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The Ultimate Guide For Writing A Cover Letter With Samples


Finding a job in these tough times isn’t an easy task, forget about finding the job of your dreams! And there’s nothing good about job hunting, so many daunting steps are involved- sifting through thousands of job postings, selecting the ones you like, crafting that perfect resume or writing a cover letter, waiting for the call, preparing for the grueling interviews… it’s more than a herculean task. You can’t mess up any of the steps, especially crafting a resume and writing a cover letter because these two can make or break your chance of landing that dream job. What? Are you surprised that we are calling writing a “cover letter” an essential step? Of course, we are. Contrary to popular opinion, knowing how to write a good cover letter is as important as writing your resume, in fact a cover letter compliments your resume. So don’t forget about writing a cover letter!

How? Well,  your resume may state your qualifications and achievements, but it is your cover letter that not only expands on those achievements, but also showcases your personality, and explains why you’d be a good fit for the job posted and the company. So don’t start searching “how to start a cover letter.” We’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll not only discuss what is a cover letter, the important elements of writing a cover letter but will also deal with the following questions, so you come up with amazing cover letters:

  • What is a cover letter? Key elements of how to start a cover letter help.
  • Do I need to know how to write a good cover letter?
  • Guide on writing a cover letter in 5 easy steps.
  • Cover letters checklist for writing a cover letter.
  • Sample of how to write a good cover letter help with no experience.
  • Sample of how to start a cover letter with experience.

What’s the Fuss About Knowing How to Write A Good Cover Letter?

cover letter

Even though a company rarely requests a cover letter, you should go for writing a cover letter if you’re applying for a job. Why? Because according to Zety, “a corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes on average and only 4 to 6 applicants get called in for an interview.” What separates these 4 to 6 candidates from the rest is obviously their amazing resumes but a cover letter has an equal part to play in their selection. Remember, hiring managers have seen lots of quality or non-quality resumes but they rarely see a quality cover letter. This is your chance to stand out from the pack and be counted among these 4 to 6 candidates. 

Like we earlier mentioned, a cover letter compliments your resume but we’d like to add more to that. A cover letter is just like a sales pitch. You know how a salesperson narrates the good qualities, the USP and the core characteristics of any product and we are ready to buy it because we are impressed with what we heard from him about the product. This is what a cover letter does for you. So if you want to know how to start a cover letter, then take it as a sales pitch, focus on the product you are selling (your talent) and how it will meet your user needs (business requirements). To sum up, write about:

  • Who you are, tell them what you’ve done, what you’re doing & what you’ll do that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives.
  • Identify the company’s pain points and want list mentioned in the job description and show them how you meet their needs and are equipped to resolve their problem statements. elements of cover letter

What's The Point Of A Cover Letter? Do I Need One?

cover letter

We’ve already said how writing a cover letter complements your resume but there are other benefits of knowing how to write a good cover letter and why you should always send a cover letter along with your resume. These are:

  • It distinguishes your application from the rest by showcasing your personality & qualifications.
  • It puts the right foot forward from the get-go via a compelling case for your candidacy.
  • It explains and draws attention to your few noteworthy experiences from your resume. 
  • It asserts your commitment and dedication to the job posted and emphasizes why you’re the right fit for the job and the company culture.
  • It also compensates & supplements your resume. In case you don't have a persuasive resume, the follow-up in the cover letter eliminates the waiting-period: so, you either move on with the interview or move on to another job opening. 

A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Write A Good Cover Letter (With Examples)

Write A Good Cover Letter

If you want to show your employer why you’re a qualified candidate and perfect fit for the job role then follow these key steps you need to know for how to write a good cover letter help:

1. Pick the Right Cover Letter Template

Yes, the basic first when discussing cover letters. You want to make the best impression on your potential employer but that is not possible if your cover letter is not properly formatted and you’ve not used a suitable cover letter template for yourself. You cannot simply pick one cover template from online searches without paying attention to whether it suits your experience, qualification, skills or not. Each cover template works for only some job profiles, so choose what suits your job role. But these are some important elements that a template must have:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • The date
  • The name of the hiring manager and their professional title
  • The name and address of the company to which you’re applying

2. The First Paragraph

Next in cover letters is your first section. Start the section by greeting the hiring manager or the department if you don’t know the manager's name. This is the section where you introduce yourself and why you are writing to them. A hiring manager gets thousands of resumes or cover letters. Naturally, they might not read every single cover letter or resume end-to-end, so you’ve to grab their attention from the first sentence itself. Avoid going generic at all costs and show your enthusiasm in regards to the role and company. You can also list your 2-3 top achievements to them and remember they have to be as relevant as possible to the position mentioned.

So if You’re Writing a Cover Letter for the Position of a Digital Marketer, This Is How Your First Paragraph Should Look Like:

As a lifelong enthusiast of XYZ’s marketing initiatives, I was thrilled to see your posting for the position of Digital Marketing Manager. I am positive I can help with XYZ’s upcoming challenges. I have experience with leading successful national online campaigns with budgets over $300,000. What is more, I have succeeded at expanding ABC’s client base by 19% since 2011.

3. The Second Paragraph

The next section in cover letters not only gives an overview of your background but also lists key achievements, skills, and specialties that not only are suitable to the job opening but also help you stand out. Another trick to make this paragraph worth reading is to include the keywords listed in the job description as you go about explaining why you are the perfect choice for the job. Make sure you are only including the most recent one or two professional experiences/achievements and just don’t throw examples of your experience or skills here and there and present them in an organized manner.

For Instance, if You’re Applying for the Post of Facebook Marketing Expert Then Your Second Paragraph While Writing a Cover Letter Should Look Like This:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $20,000+. As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation & management process end-to-end. Meaning, I created the ad copy, images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other Than Facebook Advertising, I’ve Also Delved Into Other Online PPC Channels, Including:

  • Google Search
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

4. The Third Paragraph

This section comes right before you are done writing a cover letter’s conclusion. Here, you should add on to the information you mentioned in the second section. Focus on additional reasons as to why you are qualified for the particular job position. But avoid repeating what you’ve listed in your resume, instead expand on some specific anecdotes that not only advocate your candidacy for the role posted but also showcases how you fit into the company's working culture and how passionate you’re about working with the company.

For instance:

I know that XYZ’s current plans involve developing a comprehensive online portal focused on healthcare-related issues. This project is a perfect match for my personal and professional interests and an exciting opportunity to create a unique online base of knowledge for patients and healthcare professionals. I would love to leverage my knowledge of SEO marketing and online growth marketing to achieve groundbreaking results with this initiative 

5. Closing Paragraph

Your closing paragraph This section is as important as your first paragraph, though you need to restate the reasons you’re applying for, your achievements, and experiences but ensure you're not repeating them in the same manner. Keep it short, explain you look forward to hearing from the employer, use the right formal closing, and do not forget to add a Call-to-action. 

It Should Be Something Like This:

Thank you for taking out time to look into my application. I hope I can help Company XYZ make the most out of their digital marketing initiatives and add a tangible difference. I look forward to sharing how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

  • Sincerely,
  • AB

So far we’ve been discussing examples for writing a cover letter for experienced professionals, now we’ll focus on individuals with no or some experience in their field. Below is the sample for writing a cover letter with no experience.

Dear V,

My name is Sarah and I’m a goals- and details-oriented English Major graduate from Durham University. I was excited to learn about the Junior Editor internship at Bay Area Publishers through a LinkedIn post. I’m very interested in applying for that position, and am confident that I have the requisite skills and characteristics that your company is seeking.

I note that the position requires someone who possesses excellent command over writing and editing skills in English. As our college Editor for 3 years, I was assigned with planning annual editorial calendars, issuing content, and creating special sections. 

My organizational skills and leadership skills have also been put to the test in other real-world settings, as when in my Final year I overlooked a team of 7 writers and led the team to conduct research, fact-checking, suggest content additions or changes, to ensure smooth publishing of content from start to finish.

The experience taught me, rather quickly, how to efficiently multitask, and how to effectively settle conflicts of all types in a calm, level-headed manner. I feel confident stating that I can bring these talents to the Bay Area Publishing editorial team.

I’ve attached my resume for your review. If any of the above details sounds interesting, I’d welcome the chance to talk on the phone this week.

  Thanks for considering my application today.

Best regards,


Do you want to know how to list technical skills in your resume? This Ultimate Guide to List Technical Skills On Resume might help!

How to Write A Good Cover Letter? This Cover Letter Writing Checklist Will Help!

Write A Good Cover Letter

No guide on anything is complete without a checklist to ensure you not only understand the entire process but also follow every step to avoid mistakes. We’ve searched the internet and have curated a comprehensive checklist of some crucial pointers that you need to cross out everytime you go for writing a cover letter. These are:

1. Does Your Cover Letter Heading Include All Essential Information?

  • Full Name
  • Contact Details, Address
  • Professional email
  • Date
  • Relevant Social Media Profiles

2. Do You Address the Right Person? 

  • Find out about the hiring manager in the company/your future direct supervisor
  • Recipient’s name and address

3. Does Your Introductory Paragraph Grab the Reader’s Attention?

  • Opening paragraph that hooks your reader
  • Convey successfully that you’re the right fit for the job

4.Did You Mention 2-3 of Your Top Achievements?

  • Use numbers and facts to back up your experience
  • Successfully convey how your experiences help you fit the requirements perfectly

5.Did You Avoid Generic Reasons for Explaining Your Interest in the Company?

  • List the top 3 things that you like about the company
  • Finalize the conclusion with a call to action
  • Use the right formal closure for the cover letter

Some Do’s and Don’ts For Writing A Cover Letter

We’ve already discussed a step-by-step guide on how to write a good cover letter help but there are some mistakes that you need to avoid while writing a cover letter. Here are they:

1.Golden Rule: Never Lie

Your cover letter gives you a golden chance to advocate for your candidacy. And we know, every hiring manager loves a candidate with amazing technical skills or expertise but that does not mean you will lie about having a technical skill just to get that job. Such tactics always backfire, when you have to showcase your knowledge of the particular skill or tech. Even, try avoiding exaggeration of your said knowledge, remember the people who are about to interview you are most probably industry experts so they will catch your bluff if you do not stay moderate with your skill ratings. 

2. Format Your Cover Letter Properly

We’ll go ahead and tell you that how you format your cover letter is actually more important than writing a cover letter because it is one of the first things that your employer comes across. So ensure you properly format your cover letter because if it is incorrectly formatted with issues in fonts, spacing or alignment or is error laden then it can quickly quash your chances of getting that dream job. 

This is the proper format of a cover letter, we recommend you memorize it by heart:

Your Contact Information

  • Name
  • Address
  • City, State Zip Code
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address


Employer Contact Information (if you have it)

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Address
  • City, State Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

Body of Cover Letter

  • First Paragraph
  • Introduce Yourself 
  • Second Paragraph 
  • Explain Why you’re fit for the job 
  • Specific, Organized Examples Of Relevant Experience & Skills 
  • Third Paragraph 
  • Explain why Your Value To The Company
  • Closing Paragraph 
  • Add your contact details
  • Restate the most important information provided in other parts of your cover letter
  • Wrap Up With A Call To Action

Complimentary Close

Respectfully yours,


3. Read The Job Description

A job description helps you figure out if you’re the right fit for a job or not. Be careful while you go through them and make note of what technical skills or experience a hiring manager requires and is actively looking for. So it makes sense that whenever you come across a job posting, you should go through it cares about what the employer actually wants. Assess your ability in each skill as honestly and accurately as you can and then only put them in the cover letters by writing a sentence about how you could use the technical skills in the job you opted for.

4. Customize Your Cover Letter

It’s not rocket science that you should not send the same cover letters to every other hiring manager. All jobs require different technical skills or experiences, so ensure that you are only listing and mentioning those skills or experiences while writing a cover letter that the recruiter or your potential employer has explicitly asked for. No need to tell them you have an excellent working knowledge of Azure platform when they are emphasizing that they need a Salesforce Consultant!

customaze cover letter

Conclusion On Writing A Cover Letter

A cover letter not only lets you introduce yourself to a potential employer but if done perfectly it can also spark their interest in reading your resume. But you don’t have to always write a cover letter if it’s not asked. But we insist that it really will give you an edge over others if you know how to write a good cover letter help and send a simple, one page cover letter alongside your resume… after all, why would you want to lose a valuable chance to give your potential employers a glimpse of your personality and show why you are their ideal candidate. 

Writing a cover letter may seem a daunting task especially when it is a make or break deal for you. But don’t be overwhelmed with the entire process. We hope this blog on how to write a good cover letter has made the process of writing a cover letter a little easier. If you follow these steps diligently, then you’ll surely be writing a cover letter that captures what you can bring to the role and makes a winning impression on the employer. We also shared a cover letter checklist so that you remember all the important components you should consider if you want to nail the art of knowing how to write a good cover letter. 

But if you still have doubts, you can drop us a comment! Or share your queries or questions about how to write a good cover letter that helps you land your dream job! We’re listening!

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    Vikas Arora

    Vikas Arora loves pursuing excellence through writing and have a passion for technology. He currently writes for

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  • J

    Jensen Evans

    I want to really thank you for this post, as I am preparing a cover letter for the first time and this post guides me well to create an initiative plus professional cover letter.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • F

    Finley Edwards

    Earlier we needed a good resume but nowadays, recruiters prefer to choose the candidate with a cover letter so this is a must read blog for freshers or professionals applying for jobs.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • C

    Corbin Stewart

    I have no idea about what a cover letter is and how to prepare it. But when I got the mail that I have to come for an interview with my cover letter, I explored it.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • K

    Kash Sanchez

    Me and my friend both are applying for same job roles, he is getting to many interview call but this not happened to me then he told me to have a nice cover letter attach with resume to get better recruiter response.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • R

    Reid Morris

    Cover letter is of equal importance as a resume nowadays. So it's important to prepare it carefully!

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • K

    Kameron Rogers

    Hey, it is a quite well written post, the benefits of a cover letter are good and motivative. I would highly recommend this post to people who are failing in securing a job for them.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • A

    Andre Reed

    What an informative plus motivational blog , it has enhanced my knowledge about a good cover letter now I understand the importance of cover letters. This is the perfect blog for students and professionals who are keen to learn new things.

    • Vikas User


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • K

    Khalil Cox

    What an informative plus motivational blog , it has enhanced my knowledge about a good cover letter now I understand the importance of cover letters. This is the perfect blog for students and professionals who are keen to learn new things.

    • Vikas User


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • J

    Jake Morgan

    Being a science stream student, I want to pursue my career in some related sectors but due to lack of knowledge I am not getting the satisfied knowledge. I have applied at so many places but got rejected due to a bad cover letter. Can your team help me create a good cover letter for my post? Thanks team!

    • Vikas User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • H

    Hayes Bell

    I am interested in learning SQL server. I am a BCA graduate, will it be fine to choose SQL server as my career option. Also, can you share some more links related to how to create a good cover letter for my desired post? Please let me know!

    • Vikas User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • G

    Gunner Cook

    Hi! I am a fresher, I don't have any knowledge about cover letters nor do I have any technical knowledge. Can your team help me choose the suitable position for me?

    • Vikas User


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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