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Its official now, you got the job. You have successfully completed the screening and the interview process. You will be getting lots of information about the project, organization, and the work culture. Somehow, you will be flooded with instructions and guidelines which will be difficult to sketch properly. We suggest you be curious and ask meaningful questions. Tips to follow when starting a new job -
1. Ask for their Official study material to learn in advance before the project starts
Every organization possesses some employee’s handbook which lays out the basic information of their workplace policies, compensations, leaves and procedural manual. Reading this and asking questions related to the manual will help you to deeply understand the company’s work structure.
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This will also help you to clear your doubts regarding benefits, HR policies, dressing code at the time of orientation. At the same time, this will make an impact on your employer that you are engaging and keen to hit the floor in your beginning days.
2. Explore your job profile and responsibilities ahead of joining date
You must have discussed the job requirements and functions during the interview phase but, this is not enough to understand the core responsibilities. You should ask questions to get comprehensive details about the ongoing project.
Suppose you are joining as a BA that means your core expertise must be of requirement gathering. This entire process will gain you confidence of your Project lead and the hiring manager. This will help you to boost your performance as per the expectation of the respective project. You must ask the project milestones and review process as well.
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3. Get an idea of your Team members and their respective roles
Your colleagues will be an integral part of your daily official life. You must not have met every member of your team during the interview process. Ask your hiring manager to introduce yourself to every team member and their respective roles on the project. This step will help you to direct appropriate questions to the correct person. At the same time, you can also tell them about your prospective job prior to the joining.
4. Request to know the current Challenges of the project
There is a possibility the interviewers have asked you certain questions related to the current challenges of the project. There are chances that your response to these must have one criteria of evaluation. Try to get an idea of the loopholes they are facing now, this will enhance your credibility among the team to reach the priorities and goals together.
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5. Ask about the organization’s Project Management process and Deadlines
In IT every organization follows a Project management methodology like the waterfall, agile, KANBAN etc. to complete the project under a given deadline. You just try to get an idea which process they follow to prepare yourself as per the PM process.
These above tips will definitely help you to make your mark in your organization and build a bright career in the near future.
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