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A Java programmer must know the answers to a few of the popular Spring questions before appearing for the interview. There are some popular interview questions for any level Java Programmer. For web applications Spring Framework is one of the popular Java EE frameworks. Two most popular concepts of Java programming are Aspect Oriented Programming and Dependency Injection. Let’s see mostly asked interview questions for freshers.
Before appearing for an interview if you will know the answers to these questions, then it will be good. While reading these spring MVC interview questions for experienced and freshers you will surely like them and will not like to miss them et al. Few are those interesting questions.
Ans: With the two core concepts of Aspect-Oriented and Dependency Injection, Spring is one of the most popular and widely used Java EE frameworks. Through dependency injection, it can provide tight coupling between various components. The cross-cutting tasks such as authentication and logging can be provided through Spring framework and the aspect-oriented programming can be implemented through this as well. Spring framework is a featured framework that can provide several modules and lots of features for specific tasks such as Spring JDBC and Spring MVC. Working with Spring is quite easy and a fun activity due to the presence of a number of online communities and resources.
Ans: Spring framework is based on two main concepts known as aspect-oriented programming and dependency injection. A few features of the Spring framework are:
Ans: Dependency injection is a concept that is implemented through the design patterns. It can remove the hard-coded dependency and can make the application loosely coupled, maintainable and extendable. The dependency resolution can also be moved from compile time to run time through these design patterns. It provides the following benefits:
Google Guice can also be used for dependency injection and the processes can be automated through this. If we want to implement any additional concept along with dependency injection then Spring is the best choice for that.
Ans: Spring framework offers a number of advantages which include the following:
Ans: Some important and mostly used Spring modules are:
Q6). What is the role of Presentation, Abstraction, and Control components in MVC?
Ans: Abstraction: This is about what the application does and its core functions related to the business.
Presentation: This is how the application's functions are shown to users, like the interface they interact with.
Control: This keeps everything in sync between what the app does and how it looks to users. It also communicates with other parts of the system.
Ans: Some cross-cutting concerns for any enterprise-level application like transaction management, data validation, authentication, and logging in for various application modules and objects are most valuable. In the case of object-oriented programming such application modularity is implemented by classes while in AOP it is achieved by Aspects.
Ans: The industry standard implementation of Aspect-oriented programming is called AspectJ while implementation of AOP can also be done with the help of Springs. The major differences between AspectJ and Spring AOP are listed below:
Q9: What is the Dispatcher Servlet in Spring MVC?
Ans: The Dispatcher Servlet acts as the central coordinator in the Spring MVC framework. It receives incoming web requests, routes them to the appropriate components such as models, controllers, and views, and ensures that the correct responses are sent back to the clients. Essentially, it manages the entire operation and flow of the application.
Ans: Any class of Spring framework, which is initialized by Spring IoC container is known as Spring Bean. We can get the Spring Bean instance through Spring Application Context. The life cycle of Spring Bean can be managed by Spring IoC container.
Ans: The following five are the main scopes of Spring Beans:
The Spring framework is extendable user can also create his own scope as well. While the Spring defined scope is also used by the developers. The “scope” attribute of the bean element is used to define its scope. The above-listed ones are mostly asked for spring MVC interview questions and answers. Apart from these there can be other spring MVC interview questions as well. You can find other questions to clear the interview.
Q12: What is the difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot?
Features |
Spring Boot |
Spring MVC |
Working |
Simplifies creating standalone, dynamic web applications and supports fast development. |
Part of the core Spring framework, it helps build web applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design. |
Build |
A framework that makes it easy to start using the Spring framework with little setup. |
A web framework built on top of the Java Servlet API. |
Productivity |
Saves time and increases productivity for developing standalone applications and Spring-based projects. |
Used to create web applications that run on servlet containers like Tomcat. |
Ans: When a normal Java class starts with an IoC container it is called Spring Bean. To get the Spring Bean instance we can use Spring Application Context. The life cycle of Spring Bean is managed by the IoC container, it also manages the scope of bean and the dependencies required in case of bean injection in any module.
Ans: All beans that are initialized by Spring Context are defined in the Spring Bean configuration file. When an instance of Spring Application Context is created it reads the Spring bean XML file and initializes all of them. The context is initialized once in the bean life cycle and then it can be used to get different bean instances throughout its lifecycle. This file not only contains Spring Bean configuration instead it also contains Spring MVC view resolvers, interceptors, and other annotations that can support other configuration-based elements.
Q15: What is the difference between WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC and ApplicationContext?
Features |
Application Context |
Web Application Context |
Configuration |
Configured using application Context.xml or through annotations like @ Configuration and @ Bean. |
Configuration typically involves XML files named *-servlet.xml, tailored for web-specific setups. |
Working |
Meant for standalone applications, handling configuration and components. |
Specifically designed for web applications running within containers like Tomcat or Jetty, managing web-related configurations and components. |
Example |
Desktop Applications |
RESTful APIs |
Ans: We can configure any Java class to Spring Bean by the following three ways:
Ans: The complete process of injecting a bean dependency at the time of its initialization is known as Spring Bean wiring. Though the user can do the explicit wiring for all the beans in the spring framework you can also use auto wiring. For this, the annotation @Autowired can be used with filesautowiring by type. For this, we will also have to enable annotation-based configuration located in the Spring bean file
Ans: In the Spring framework, the following four types of auto wiring is defined:
Ans: The default scope of any bean in the Spring framework is a singleton, so only one instance per context can be there. Therefore the class-level variables that can be updated through the thread may lead to inconsistent data so Spring beans are not threaded safe. To achieve thread safety the bean scope can be changed to prototype, request, or session and for that, the performance may have to be compromised.
Ans: Like MVC design patterns Spring Bean Controller class takes care of the requests coming from any client and it sends them to the configured resources which can handle it. The front controller class org. spring framework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet initializes the contexts on the basis of spring bean configurations. A Controller class can handle various kinds of client requests on the basis of request mapping. By using @Controller annotation the controller class can be created.
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This blog covers the questions which you can read and solve if you want to crack the interview for Spring bean professional. Java professionals also have to get practical knowledge along with theoretical concepts. The questions are covered for both fresher and experienced professionals and you can also find many others questions if you want to be a proficient Java developer and want to crack Spring interview.
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