including its users' demographics, intended uses, intended issues, etc.

11. Talk to End-Users

Meeting with end users directly when seeking to test best practices is a brilliant idea and one of the best software testing practices whether they are corporate employees or outside clients. Find out what issues they have using the product and what additions they think should be introduced. 

What matters most is that it will assist the team in conducting testing from the end user’s viewpoint. Make test accounts in your production systems, so you can emulate end-user experiences when it's time to test in production.

12. Prefer Regression Testing

Regression testing involves checking code to see if it still functions after updates, changes, and upgrades.  A code repair for one issue could result in a whole new error when building software.

Regression testing, one of the most widely used software testing techniques, ensures the program is dependable and functional at all stages of development, especially after adding new designs and features.

13. Keep Learning

Lastly, as the field of software testing changes and evolves, you should be focused on staying on top of what’s happening to sustain the status of an all-star tester, one of the testing principles. As a result, this regular effort to expand your knowledge is essential whether you’re just starting in software testing with the best software testing practices or maintaining your position of excellence. You can continue learning with experts online, taking courses, attending conferences, etc. Apart from staying aware of best practices in software testing, learning also helps in career advancement and building a reputation as a thought leader yourself.

How do Softwares have bugs?

software bugs

As we know Software development is not an easy job. There can be many factors that may result in defects. Listed below are some of the many factors that cause defects in Software that you should know apart from being aware of the best software testing practices.

  • Ambiguity in Requirement: This usually happens at the time of requirement gathering. If the requirements collected are not correctly understood or not documented correctly, it might lead to an issue in the application. This can also happen on the Testing Team end, where because of ambiguity they ignore any bug during testing.
  • There can also be a chance that the requirement is missed and hence not developed as well as tested. 
  • If the Project model is Agile in nature: In the Agile model, the requirements tend to change. The changes are discussed and implemented parallelly. The continuous changes to the code can have the risk of leading to instability in the system or causing bugs in an already working functionality. Read our blog on Agile methodology tutorial to know more.
  • If the requirement is complex: Complex requirements need a lot of brainstorming. The logic needs to be thought upon before implementing. If the logics are not clear it might lead to several defects
  • If the timelines are restricted: Restricted timelines take away flexibility. A person does not get sufficient time to think and develop an understanding of the functionality. Testers usually tend to perform selective testing due to lack of time leaving defects in the application
  • Lack of Skilled Professionals: There is a high probability that an untrained person would miss defects despite following the best software testing practices.

Are you preparing for your interview? We can help you with our blog on “Top 100+ Software testing interview questions and answers” to crack your interview.

Deciding how much testing is sufficient enough

There is no benchmark comparing with which we can figure out what is enough. If we have no constraint of time, resources and cost, it will take a considerable amount of time to complete the testing. Having a 100% coverage based on the designed test cases can be defined as sufficient testing, however, it is hard to say if the designed test cases have covered each and every scenario. Hence, statistically proving how much testing is enough is a bit of a challenge. Since our scope of testing will always vary based on the below 4 factors:

  • Timeline: Our scope of testing will be highly impacted by the timelines provided for testing. As we will have to plan our testing according to the time allotted while following the best software testing practices.
  • Resources: When we talk about resources, if we have adequate no. of skilled resources our testing would be of high quality. Items tested by such resources would have good coverage. However, if the resources are unexperienced the testing would need more supervision and would take more time
  • Cost: Cost is the driving force of the above two factors. If the company has assigned a good budget to a project the timelines can be managed by assigning more resources. However, its vice versa can happen if the budget is low.

Keeping into account the above factors and  the best software testing practices, we can consider our testing to be sufficient enough if:

  • Our test case design techniques and their execution is completed and we have not encountered any issue or the count of issues is within the acceptable limit of Exit criteria
  • If our requirement traceability matrix is 100% 
  • If we have identified the high-risk items and taken all the required steps to mitigate the risk
  • If the functionality is correctly working in UAT as well
  • If the user accepts the application happily

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To summarize how to increase the efficiency of Software Testing and the best software testing practices, we can say that we need to have a fair idea of the Principles of Software Testing so that we can plan our testing in a way that gives us better coverage of all the possible risks, identify the high priority features and utilizing the testing methods and types to complete the testing in the given timelines. This can be provided by our QA software testing course that will make you fit for this job and pave the way for a bright career. 

Test Planning plays a vital role in making effective progress. It is in the hands of the testing team to strategize the testing in a way that the functionality is less vulnerable to the risk of breakdowns or finding any showstopper issue in production. Now when we say that the planning should be full-proof it is important for the testers to have a good understanding of the testing principles. As the risk can be high if the testing is poorly planned and executed. It should be disciplined enough to incorporate all 10  testing principles as a baseline. Take into account all the factors that might lead to defects. And lastly, understand how adequate testing is!

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Q1. What is Software testing?

Ans- Software testing is the process of evaluating and identifying errors or bugs in a software product. This reduces development cost and makes the product perfect for use.

Q2. Why is software testing important?

Ans- Software testing addresses issues like-

  • Architectural flaws
  • Poor design decisions
  • Invalid or incorrect functionality
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Scalability issues

Q3. What are the benefits of software testing?

Ans- Here are the benefits of software testing-

  • Saves money- Software testing locates a bug in the early phase. This makes it cost-effective and reduces development costs.
  • Security- Software testing saves your data from the threat of hacking. This is the reason why the top companies choose it for their security.
  • User-friendly- Software testing makes customers happy and gives them a perfect user experience.

Do you know the difference between manual and automation testing? Here is a complete guide on Manual vs Automation Testing!

Q4.Which QA certifications are in demand?

Ans- These are the best training courses for QA Tester:

  • CAST (Certified Associate In Software Testing
  • ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
  • HP Certification
  • Advanced Level Certification ISTQB
  • Advanced Level Test Manager kind of Exam
  • Expert Level ISTQB exam

Q5. What skills will I learn?

Ans- Here are all that you will Learn through a QA Course Online:

  • Software Testing, Manual Testing & Database
  • Java & Oops (Basics of programming)
  • Selenium IDE & Selenium Web driver
  • Selenium WebElements, TestNG Testing
  • Page Object Model, Cucumber
  • Maven & Continuous integration with Jenkins

Q6. What can I expect after this course?

Ans- A QA Tester Certificate online for training completion, by a highly recognized name - JanBask Training - declaring a successful winding up of your learning-filled QA training for beginners to professionals and also training you for the best practices in software testing. Our certification gives you a great boost during interview calls.

Q7. What are the 4 stages of software testing?

Ans- The 4 stages of software testing that should be adopted before every testing are-

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Q8. What is the future scope of a QA tester?

Ans- QA Testing is one of the in-demand skills globally.

Software testers have broad and entirely adaptable vocation ways that they may change as per their requirements. They can move towards becoming Project Managers or Business Analysts if they have a decent comprehension of the various enterprises.

QA Testers sometimes progress towards becoming DevOps on account of their working methodology.The demand for QA testers is not limited to just the IT sector, it is evenly required in healthcare, banking, transportation, entertainment, and so on.

Q9. Why are QA certifications necessary?

Ans- QA Testing certifications are important to have as they help with nurturing your job-ready practical skills. They give you an edge while representing your portfolio & CV to the recruitment panel and maximize your chances of getting hired by non-certification QA Testers. You get the ability to demand your desired salary as you have proven & competent skills.

Q10. How to maintain a growing career in QA software testing?

Ans- To maintain a growing career, you need to learn software testing related innovations, techniques, or upgrades in QA Testing methods and qualify for multiple software testing certification exams. The more QA Testing certification exams you will take, the more you will attract the attention of recruiters. Also, by having effective and QA testing skill-related discussions with similar-thinking online communities to get more exposure to this discipline in-depth.

Do not forget to check out these amazing  Software Testing Methodologies!


    Shubham Singh

    With his detailed research and unique insights into IT and Technological trends, Shubham has been producing high-quality and engaging content that meets the standards of its end-users.


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