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Teradata Interview Questions and Answers


Facing an Interview can be a very uphill task for some of us. But what if we were to tell you that we can ease out some exertion for your interview? Yes, you read it right. We are here to make your Teradata interview a little easier by presenting to you the most frequently asked questions of the Teradata interviews. The best part is, these questions are followed by their answers too. Bid adieu to your worries related to Teradata interview and start preparing.

Teradata Interview Questions And Answers

  • What do you understand by Teradata?
  • What are the main characteristics of Teradata?
  • What is Teradata RDBMS?
  • What Is a Data Mart?
  • Why do you use Joins in Teradata?
  • What are the various types of joins that are available in Teradata?
  • Explain the concept of Partitioned Primary Index (PPI)
  • Explain the meaning of Caching in Teradata?
  • Describe the purpose of UPSERT command?
  • Explain the difference between fast load and multi-load.
  • Explain about the Primary Index and Secondary Index.
  • What things should you take care of while you are Creating Secondary Index?
  • What Is Collect Statistics?
  • When do you use Tpump in the place of Multiload?
  • What Is Real-Time Data Warehousing?
  • What do you understand by ODS?
  • Differentiate between Real-Time and Near-Real-Time Data Warehousing?
  • What Is Fact Table?
  • What Is ETL?
  • What Is Data Mining?
  • What is Star Schema in Teradata?
  • What Is A Dimension Table?
  • What do you understand by Staging Area?
  • What Is the Logical Data Model? 

Teradata Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

Q1). What do you understand by Teradata?

A: Teradata is a Relational Database Management System which is utilized to create and maintain Data Warehouses, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), online exchange handling (OLTP) and Decision Support Systems (DSS). 

Q2). What are the main characteristics of Teradata?

A: Here are the main characteristics of Teradata:

  • Single and multi-node running capacities.
  • Built on Parallelism.
  • Compatible to American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
  • Acts similarly to the server.
  • Open framework. 

Q3). What is Teradata RDBMS?

A: Teradata RDBMS is a finished social database management framework. The framework depends on off-the-rack Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) innovation joined with a correspondence system interfacing the SMP frameworks to shape a Massively Parallel Processing (MMP) framework.

Q4). What Is a Data Mart?

A: A data mart is a unique reason subset of big business information utilized by a specific office, capacity, or application. Information shops may have both synopsis and subtleties information, be that as it may, as a rule, the information has been pre accumulated or changed somehow or another to all the more likely handle the specific kind of solicitations of a particular client network. Information bazaars are arranged as autonomous, sensible, and dependent data marts.

Q5). Why do you use Joins in Teradata?

A: Generally, Joins are utilized to consolidate the records from more than one table utilizing basic sections or values.

Q6). What are the various types of joins that are available in Teradata?

A: Given below are the various types of joins that are available in Teradata-

  • Inner Join: Combines the records from different tables and returns the given value set that exists in the two tables.
  • Left Outer Join Returns every one of the records in the left table and just coordinating records from the right table.
  • Right Outer Join: Returns every one of the records in the correct table and just coordinating records from the left table.
  • Full Outer Join: It is a combination of Left Outer Join and Right Outer Join. Returns both coordinating and non-coordinating records from both the tables.
  • Self-Join:Compares an incentive in a segment with different qualities in an equivalent column of the table.
  • Cross Join: Joins each line from the left table to each column in the right table.
  • Cartesian Production Join: Works same as Cross Join.

Q7). Explain the concept of Partitioned Primary Index (PPI)

A: Apportioned Primary Index (PPI) is an ordering instrument that encourages to improve the presentation of specific questions. Inside a table with Partitioned Primary Index (PPI) characterized, columns are arranged by their segment number. Inside each parcel, records are masterminded by their row hash. Additionally, lines are relegated to a segment dependent on the meaning of a partition.

Q8). Explain the meaning of Caching in Teradata?

A: Caching is essentially working with the source that does not change as often as possible. The framework keeps as often as possible utilizing the information hinders in a different memory in the application. Additionally, storing is shared inside a few applications.

Q9). Describe the purpose of UPSERT command?

A: UPSERT direction is utilized for the activity that requirements to perform Update Else Insert natures. This is a particular alternative that is just accessible in Teradata.

Q10). Explain the difference between fast load and multi-load.

A: The fast load process is utilizing different sessions to rapidly stack a lot of information to a vacant table. Multi-load is utilized to keep up the exercises of high-volume tables and perspectives. Multi-load work with non-void tables additionally and just up to 5 tables can be utilized with multi-load.

Q11). Explain about the Primary Index and Secondary Index.

A: The primary index is the system for doling out an information column to an AMP and an area on the AMP's plates. Files additionally used to access lines from a table without looking through the whole table. Secondary indexes upgrade set determination by indicating access ways less every now and again utilized than the essential file way. Optional lists are likewise used to encourage total activities.

If a secondary index covers a query, at that point the Optimizer verifies that it would be less exorbitant to gets to its columns legitimately as opposed to utilizing it to get to the base table lines it focuses to. Some of the time, different optional lists with low individual selectivity can be covered and bit-mapped to give upgraded work process.

Q12). What things should you take care of while you are Creating Secondary Index?

A: Making a secondary index causes Teradata to manufacture a sub-table to contain its list columns, hence including another arrangement of lines that requires refreshing each time a table line is embedded, erased, or refreshed. Optional file sub-tables are additionally copied at whatever point a table is characterized with FALLBACK, so the support overhead is successfully multiplied. 

Teradata Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced Professionals

Q13). What Is Collect Statistics?

A: Collects demographic information for at least one segments of a table, hash record, or join the list, figures a factual profile of the gathered information, and stores the outline in the information word reference. The Optimizer utilizes the summation information when it produces its table access and joins plans.

Q14). When do you use Tpump in the place of Multiload?

A: TPump gives an option to MultiLoad to the low volume cluster support of enormous databases leveled out of a Teradata framework. Rather than refreshing Teradata databases medium-term, or in bunches for the duration of the day, TPump refreshes data continuously, gaining all of the information from the customer framework with low processor usage. It does this through a ceaseless feed of information into the information distribution center, instead of the customary group refreshes. Consistent updates result in progressively exact, auspicious information. What's more, not normal for most burden utilities, TPump uses column hash bolts instead of table-level locks. This enables you to run questions while TPump is running. This additionally implies TPump can be ceased immediately. Subsequently, organizations can settle on better choices that depend on the most recent information.

Q15). What Is Real-Time Data Warehousing?

A: The concept of Real-time data warehousing in Teradata is a combination of two things:

  • real-time activity
  • data warehousing

Real-time activity is an action that is going on at the present moment. The movement could be anything, for example, the closeout of gadgets. When the action is finished, there is information about it. Information warehousing catches business movement information. Continuous information warehousing catches business action information as it happens. When the business action is finished, and there is information about it, the finished action information streams into the information distribution center and ends up accessible right away. At the end of the day, constant information warehousing is a structure for getting data from information as the information winds up accessible.

Q16). What do you understand by ODS?

A: An operational data store (ODS) is basically a "dump" of applicable data from few frameworks (frequently only one) more often than not with almost no change. The advantages are a specially appointed question database, which does not influence the activity of frameworks required to maintain the business. ODS is generally manage information "raw" and "current" and can answer a restricted arrangement of queries subsequently.

Q17). Differentiate between Real-Time and Near-Real-Time Data Warehousing?

A: The contrast between real-time and near real-time can be summed up in a single word: idleness. Idleness is the time slack that is between a movement culmination and the finished action information being accessible in the information distribution center. Continuously, the dormancy is insignificant while in close ongoing the idleness is a substantial time span, for example, two hours.

Q18). What Is Fact Table?

A: The centralized table in a star schema is called as FACT table, i.e., a table in that contains actualities and associated with measurements. A reality table ordinarily has two sorts of segments: those that contain certainties and those that are remote keys to measurement tables. The essential key of a real table is generally a composite key that is comprised of the majority of its outside keys. A reality table may contain either detail level actualities or certainties that have been collected (certainty tables that contain totalled certainties are regularly rather called synopsis tables). In reality, it is conceivable to have a real table that contains no measures or actualities. These tables are called as Factless Fact tables. 

Q19). What Is ETL?

A: Extract, transformation, and loading. ETL refers to the strategies engaged with getting to and controlling sourced information and stacking it into the target database. The initial phase in the ETL procedure is mapping the information between source frameworks and target database (information stockroom or information bazaar). The subsequent advance is purging of source information in arranging region. The third step is changing purged sourced information and afterward stacking into the objective framework. Note that ETT (separate, change, transportation) and ETM (extraction, change, move) are some of the time utilized rather than ETL.

Q20). What Is Data Mining?

A: Examining of enormous volumes of generally basic information to extricate significant patterns and new, higher-level data. For instance, an information mining project may dissect a large number of item requests to decide patterns among top-spending clients, for example, their probability of buying once more, or their probability to change to an alternate vendor.

Q21). What is Star Schema in Teradata?

A: Star Schema is a social database blueprint for speaking to multi-dimensional information. It is the least complex type of information stockroom construction that contains at least one measurements and reality tables. It is known as a star pattern because the entity-relationship graph among measurements and reality tables takes after a star where one certainty table is associated with various measurements. The focal point of the star composition comprises of a huge truth table, and it focuses towards the measurement tables. The benefits of star pattern are cutting down, execution increment, and simple comprehension of information.

Q22). What Is A Dimension Table?

A: Dimension table is one that depicts the business elements of an endeavor, referred to as hierarchical, downright data, for example, time, offices, areas, and items. Measurement tables are now and again called query or reference tables. In a piece of social information displaying, for standardization purposes, nation query, state query, region query, and city queries are not converged as a solitary table. In dimensional information demonstrating (star pattern), these tables would be converged as a solitary table called LOCATION DIMENSION for execution and cutting information necessities. This area measurement contrasts the deals in a single locale and another district. We may see great deals benefit in one locale and misfortune in another area. On the off chance that it is a misfortune, the purposes behind that might be another rival here, or disappointment of our showcasing technique and so on.

Q23). What do you understand by Staging Area?

A: The information organizing region is a framework that stands between the heritage frameworks and the investigation framework, for the most part, an information stockroom and here and there an ODS. The information arranging region is considered the "backroom" segment of the information distribution center condition. The information arranging zone is the place the concentrate, change, and burden (ETL) happens and is beyond the field of play for end users.

Q24). What Is a Logical Data Model?

A: A Logical information model is the adaptation of an information model that speaks to the business necessities (whole or part) of an association and is created before the physical information model. A sound coherent plan ought to streamline the physical plan process by obviously characterizing information structures and the connections between them. A decent information model is made by plainly pondering the present and future business necessities. Consistent information model incorporates every single required element, characteristics, key gatherings, and connections that speak to business data and characterize business rules.


Preparing with the help of the questions given above will be of great aid to you. You can definitely expect some of the questions in your interview. Be calm and patient. Do not panic if you don’t know an answer to a question that has been asked during the interview. Just relax and go on to the next question. All the best.

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