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Boost Your Career With 150 DevOps Interview Questions and Answers


DevOps is all about CI/CD pipelines that provide a more tangible and realistic way to optimize processes. It helps in building better-quality software applications with more test automation. It implements features, upgrades, and security updates in a robust manner. For example,


Here, you can see how Companies benefit from DevOps implementation and automated workflows, especially in terms of deployment and overall project costs. The popularity of DevOps in such a small time is the key reason this product has many job options and career prospects associated with this software in big corporations.

Adding DevOps skills to your resume can be a ground-breaking factor in how you can excel and improve your job profile. If you still cannot decide what DevOps skills you should learn, you can download the syllabus for a quick idea.

If you are searching for a job as an engineer or a manager in the DevOps field, you need to know these devops interview questions. Learn more here.

Top DevOps Interview Questions & Answers for Beginners & Intermediates

If you are looking to attend a DevOps interview recently, here are the most popular DevOps questions and answers to help you in the right way. In this section, we will be discussing DevOps interview questions and answers, including DevOps coding interview questions for intermediates with 2-3 years of experience.

Q1). Describe what DevOps is.

Ans:- DevOps is the new buzz in the IT world, swiftly spreading all through the technical space. Like other new and popular technologies, people have contradictory impressions of what DevOps is exactly. The main objective of DevOps is to alter and improve the relationship between the development and IT teams by advocating better inter-communication and smoother collaboration between two units of an enterprise.

Q2). Which programming language is used in DevOps?

Ans:-Python is used in DevOps.

Q3). What is the necessity of DevOps?

Ans:-Corporations are now facing the necessity of carrying quicker and improved requests to see the ever more persistent demands of mindful users to decrease the “Time to Marketplace.“ DevOps often benefits placement to occur very profligately.

Q4). Which are the areas where DevOps is implemented?

Ans:-With the passage of time, the need for DevOps is continuously increasing. However, these are the main areas it is implemented in-

  1. Areas of Production Development areas
  2. Production feedback
  3. Development of IT Operations

Q5). What are agile expansion and Scrum?

Ans:-Agile growth is used as a substitute for Waterfall development training. In Agile, the expansion process is more iterative and additive; there are more challenges and responses at every stage of development as opposed to only the latter stage in Waterfall. Scrum is used to accomplish composite software and product growth using iterative and additive performance. Scrum has three roles:

  1. Product owner
  2. Scrum master
  3. Team

Q6). Name a few most famous DevOps tools.

Ans:-The most prevalent DevOps tools are stated below:

  1. Puppet
  2. Chef
  3. Ansible
  4. Git
  5. Nagios
  6. Docker
  7. Jenkins

Q7). Can we consider DevOps as an agile practice?

Ans:-Yes, DevOps is considered an agile practice where development is driven by profoundly changing demands of professionals to stick closer to the corporate needs and requirements. 

Q8). What is DevOps engineer’s responsibility concerning Agile development?

Ans:-DevOps specialists exertion very methodically with Agile development teams to ensure they have a condition essential to support purposes such as automatic testing, incessant Integration, and unceasing Delivery. DevOps specialists must be in continuous contact with the developers and make all compulsory parts of the environment work flawlessly.

Q9). Why is Incessant Testing significant for DevOps?

Ans:-You can respond to this question by saying, “Incessant Testing permits any change made in the code to be tested directly. This circumvents the glitches shaped by having “big-bang” testing left-hand to the end of the series such as announcement postponements and quality matters. In this way, Incessant Testing eases more recurrent and good class releases.”

Q10). What do you think is the role of SSH?

Ans:-SSH is a Secure Shell that gives the users a very secure as well encrypted mechanism to safely log into systems and ensures the safe transfer of files. It aids in the process of logging out of a remote machine along with the work on the command line. It helps in securing encrypted and protected end-to-end communications between two hosts communicating over an insecure network.

Q11). How will you differentiate DevOps from Agile?

Ans:-Agile is the technology that is all about software development, whereas DevOps is the technology used for software deployment and management.

Q12). What are the benefits of DevOps when seen from the Technical and Business viewpoint?

Ans:-The Technical assistance features of DevOps can be given as:

  • Software delivery is incessant.
  • Decreases Difficulty in problems.
  • Quicker approach to resolving problems
  • Workforce is abridged.
  • Business welfare features:
  • A high degree of bringing its features
  • Steady operating environments
  • More time increased to Add values.
  • Allowing quicker feature time to market

Q13). Why do you think DevOps is developers-friendly?

Ans:-DevOps is developer-friendly because it fixes bugs and implements new features smoothly and quickly. It is amazing because it provides the much-needed clarity of communication among team members.

Q14). What measures would you take to handle revision (version) control?

Ans:-To manage a successful revision control, you are required to post your code on SourceForge or GitHub so that everyone on the team can view it from there and also there is an option for viewers to give suggestions for the better improvement of it.

Q15). List a few types of HTTP requests.

Ans:-A few types of HTTP requests are.”

  • GET
  • HEAD
  • PUT
  • POST

Q16). Explain the DevOps Toolchain.

Ans:-Here is the DevOps toolchain-

  • Code
  • Build
  • Test
  • Package
  • Release
  • Configure
  • Monitor

Q17). Elucidate the core operations of DevOps concerning development and Infrastructure.

Ans:-Here is a list of the core operations of DevOps:

  • Unit testing
  • Packaging
  • Code coverage
  • Code developing
  • Configuration
  • Orchestration
  • Provisioning
  • Deployment

Q18). Why do you think there is a need for Continuous Integration of Development & Testing?

Ans:-Continuous Integration of Development and Testing enhances the quality of software and highly deducts the time which is taken to deliver it, by replacing the old-school practice of testing only after completing all the development process. This question and many others are important for devops engineer interview questions.

Q19). Name a few branching strategies used in DevOps

Ans:- A few branching strategies to be used are-

  • Feature Branching
  • Task Branching
  • Release Branching

Q20). What is the motive of GIT tools in DevOps?

Ans:-The primary objective of Git is to efficiently manage a project or a given bundle of files as they keep on changing over time. The Git tool stores this important information in a data structure kind of thing called a Git repository.

Q21). Explain what the major components of DevOps are.

Ans:-The major components of DevOps are continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous integration, and continuous monitoring.

Q22). What steps should be taken when a Linux-based server suddenly gets slow?

Ans:-When a Linux-based-server suddenly becomes slow, then you should focus on three things primarily:

  • Application-level troubleshooting
  • System-level troubleshooting
  • Dependent level troubleshooting

Q23). Which cloud platforms can be used for successful DevOps implementation?

Ans:-Cloud platforms that can be used for successful DevOps implementation are given as:

  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure

Q24). What is a Version Control System (VCS)?

Ans:-It is a software application that helps software developers to work together and maintain the complete history of their work.

Q25). What are the significant benefits of VCS (Version Control System)?

 Ans:-The significant benefits of using VCS can be given as:

  • It allows team members to work simultaneously.
  • All past variants and versions are packed within VCS.
  • A distributed VCS helps you to store the complete history of the project. In case of a breakdown of the central server, you may use the local GIT repository.
  • It allows you to see what exact changes are made to the content of a file.

Q26). What is a Git Bisect?

Ans:-Git Bisect helps you to find the commit which introduced a bug using the binary search. Here is the basic syntax for a Git Bisect: Git bisect

Q27). What do you understand by the term build?

Ans:- A build is a method in the source code where the source code is put together to check how it works as a single unit. In the complete process, the source code will undergo compilation, testing, inspection, and deployment.

Q28). Per your experience, what is the most important thing that DevOps helps achieve?

Ans:-The most important thing that DevOps helps us to achieve is to get the changes in a product quickly while minimizing risks related to software quality and compliance risks. Other than this, there are more benefits of DevOps that include better communication, better collaboration among team members, etc.

Q29). Discuss one use case where DevOps can be implemented in real life.

Ans:-Etsy is a Company that focuses on vintage, handmade, and uniquely manufactured items. There are millions of Etsy users who are selling products online. At this stage, Etsy decided to follow a more agile approach. DevOps helped Etsy with a continuous delivery pipeline and fully automated deployment lifecycle. This question will help you with devops engineer interview questions.

Q30). Explain your understanding of both the software development side and technical operations side of an organization you have worked in the past recently?

Ans:-The answer to this question may vary from person to person. Here, you should discuss the experience of how flexible you were in your last Company

Q31). Explain your understanding of both the software development side and technical operations side of an organization you have worked in the past recently?

Ans:- The answer to this question may vary from person to person. Here, you should discuss the experience of how flexible you were in your last Company.

Q32). Why has DevOps become famous?

Ans:- These days, the market window of products has reduced drastically. We see new products almost daily. This provides a myriad of choices to consumers but it comes at a cost of heavy competition in the market. Organizations cant afford to release big features after a gap. They tend to ship off small features as releases to the customers at regular intervals so that their products don't get lost in this sea of competition.

Customer satisfaction is now a motto to the organizations which has also become the goal of any product for its success. In order to achieve this, companies need to do the following things:

  • Frequent feature deployments
  • Reduce time between bug fixes
  • Reduce failure rate of releases
  • Quicker recovery time in case of release failures.
  • In order to achieve the above points and thereby achieving seamless product delivery, DevOps culture acts as a very useful tool. Due to these advantages, multi-national companies like Amazon and Google have adopted the methodology which has resulted in their increased performance.

Q33). What is the use of SSH?

Ans:-  SSH stands for Secure Shell and is an administrative protocol that lets users have access and control the remote servers over the Internet to work using the command line.

SSH is a secured encrypted version of the previously known Telnet that was unencrypted and not secure. This ensured that the communication with the remote server occurred in an encrypted form.

SSH also has a mechanism for remote user authentication, input communication between the client and the host, and sending the output back to the client.

Q34). What is Configuration Management?

Ans:- Configuration management (CM) is basically a practice of systematic handling of changes in such a way that system does not lose its integrity over a period of time. This involves certain policies, techniques, procedures, and tools for evaluating change proposals, managing them, and tracking their progress along with maintaining appropriate documentation for the same.

CM helps in providing administrative and technical directions to the design and development of the appreciation.

Q35). What is the importance of having configuration management in DevOps?

Ans:- Configuration management (CM) helps the team in the automation of time-consuming and tedious tasks thereby enhancing the organization’s performance and agility.

It also helps in bringing consistency and improving the product development process by employing means of design streamlining, extensive documentation, control, and change implementation during various phases/releases of the project.

Q36). What does CAMS stand for in DevOps?

Ans:- CAMS stands for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. It represents the core deeds of DevOps.

Q37). What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Ans:- Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that makes sure developers integrate their code into a shared repository as and when they are done working on the feature. Each integration is verified by means of an automated build process that allows teams to detect problems in their code at a very early stage rather than finding them after the deployment.

  • Developers regularly check out code in their local workspaces and work on the features assigned to them.
  • Once they are done working on it, the code is committed and pushed to the remote shared repository which is handled by making use of effective version control tools like git.
  • The CI server keeps track of the changes done to the shared repository and it pulls the changes as soon as it detects them.
  • The CI server then triggers the build of the code and runs unit and integration test cases if set up.
  • The team is informed of the build results. In case of a build failure, the team has to work on fixing the issue as early as possible, and then the process repeats.

Q38). Why is Continuous Integration needed?

Ans:- By incorporating Continuous Integration for both development and testing, it has been found that the software quality has improved and the time taken for delivering the features of the software has drastically reduced. Learn this and prepare for devops engineer interview questions.

This also allows the development team to detect and fix errors at the initial stage as each and every commit to the shared repository is built automatically and run against the unit and integration test cases.

Q39). What is Continuous Testing (CT)?

Ans:- Continuous Testing (CT) is that phase of DevOps that involves the process of running the automated test cases as part of an automated software delivery pipeline with the sole aim of getting immediate feedback regarding the quality and validation of business risks associated with the automated build of code developed by the developers.

Using this phase will help the team to test each build continuously (as soon as the code developed is pushed) thereby giving the dev teams a chance to get instant feedback on their work and ensuring that these problems don’t arrive in the later stages of SDLC cycle.

Doing this would drastically speed up the workflow followed by the developer to develop the project due to the lack of manual intervention steps to rebuild the project and run the automated test cases every time the changes are made.

Q40) . What are the three important DevOps KPIs?

Ans:- Few KPIs of DevOps are given below:

  • Reduce the average time taken to recover from a failure.
  • Increase Deployment frequency in which the deployment occurs.
  • Reduced Percentage of failed deployments.

Q41). Explain the different phases in DevOps methodology?

Ans:- DevOps mainly has 6 phases and they are:


This is the first phase of a DevOps lifecycle that involves a thorough understanding of the project to ultimately develop the best product. When done properly, this phase gives various inputs required for the development and operations phases. This phase also helps the organization to gain clarity regarding the project development and management process.

Tools like Google Apps, Asana, Microsoft Teams, etc are used for this purpose.


The planning phase is followed by the Development phase where the project is built by developing system infrastructure, developing features by writing codes, and then defining test cases and the automation process. Developers store their codes in a code manager called remote repository which aids in team collaboration by allowing viewing, modification, and versioning of the code.

Tools like git, IDEs like eclipse, IntelliJ and technological stacks like Node, Java, etc are used.

Continuous Integration (CI):

This phase allows for automation of code validation, build, and testing. This ensures that the changes are made properly without development environment errors and also allows the identification of errors at an initial stage.

Tools like Jenkins, circleCI, etc are used here.


DevOps aids in the deployment automation process by making use of tools and scripts which has the final goal of automating the process by means of feature activation. Here, cloud services can be used as a force that assists in upgrading from finite infrastructure management to cost-optimized management with the potential to infinite resources.

Tools like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Heroku, etc are used.


This phase usually occurs throughout the lifecycle of the product/software due to the dynamic infrastructural changes. This provides the team with opportunities for increasing the availability, scalability, and effective transformation of the product.

Tools like Loggly, BlueJeans, Appdynamics, etc are used commonly in this phase.


Monitoring is a permanent phase of DevOps methodology. This phase is used for monitoring and analyzing information to know the status of software applications.

Tools like Nagios, Splunk, etc are commonly used.

Q42) . How is DevOps different than Agile Methodology?

Ans:- DevOps is a practice or a culture that allows the collaboration of the development team and the operations team to come together for successful product development. This involves making use of practices like continuous development, integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring of the SDLC cycle.

DevOps tries to reduce the gap between the developers and the operations team for the effective launch of the product.

Agile is nothing but a software development methodology that focuses on incremental, iterative, and rapid releases of software features by involving the customer by means of feedback. This methodology removes the gap between the requirement understanding of the clients and the developers.

Q43). What can you say about the antipatterns of DevOps?

Ans:- A pattern is something that is most commonly followed by large masses of entities. If a pattern is adopted by an organization just because it is being followed by others without gauging the requirements of the organization, then it becomes an anti-pattern. Similarly, there are multiple myths surrounding DevOps which can contribute to antipatterns, they are:

  • DevOps is a process and not a culture.
  • DevOps is nothing but Agile.
  • There should be a separate DevOps group.
  • DevOps solves every problem.
  • DevOps equates to developers running a production environment.
  • DevOps follows Development-driven management
  • DevOps does not focus much on development.
  • As we are a unique organization, we don’t follow the masses and hence we won’t implement DevOps.
  • We don’t have the right set of people, hence we cant implement DevOps culture.

Q44). Can you tell me something about Memcached?

Ans:-  Memcached is an open-source and free in-memory object caching system that has high performance and is distributed and generic in nature. It is mainly used for speeding the dynamic web applications by reducing the database load.

Memcached can be used in the following cases:

  • Profile caching in social networking domains like Facebook.
  • Web page caching in the content aggregation domain.
  • Profile tracking in Ad targeting domain.
  • Session caching in e-commerce, gaming, and entertainment domain.
  • Database query optimization and scaling in the Location-based services domain.

Benefits of Memcached:

  • Using Memcached speeds up the application processes by reducing the hits to a database and reducing the I/O access.
  • It helps in determining what steps are more frequently followed and helps in deciding what to cache.

Some of the drawbacks of using Memcached are:

  • In case of failure, the data is lost as it is neither a persistent data store nor a database.
  • It is not an application-specific cache.
  • Large objects cannot be cached.

Q45). What are the various branching strategies used in the version control system?

Ans:- Branching is a very important concept in version control systems like git which facilitates team collaboration. Some of the most commonly used branching types are:

Feature branching-

  • This branching type ensures that a particular feature of a project is maintained in a branch.
  • Once the feature is fully validated, the branch is merged into the main branch.

Task branching

  • Here, each task is maintained in its branch with the task key being the branch name.
  • Naming the branch name as a task name makes it easy to identify what task is getting covered in what branch.

Release branching

  • This type of branching is done once a set of features meant for a release are completed, they can be cloned into a branch called the release branch. Any further features will not be added to this branch.
  • Only bug fixes, documentation, and release-related activities are done in a release branch.
  • Once the things are ready, the releases get merged into the main branch and are tagged with the release version number.
  • These changes also need to be pushed into the development branch which would have progressed with new feature development.

The branching strategies followed would vary from company to company based on their requirements and strategies.

Q46). Can you list down certain KPIs which are used for gauging the success of DevOps?

Ans:-  KPIs stand for Key Performance Indicators. Some popular KPIs used for gauging the success of DevOps are:

  • Application usage, performance, and traffic
  • Automated Test Case Pass Percentage.
  • Application Availability
  • Change volume requests
  • Customer tickets
  • Successful deployment frequency and time
  • Error/Failure rates
  • Failed deployments
  • Meantime to detection (MTTD)
  • Meantime to recovery (MTTR)

Q47). What is CBD in DevOps?

Ans:- CBD stands for Component-Based Development. It is a unique way for approaching product development. Here, developers keep looking for existing well-defined, tested, and verified components of code and relieve the developer of developing from scratch.

Q48). What is Resilience Testing?

Ans:- Resilience Testing is a software process that tests the application for its behavior under uncontrolled and chaotic scenarios. It also ensures that the data and functionality are not lost after encountering a failure.

Q49) . Can you say something about the DevOps pipeline?

Ans:-  A pipeline, in general, is a set of automated tasks/processes defined and followed by the software engineering team. DevOps pipeline is a pipeline which allows the DevOps engineers and the software developers to efficiently and reliably compile, build and deploy the software code to the production environments in a hassle free manner.

Q50) . Who is a DevOps engineer?

Ans:-  A DevOps engineer is a person who works with both software developers and the IT staff to ensure smooth code releases. They are generally developers who develop an interest in the deployment and operations domain or system admins who develop a passion for coding to move towards the development side.

In short, a DevOps engineer is someone who has an understanding of SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) and of automation tools for developing CI/CD pipelines.

Q51). What are the advantages of DevOps?

Ans:- For this answer, you can use your past experience and explain how DevOps helped you in your previous job. If you don’t have any such experience, then you can mention the below advantages.

Technical benefits:

  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to fix
  • Faster resolution of problems

Business benefits:

  • Faster delivery of features
  • More stable operating environments
  • More time available to add value (rather than fix/maintain)

Q52) . Mention some of the core benefits of DevOps?


  • Faster development of software and quick deliveries.
  • DevOps methodology is flexible and adaptable to changes easily.
  • Compared to the previous software development models confusion about the project is decreased, due to which the product quality is increased.
  • The gap between the development team and the operation team is bridged. i.e. the communication between the teams has been increased.
  • Efficiency is increased by the addition of automation of continuous integration and continuous deployment.
  • Customer satisfaction is enhanced.

Q53). What is the most important thing DevOps helps us achieve?

Ans:- The most important thing that DevOps helps us achieve is to get the changes into production as quickly as possible while minimizing risks in software quality assurance and compliance. This is the primary objective of DevOps. 

However, you can add many other positive effects of DevOps. For example, clearer communication and better working relationships between teams i.e. both the Ops team and Dev team collaborate together to deliver good quality software which in turn leads to higher customer satisfaction.

Q54) . Explain with a use case where DevOps can be used in industry/ real-life.

Ans:- There are many industries that are using DevOps so you can mention any of those use cases, you can also refer the below example:

Etsy is a peer-to-peer e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and supplies, as well as unique factory-manufactured items. Etsy struggled with slow, painful site updates that frequently caused the site to go down. It affected sales for millions of Etsy’s users who sold goods through online market place and risked driving them to the competitor.

With the help of a new technical management team, Etsy transitioned from its waterfall model, which produced four-hour full-site deployments twice weekly, to a more agile approach. Today, it has a fully automated deployment pipeline, and its continuous delivery practices have reportedly resulted in more than 50 deployments a day with fewer disruptions.

Q55). Explain your understanding and expertise on both the software development side and the technical operations side of an organization you have worked with in the past.

Ans:-  For this answer, share your past experience and try to explain how flexible you were in your previous job. You can refer the below example:

DevOps engineers almost always work in a 24/7 business-critical online environment. I was adaptable to on-call duties and was available to take up real-time, live-system responsibility. I successfully automated processes to support continuous software deployments. I have experience with public/private clouds, tools like Chef or Puppet, scripting and automation with tools like Python and PHP, and a background in Agile.

Q56) . What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?

Ans:- A pattern is common usage usually followed. If a pattern commonly adopted by others does not work for your organization and you continue to blindly follow it, you are essentially adopting an anti-pattern. There are myths about DevOps. Some of them include:

  • DevOps is a process
  • Agile equals DevOps?
  • We need a separate DevOps group
  • Devops will solve all our problems
  • DevOps means Developers Managing Production
  • DevOps is Development-driven release management
  • DevOps is not development driven.
  • DevOps is not IT Operations driven.
  • We can’t do DevOps – We’re Unique
  • We can’t do DevOps – We’ve got the wrong people

Q57) . Explain the different phases in DevOps methodology?

Ans:-  The various phases of the DevOps lifecycle are as follows:

  • Plan – In this stage, all the requirements of the project and everything regarding the project like time for each stage, cost, etc are discussed. This will help everyone in the team to get a brief idea about the project.
  • Code – The code is written over here according to the client’s requirements. Here codes are written in the form of small codes called units.
  • Build – Building of the units is done in this step.
  • Test – Testing is done in this stage and if there are mistakes found it is returned for re-build.
  • Integrate – All the units of the codes are integrated into this step.
  • Deploy – codeDevOpsNow is deployed in this step on the client’s environment.
  • Operate – Operations are performed on the code if required.
  • Monitor – Monitoring of the application is done over here in the client’s environment.

Q58). Explain your understanding and expertise on both the software development side and the technical operations side of an organization you have worked with in the past?


  • Deployment frequency: This measures how frequently a new feature is deployed.
  • Change failure rate: This is used to measure the number of failures in deployment.
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): The time is taken to recover from a failed deployment.

Q59). What are the KPIs that are used for gauging the success of a DevOps team?

Ans:- KPI Means Key Performance Indicators are used to measure the performance of a DevOps team, identify mistakes and rectify them. This helps the DevOps team to increase productivity and which directly impacts revenue.

There are many KPIs which one can track in a DevOps team. Following are some of them:

  • Change Failure rates: This is used to measure the number of failures in deployments.
  • Meantime to recovery (MTTR): The time is taken to recover from a failed deployment.
  • Lead time: This helps to measure the time taken to deploy on the production environment.
  • Deployment frequency: This measures how frequently a new feature is deployed.
  • Change volume: This is used to measure how much code is changed from the existing code.
  • Cycle time: This is used to measure total application development time.
  • Customer Ticket: This helps us to measure the number of errors detected by the end-user.
  • Availability: This is used to determine the downtime of the application.
  • Defect escape rate: This helps us to measure the number of issues that are needed to be detected as early as possible.
  • Time of detection: This helps you understand whether your response time and application monitoring processes are functioning correctly.

Q60). Why has DevOps become famous?

Ans:- As we know before DevOps there are two other software development models:

  • Waterfall model
  • Agile model

In the waterfall model, we have limitations of one-way working and lack of communication with customers. This was overcome in Agile by including the communication between the customer and the company by taking feedback. But in this model, another issue is faced regarding communication between the Development team and operations team due to which there is a delay in the speed of production. This is where DevOps is introduced. It bridges the gap between the development team and the operation team by including the automation feature. Due to this, the speed of production is increased. By including automation, testing is integrated into the development stage. Which resulted in finding the bugs at the very initial stage which increased the speed and efficiency.

Q61). How does AWS contribute to DevOps?

Ans:-  AWS [Amazon Web Services ] is one of the famous cloud providers. In AWS DevOps is provided with some benefits:

  • Flexible Resources: AWS provides all the DevOps resources which are flexible to use.
  • Scaling: we can create several instances on AWS with a lot of storage and computation power.
  • Automation: Automation is provided by AWS like CI/CD
  • Security: AWS provides security when we create an instance like IAM

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for Advanced DevOps Professionals

In this section, we will be discussing interview questions for experienced people having more than three years of experience. Before you go through questions directly, take this quiz first to become a little more confident in your skills.

Q62). What are the anti-patterns in DevOps?

Ans:- A pattern is used by others, not by organizations and you continue blindly following it. You are essentially adopting anti-patterns here.

Q63). What is a Git Repository?

Ans:- It is a version control system that tracks changes to a file and allows you to revert to any particular changes.

Q64). In Git, how to revert a commit that has already been made public?

Ans:- Remove or fix the commit and push it to the remote repository. This is the most natural style to fix an error. To do this, you should use the command given below: Git commit –m “commit message”

Create a new commit that undergoes all changes that were made in the bad commit. Git revert

Q65). What is the process to squash last N number of commits into a single commit?

Ans:- There are two options to squash last N number of commits into a single commit.

  • To write a new commit message from scratch, you should use the following command: git reset –soft HEAD ~N && git commit
  • To edit the existing message, you should extract those messages first and pass them to the Git commit for later usage. Git reset –soft HEAD ~ N&& git commit –edit –m “$(git log –format=%B –reverse .HEAD {N})”

Q66). What is Git rebase and how to use it for resolving conflicts in a feature branch before merging?

Ans:- Git Rebase is a command that is used to merge another branch to the existing branch where you are working recently. It moves all local commits at the top of the history of that branch. It effectively replays the changes of feature branch at the tip of master and allows conflicts to be resolved in the process. Moreover, the feature branch can be merged to the master branch with relative ease and sometimes considered as the fast-forward operation.

Q67). How can you configure a git repository to run code sanity checking tools right before making commits and preventing them if the test fails?

Ans:-Sanity or smoke test determines how to continue the testing reasonably. This is easy configuring a Git repository to run code sanity checking before making commits and preventing them if the test fails. It can be done with a simple script as mentioned below:

#!/bin/sh file=$(git diff -cached -name-only -diff-filter=ACM | grep '.go$') if [ -z file]; then exit 0 fi unfmtd=$(gofmt -I $files) if [ -z unfmtd]; then exit 0 fi eacho "some .go files are not fmt'd" exit 1

Q68). How to find a list of files that are changed in a certain manner?

Ans:-To get a list of files that are changed or modified in a particular way, you can use the following command: git diff-tree -r{hash}

Q69). How to set up a script every time a repository receives new commits from a push?

Ans:--There are three techniques to set up a script every time a repository receives new commits from Push. These are the pre-receive hook, post-receive hook, and update hook, etc.

Q70). Write commands to know in Git if a branch is merged to the master or not.

Ans:-Here are the commands to know in Git if a branch is merged to the master or not. To list branches that are merged to the current branch, you can use the following command: git branch -merged

To list branches that are not merged to the current branch, you can use the following command: git branch –no-merged

Q71). What is continuous integration in DevOps?

Ans:-It is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository multiple times a day. Each check-in is verified with an automated build allowing teams to detect problems early.

Q72). Why is continuous integration necessary for the development and testing team?

Ans:-It improves the quality of software and reduces the overall time to product delivery, once the development is complete. It allows the development team to find and locate bugs at an early stage and merge them to the shared repository multiple times a day for automating testing.

Q73). Are there any particular factors included in continuous integration?

Ans:-These following points you should include answering this question:

  • Automate the build and maintain a code repository.
  • Make the build self-tested and fast.
  • Testing should be done in a clone of the production environment.
  • It is easy getting the latest deliverables.
  • Automate the deployment, and everyone should be able to check the result of the latest build.

Q74). What is the process to copy Jenkins from one server to another?

Ans:-There are multiple ways to copy Jenkins from one server to another. Let us discuss them below:

  • You can move the job from one Jenkin installation to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory.
  • Make a copy of the existing job and save it with a different name in the job directory.
  • Rename the existing job and make necessary changes as per the requirement.

Q75). How to create a file and take backups in Jenkins?

Ans:-For taking backup in Jenkins, you just need to copy the directory and save it with a different name.

Q76). Explain the process to set up jobs in Jenkins.


  • Go to the Jenkins page at the top, select the “new job” option, and choose “Build a free-style software project.”
  • Select the optional SCM where your source code resides.
  • Select the optional triggers to control when Jenkins performs builds.
  • Choose the preferable script that can be used to make the build.
  • Collect the information for the build and notify people about the build results.

Q77). Name a few useful plugins in Jenkins.

Ans:-Some popular plugins in Jenkins can be given as:

  • Maven 2 project
  • Amazon EC2
  • HTML publisher
  • Copy artifact
  • Join
  • Green Balls

Q78). How will you secure Jenkins?

Ans:-Here are a few steps you should follow to secure the Jenkins:

  • Make sure that the global security option is on and Jenkins is integrated with the company’s user directory with appropriate login details.
  • Make sure that the project matrix is enabled for the fine tune access.
  • Automate the process of setting privileges in Jenkins with custom version-controlled scripts.
  • Limit the physical access to Jenkins data/folders.
  • Run the security audits periodically.

Jenkins is one of the popular tools used extensively in DevOps and hands-on training in Jenkins can make you an expert in the DevOps domain.

Q79). What is continuous testing in DevOps?

Ans:- It is the process of executing automated tests as part of software delivery to receive immediate feedback within the latest build. In this way, each build can be tested continuously allowing the development team to get faster feedback and avoid potential problems from progressing to the next stage of the delivery cycle.

Q80). What is automation testing in DevOps?

Ans:-It is the process of automating the manual process for testing an application under test (AUT). It involves the usage of different testing tools that lets you create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly and does not require any manual intervention.

Q81). Why is automation testing significant in DevOps?

Ans:-The automation testing is significant for the following reasons in DevOps:

  • It supports the execution of repeated test cases.
  • It helps in testing a large test matrix quickly.
  • It helps in enabling the test execution.
  • It encourages parallel execution.
  • It improves accuracy by eliminating human intervention errors.
  • It helps in saving the overall time and investments.

Q82). What is the importance of continuous testing in DevOps?

Ans:-With continuous testing, all changes to the code can be tested automatically. It avoids the problem created by the big-bang approach at the end of the cycle like release delays or quality issues etc. In this way, continuous testing assures frequent and quality releases.

Q83). What are the major benefits of continuous testing tools?

Ans:-The major benefits of continuous testing tools can be given below.

  • Policy analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Requirements traceability
  • Test optimization
  • Advanced analytics
  • Service virtualization

Q84). Which testing tool is just the best as per your experience?

Ans:-Selenium testing tool is just the best as per my experience. Here are a few benefits which make it suitable for the workplace.

  • It is an open source free testing tool with a large user base and helping communities.
  • It is compatible with multiple browsers and operating systems.
  • It supports multiple programming languages with regular development and distributed testing.

Q85). What are the different testing types supported by Selenium?

Ans:-These are Regression Testing and functional testing.

Q86). What is two-factor authentication in DevOps?

Ans:-Two-factor authentication in DevOps is a security method where the user is provided with two identification methods from different categories.

Q87). Which type of testing should be performed to make sure that a new service is ready for production?

Ans:-It is continuous testing that makes sure that a new service is ready for production.

Q88). What is Puppet?

Ans:-Puppet is a configuration management tool in DevOps that helps you in automating administration tasks.

Q89). What do you understand by the term Canary Release?

Ans:-It is a pattern that reduces the risk of introducing a new version of the software into the production environment. It is made available in a controlled manner to the subset of users before releasing to the complete set of users.

Q90). What is the objective of using PTR in DNS?

Ans:-PTR means pointer record that is required for a reverse DNS lookup.

Q91). What is Vagrant in DevOps?

Ans:-Vagrant is a DevOps tool that is used for creating and managing virtual environments for testing and developing software programs.

DevOps Job Interview Questions and Answers

Lets get into more details about DevOps Interview Questions and Answers. Acquire in-depth knowledge from the questions and answers below.

Q92). What are the prerequisites for the successful implementation of DevOps?

Ans:-Here are the prerequisites for the successful implementation of DevOps:

  • One Version control system
  • Automated testing
  • Automated deployment
  • Proper communication among team members

Q93). What are the best practices to follow for DevOps success?

Ans:-Here are the essential practices to follow for DevOps success:

  • The speed of delivery time taken for a task to get them into the production environment.
  • Focus on different types of defects in the build.
  • Check the average time taken to recover in case of failure.
  • The total number of reported bugs by customers impacting the quality of an application.

Q94). What is a SubGit tool?

Ans:-A SubGit tool helps in migrating from SVN to Git. It allows you to build a writable Git mirror of a remote or local subversion repository.

Q95). Name a few networks migrating tools.


  • Splunk
  • Icinga 2
  • Wireshark
  • Nagios
  • OpenNMS

Q96). How to check whether your video card can run Unity or not?

Ans:-Here is the command to check either your video card can run unity or not: /usr/lib/linux/unity_support_test-p

It will give you a depth of unity’s requirements. If they are met, your video card can run Unity.

Q97). How to enable the start-up sounds in ubuntu?

Ans:-To enable the start-up sounds in Ubuntu, you should follow these steps:

  • Click control gear then click on startup applications.
  • In the “startup application preferences” window, click “Add” to add a new entry.
  • Add the following command in the comment boxes: /usr/bin/Canberra-gtk-play-id= “desktop-login” –description= “play login sound”
  • Now, log out from the account once you are done.

Q98). What is the quickest way of opening an Ubuntu terminal in a particular directory?

Ans:-For this purpose, you can use the custom keyboard shortcuts.

To do that, in the command field of a new custom keyboard, type genome –terminal –working –directory = /path/to/dir.

Q99). How to get the current color of the screen on the Ubuntu desktop?

Ans:-You should open the background image and use a dropper tool to select the color at a specific point. It will give you the RGB value for that color at a specific point.

Q100). How to create launchers on a Ubuntu Desktop?

Ans:-To create a launcher on a Ubuntu desktop, you should use the following command:

ALT+F2 then type “gnome-desktop-item-edit-create-new~/desktop,” it will launch the old GUI dialog and create a launcher on your desktop

Q101). What is Memcached in DevOps?

Ans:-Memcached is an open source, high speed, distributed memory object. Its primary objective is enhancing the response time of data that can otherwise be constructed or recovered from another source of the database. It avoids the need for operating SQL database repetitively to fetch data for a concurrent request.

Q102). Why is Memcached useful?


  • It speeds up the application processes.
  • It determines what to store and share.
  • It reduces the total number of retrieval requests to the database.
  • It cuts the I/O access from the hard disk.

Q103). What are the drawbacks of Memcached?


  • It is not a persistent data store
  • It is not a database.
  • It is not application-specific.
  • It is not able to cache large objects.

Q104). What are the features of Memcached?

Ans:-A few highlighted features of Memcached can be given as:

  • CAS Tokens that are used to store the updated objects.
  • Callbacks to simplify the code.
  • GetDelayed to reduce the response or wait time for the outcome.
  • A binary protocol to use with the new client.
  • An Igbinary data option is available to use with the complex data.

Q105). Can you share a single instance of Memcached with multiple instances?

Ans:-Yes, it is possible.

Q106). If you have multiple Memcached servers and one of the Memcached servers fails, then what will happen?

Ans:-Even if one of the Memcached servers fails, data won’t get lost, but it can be recovered by configuring it for multiple nodes.

Q107). How to minimize the Memcached server outages?


  • If one of the server instances fails, it will put a huge load on the database server. To avoid this, the code should be written in such a way that it can minimize the cache stampedes and leave a minimal impact on the database server.
  • You can bring up an instance of Memcached on a new machine with the help of lost IP addresses.
  • You can modify the Memcached server list to minimize the server outages.
  • Set up the timeout value for Memcached server outages. If the server gets down, it will try to send a request to the client until the timeout value is achieved.

Q108). How to update Memcached when data changes?

Ans:-To update the Memcached in case of data changes, you can use these two techniques:

  • Clear the cache proactively
  • Reset the Cache

Q109). What is a Dogpile effect and how to prevent it?

Ans:-Dogpile effect refers to the event when the cache expires, and the website hits by multiple requests together at the same time. The semaphore lock can minimize this effect.  When the cache expires, the first process acquires the lock and generates new value as required.

Q110). Explain when Memcached should not be used?


  • It should not be used as a datastore but a cache only.
  • It should not be taken as the only source of information to run your apps, but the data should be available through other sources too.
  • It is just a value store or a key and cannot perform a query or iterate over contents to extract the information.
  • It does not offer any security for authentication or encryption.

Q111). What is the significance of the blue/green color in the deployment pattern?

Ans:-These two colors are used to represent tough deployment challenges for a software project. The live environment is the Blue environment. When the team prepares the next release of the software, it conducts the final stage of testing in the Green environment.

Q112). What is a Container?

Ans:-Containers are lightweight virtualizations that offer isolation among processes.

Q113). What is a post mortem meeting in DevOps?

Ans:-A post mortem meeting discusses what went wrong and what steps to be taken to avoid failures.

Q114). Name two tools that can be used for Docket networking?

Ans:-These are Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

Q115). How to build a small cloud quickly?

Ans:-Dokku can be a good option to build a small cloud quickly.

Q116). Name a few common areas where DevOps is implemented?

Ans:-These are IT, production, operations, marketing, software development, etc.

Q117). What is pair programming in DevOps?

Ans:-It is a development practice of extreme programming rules.

Q118). What is CBD in DevOps?

Ans:-CBD or component-based development is a unique style of approaching product development.

Q119). What is Resilience Test in DevOps?

Ans:-It ensures the full recovery of data in case of failure.

Q120). Name a few important DevOps KPIs.

Ans:-Three most important KPIs of DevOps can be given as:

  • Meantime to failure recovery
  • Percentage of failed deployments
  • Deployment Frequency

Q121). What is the difference between asset and configuration management?

Ans:-Asset management refers to any system that monitors and maintains things of a group or unit. Configuration Management is the process of identifying, controlling, and managing configuration items in support of change management.

Q122). How does HTTP work?

Ans:-An HTTP protocol works like any other protocol in a client-server architecture. The client initiates a request, and the server responds to it.

Q123). What is Chef?

Ans:-Chef is a powerful automated tool for transforming infrastructure into code.

Q124). How will you define a resource in Chef?

Ans:-A resource is a piece of infrastructure and its desired state like packages should be installed, services should be in running state, the file could be generated, etc.

Q125). How will you define a recipe in Chef?

Ans:-A recipe is a collection of resources describing a particular configuration or policy.

Q126). How is cookbook different from the recipe in Chef?

Ans:-The answer is pretty direct. A recipe is a collection of resources, and a Cookbook is a collection of recipes and other information.

Q127). What is an Ansible Module?

Ans:-Modules are considered as a unit of work in Ansible. Each module is standalone, and it can be written in common scripting languages.

Q128). What are playbooks in Ansible?

Ans:-Playbooks are Ansible’s orchestration, configuration, and deployment languages. They are written in human-readable basic text language.

Q129). How can you check the complete list of Ansible variables?

Ans:-You can use this command to check the complete list of Ansible variables. Ansible –m setup hostname

Q130). What is Nagios?

Ans:-It is a DevOps tool for continuous monitoring of systems, business processes, or application services, etc.

Q131). What are plugins in DevOps?

Ans:-Plugins are scripts that are run from a command line to check the status of Host or Service.

Q132). What are the core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure?

Ans:- The core operations of DevOps are application development, version control, unit testing, deployment with infrastructure, monitoring, configuration, and orchestration.

Q133). Can one consider DevOps as an Agile methodology?

Ans:- DevOps can be considered as complementary to the Agile methodology but not completely similar.

Q134). Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?


  • Data redundancy and replication
  • High availability
  • Only one Git directory per repository
  • Superior disk utilization and network performance
  • Collaboration friendly
  • Can be used for any sort of projects

Q135). Are git fetch and git pull the same?

Ans:-The command ‘git pull’ pulls any new commits from a branch from the central repository and then updates the target branch in the local repository.

But, ‘git fetch’ is a slightly different form of ‘git pull’. Unlike ‘git pull’, it pulls all new commits from the desired branch and then stores them in a new branch in the local repository.

Q136) . What are the benefits of using version control?


  • It helps improve the collaborative work culture: Here, team members are allowed to work freely on any file at any time. The version control system allows us to merge all changes into a common version.
  • It keeps different versions of code files securely: All the previous versions and variants of code files are neatly packed up inside the version control system.
  • It understands what happened: Every time we save a new version of our project, the version control system asks us to provide a short description of what was changed. More than that it allows us to see what changes were made in the file’s content, as well as who has made those changes.
  • It keeps backup: A distributed version control system like Git allows all team members to have the complete history of the project file so that in case there is a breakdown in the central server, they can use any of their teammate’s local Git repository. 

Q137). How do you handle the merge conflicts in Git?

Ans:- In order to resolve the merge conflicts in Git, we need to follow three steps:

  • Understand what happened: It could be because of the same line edit on the same file; it could be because of deleting some files, or also it could be because of files with the same file names. You can check everything by using ‘git status’.

  • Mark and clean up the conflict: When we open the files using the merge tool, Git marks the conflicted area like this ‘<<<<< HEAD’ and ‘ >>>>> [other/branch/name]’.

  • Perform commit again and then merge the current branch with the master branch.

Q138). Can you tell me some advantages of Forking Workflow over other Git workflows?

Ans:- Forking Workflow is fundamentally different from other Git workflows. Instead of using a single server-side repository to act as the ‘central’ codebase, Forking Workflow gives every developer their own server-side repositories. This workflow is most often seen in public open-source projects.

The main advantage is that contributions can be integrated without the need for everyone to push to a single central repository to maintain clean project history. Developers can push to their own server-side repositories, and only the project maintainer will push to the official repository.

As soon as developers are ready to publish their local commits, they will push their commits to their own public repositories. Then, they will perform a pull request from the main repository, which notifies the project maintainer that an update is ready to be integrated.

Q139). When do you use ‘git rebase’ instead of ‘git merge’?

Ans:- Both ‘git rebase’ and ‘git merge’ commands are designed to integrate changes from one branch into another branch: just that they just do it in different ways.

When we perform rebase of a feature branch onto the master branch, we move the base of the feature branch to the master branch’s ending point.

By performing a merge, we take the contents of the feature branch and integrate them with the master branch. As a result, only the master branch is changed, but the feature branch history remains the same. Merging adds a new commit to your history.

Rebasing will create inconsistent repositories. For individuals, rebasing makes a lot of sense. Now, in order to see the history completely, the same way as it has happened, we should use merge. Merge preserves history, whereas rebase rewrites it.

Q140) What is Continuous Testing and Automation Testing are?

Ans:- Automation testing, as the name suggests, is a process of automating the manual process of testing. It involves the use of separate testing tools that let developers create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly without any manual intervention.

Continuous testing is nothing but the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline in DevOps. In this process, each build is tested continuously, allowing the development team to get fast business feedback so that it can prevent the problems from progressing to the next stage of the software delivery lifecycle. This will dramatically speed up a developer’s workflow. He/she no longer needs to manually rebuild the project and re-run all tests after making changes.

Q141). How to launch a browser using WebDriver?


For Firefox:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

For Chrome:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

For Internet Explorer (IE):

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Q142). What are the technical challenges with Selenium?


  • It supports only web-based applications.
  • It does not support the Bitmap comparison.
  • No vendor support is available for Selenium compared to commercial tools like HP UFT.
  • As there is no object repository concept, maintainability of objects becomes very complex.

Q143). When should we use Selenium Grid?

Ans:- It can be used to execute the same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers concurrently in order to achieve distributed test execution. It allows testing under different environments, remarkably saving  execution time.

Q144). Describe the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit().

Ans:- The driver. close command closes the focused Browser window. But, the driver.quit command calls the driver.dispose method which closes all browser windows and also ends the WebDriver session.

Q145). How will you secure Jenkins?

Ans:- The way to secure Jenkins is as follows:

  • Ensure that the global security is on
  • Check whether Jenkins is integrated with the company’s user directory with an appropriate plugin
  • Make sure that Project matrix is enabled to fine-tune access
  • Automate the process of setting rights or privileges in Jenkins with a custom version-controlled script
  • Limit physical access to Jenkins data or folders
  • Periodically run security audits

Q146). How to create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

Ans:- To create a backup, all we need to do is to periodically back up our JENKINS_HOME directory. This contains all of the build configurations of our job, our slave node configurations, and our build history. To create a backup of our Jenkins setup, just copy this directory. We can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.

Q147). What is Jenkins Pipeline and CI/CD Pipeline?

Ans:-Jenkins Pipeline can be defined as a suite of plugins supporting both implementation and integration of Jenkins continuous delivery pipeline.

Continuous integration or continuous delivery pipeline consists of build, deploy, test, and release. The pipeline feature is very time-saving. In other words, a pipeline is a group of build jobs that are chained and integrated in a sequence.

Q148). What are Puppet Manifests?

Ans:-Every Puppet Node or Puppet Agent has got its configuration details in Puppet Master, written in the native Puppet language. These details are written in a language that Puppet can understand and are termed as Puppet Manifests. These manifests are composed of Puppet codes, and their filenames use the .pp extension.

For instance, we can write a manifest in Puppet Master that creates a file and installs Apache on all Puppet Agents or slaves that are connected to the Puppet Master.

Q149). How can I configure systems with Puppet?

Ans:-In order to configure systems with Puppet in a client or server architecture, we have to use the Puppet Agent and the Puppet Master applications. In a stand-alone architecture, we have to use the Puppet apply application.

Check out the most important Git Interview Questions and Answers now!

Q150). What is a Puppet Module? How is it different from the Puppet Manifest?

Ans:- A Puppet Module is nothing but a collection of manifests and data (e.g., facts, files, and templates). Puppet Modules have a specific directory structure. They are useful for organizing the Puppet code because with Puppet Modules we can split the Puppet code into multiple manifests. It is considered as the best practice to use Puppet Modules to organize almost all of your Puppet Manifests.

Puppet Modules are different from Puppet Manifests. Manifests are nothing but Puppet programs, composed of the Puppet code. File names of Puppet Manifests use the .pp extension.

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for Advanced DevOps Professionals

In this section, we will be discussing interview questions for experienced people having more than three years of experience. Before you go through questions directly, take this quiz first to become a little more confident in your skills.

Q31). What are the anti-patterns in DevOps?

Ans:- A pattern is used by others, not by organizations and you continue blindly following it. You are essentially adopting anti-patterns here.

Q32). What is a Git Repository?

Ans:- It is a version control system that tracks changes to a file and allows you to revert to any particular changes.

Q33). In Git, how to revert a commit that has already been made public?

Ans:- Remove or fix the commit and push it to the remote repository. This is the most natural style to fix an error. To do this, you should use the command given below: Git commit –m “commit message”

Create a new commit that undergoes all changes that were made in the bad commit. Git revert

Q34). What is the process to squash last N number of commits into a single commit?

Ans:- There are two options to squash last N number of commits into a single commit.

  • To write a new commit message from scratch, you should use the following command: git reset –soft HEAD ~N && git commit
  • To edit the existing message, you should extract those messages first and pass them to the Git commit for later usage. Git reset –soft HEAD ~ N&& git commit –edit –m “$(git log –format=%B –reverse .HEAD {N})”

Q35). What is Git rebase and how to use it for resolving conflicts in a feature branch before merging?

Ans:- Git Rebase is a command that is used to merge another branch to the existing branch where you are working recently. It moves all local commits at the top of the history of that branch. It effectively replays the changes of feature branch at the tip of master and allows conflicts to be resolved in the process. Moreover, the feature branch can be merged to the master branch with relative ease and sometimes considered as the fast-forward operation.

Q36). How can you configure a git repository to run code sanity checking tools right before making commits and preventing them if the test fails?

Ans:-Sanity or smoke test determines how to continue the testing reasonably. This is easy configuring a Git repository to run code sanity checking before making commits and preventing them if the test fails. It can be done with a simple script as mentioned below:

#!/bin/sh file=$(git diff -cached -name-only -diff-filter=ACM | grep '.go$') if [ -z file]; then exit 0 fi unfmtd=$(gofmt -I $files) if [ -z unfmtd]; then exit 0 fi eacho "some .go files are not fmt'd" exit 1

Q37). How to find a list of files that are changed in a certain manner?

Ans:-To get a list of files that are changed or modified in a particular way, you can use the following command: git diff-tree -r{hash}

Q38). How to set up a script every time a repository receives new commits from a push?

Ans:-There are three techniques to set up a script every time a repository receives new commits from Push. These are the pre-receive hook, post-receive hook, and update hook, etc.

Q39). Write commands to know in Git if a branch is merged to the master or not.

Ans:-Here are the commands to know in Git if a branch is merged to the master or not. To list branches that are merged to the current branch, you can use the following command: git branch -merged

To list branches that are not merged to the current branch, you can use the following command: git branch –no-merged

Q40). What is continuous integration in DevOps?

Ans:-It is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository multiple times a day. Each check-in is verified with an automated build allowing teams to detect problems early.

Q41). Why is continuous integration necessary for the development and testing team?

Ans:-It improves the quality of software and reduces the overall time to product delivery, once the development is complete. It allows the development team to find and locate bugs at an early stage and merge them to the shared repository multiple times a day for automating testing.

Q42). Are there any particular factors included in continuous integration?

Ans:-These following points you should include answering this question:

  • Automate the build and maintain a code repository.
  • Make the build self-tested and fast.
  • Testing should be done in a clone of the production environment.
  • It is easy getting the latest deliverables.
  • Automate the deployment, and everyone should be able to check the result of the latest build.

Q43). What is the process to copy Jenkins from one server to another?

Ans:-There are multiple ways to copy Jenkins from one server to another. Let us discuss them below:

  • You can move the job from one Jenkin installation to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory.
  • Make a copy of the existing job and save it with a different name in the job directory.
  • Rename the existing job and make necessary changes as per the requirement.

Q44). How to create a file and take backups in Jenkins?

Ans:-For taking backup in Jenkins, you just need to copy the directory and save it with a different name.

Q45). Explain the process to set up jobs in Jenkins.

Ans:- The process to set up jobs in Jenkins is:

  • Go to the Jenkins page at the top, select the “new job” option, and choose “Build a free-style software project.”
  • Select the optional SCM where your source code resides.
  • Select the optional triggers to control when Jenkins performs builds.
  • Choose the preferable script that can be used to make the build.
  • Collect the information for the build and notify people about the build results.

Q46). Name a few useful plugins in Jenkins.

Ans:-Some popular plugins in Jenkins can be given as:

  • Maven 2 project
  • Amazon EC2
  • HTML publisher
  • Copy artifact
  • Join
  • Green Balls

Q47). How will you secure Jenkins?

Ans:-Here are a few steps you should follow to secure the Jenkins:

Read: What Exactly Does A DevOps Engineer Do?

  • Make sure that the global security option is on and Jenkins is integrated with the company’s user directory with appropriate login details.
  • Make sure that the project matrix is enabled for the fine tune access.
  • Automate the process of setting privileges in Jenkins with custom version-controlled scripts.
  • Limit the physical access to Jenkins data/folders.
  • Run the security audits periodically.

Jenkins is one of the popular tools used extensively in DevOps and hands-on training in Jenkins can make you an expert in the DevOps domain.

Q48). What is continuous testing in DevOps?

Ans:-It is the process of executing automated tests as part of software delivery to receive immediate feedback within the latest build. In this way, each build can be tested continuously allowing the development team to get faster feedback and avoid potential problems from progressing to the next stage of the delivery cycle.

Q49). What is automation testing in DevOps?

Ans:-It is the process of automating the manual process for testing an application under test (AUT). It involves the usage of different testing tools that lets you create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly and does not require any manual intervention.

Q50). Why is automation testing significant in DevOps?

Ans:-The automation testing is significant for the following reasons in DevOps:

  • It supports the execution of repeated test cases.
  • It helps in testing a large test matrix quickly.
  • It helps in enabling the test execution.
  • It encourages parallel execution.
  • It improves accuracy by eliminating human intervention errors.
  • It helps in saving the overall time and investments.

Q51). What is the importance of continuous testing in DevOps?

Ans:-With continuous testing, all changes to the code can be tested automatically. It avoids the problem created by the big-bang approach at the end of the cycle like release delays or quality issues etc. In this way, continuous testing assures frequent and quality releases.

Q52). What are the major benefits of continuous testing tools?

Ans:-The major benefits of continuous testing tools can be given below.

  • Policy analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Requirements traceability
  • Test optimization
  • Advanced analytics
  • Service virtualization

Q53). Which testing tool is just the best as per your experience?

Ans:-Selenium testing tool is just the best as per my experience. Here are a few benefits which make it suitable for the workplace.

  • It is an open source free testing tool with a large user base and helping communities.
  • It is compatible with multiple browsers and operating systems.
  • It supports multiple programming languages with regular development and distributed testing.

Q54). What are the different testing types supported by Selenium?

Ans:-These are Regression Testing and functional testing.

Q55). What is two-factor authentication in DevOps?

Ans:-Two-factor authentication in DevOps is a security method where the user is provided with two identification methods from different categories.

Q56). Which type of testing should be performed to make sure that a new service is ready for production?

Ans:-It is continuous testing that makes sure that a new service is ready for production.

Q57). What is Puppet?

Ans:-Puppet is a configuration management tool in DevOps that helps you in automating administration tasks.

Q58). What do you understand by the term Canary Release?

Ans:-It is a pattern that reduces the risk of introducing a new version of the software into the production environment. It is made available in a controlled manner to the subset of users before releasing to the complete set of users.

Q59). What is the objective of using PTR in DNS?

Ans:-PTR means pointer record that is required for a reverse DNS lookup.

Q60). What is Vagrant in DevOps?

Ans:-Vagrant is a DevOps tool that is used for creating and managing virtual environments for testing and developing software programs.

DevOps Job Interview Questions and Answers

Q61). What are the prerequisites for the successful implementation of DevOps?

Ans:-Here are the prerequisites for the successful implementation of DevOps:

  • One Version control system
  • Automated testing
  • Automated deployment
  • Proper communication among team members

Q62). What are the best practices to follow for DevOps success?

Ans:-Here are the essential practices to follow for DevOps success:

  • The speed of delivery time taken for a task to get them into the production environment.
  • Focus on different types of defects in the build.
  • Check the average time taken to recover in case of failure.
  • The total number of reported bugs by customers impacting the quality of an application.

Q63). What is a SubGit tool?

Ans:-A SubGit tool helps in migrating from SVN to Git. It allows you to build a writable Git mirror of a remote or local subversion repository.

Q64). Name a few networks migrating tools.

Q65). How to check whether your video card can run Unity or not?

Ans:-Here is the command to check either your video card can run unity or not: /usr/lib/linux/unity_support_test-p

It will give you a depth of unity’s requirements. If they are met, your video card can run Unity.

Q66). How to enable the start-up sounds in ubuntu?

Ans:-To enable the start-up sounds in Ubuntu, you should follow these steps:

  • Click control gear then click on startup applications.
  • In the “startup application preferences” window, click “Add” to add a new entry.
  • Add the following command in the comment boxes: /usr/bin/Canberra-gtk-play-id= “desktop-login” –description= “play login sound”
  • Now, log out from the account once you are done.

Q67). What is the quickest way of opening an Ubuntu terminal in a particular directory?

Ans:-For this purpose, you can use the custom keyboard shortcuts.

To do that, in the command field of a new custom keyboard, type genome –terminal –working –directory = /path/to/dir.

Q68). How to get the current color of the screen on the Ubuntu desktop?

Ans:-You should open the background image and use a dropper tool to select the color at a specific point. It will give you the RGB value for that color at a specific point.

Q69). How to create launchers on a Ubuntu Desktop?

Ans:-To create a launcher on a Ubuntu desktop, you should use the following command:

ALT+F2 then type “gnome-desktop-item-edit-create-new~/desktop,” it will launch the old GUI dialog and create a launcher on your desktop

Q70). What is Memcached in DevOps?

Ans:-Memcached is an open source, high speed, distributed memory object. Its primary objective is enhancing the response time of data that can otherwise be constructed or recovered from another source of the database. It avoids the need for operating SQL database repetitively to fetch data for a concurrent request.

Q71). Why is Memcached useful?

Ans:- The Memcached is useful for

  • It speeds up the application processes.
  • It determines what to store and share.
  • It reduces the total number of retrieval requests to the database.
  • It cuts the I/O access from the hard disk.

Q72). What are the drawbacks of Memcached?

Ans:- The drawbacks of Memcached are:

  • It is not a persistent data store
  • It is not a database.
  • It is not application-specific.
  • It is not able to cache large objects.

Q73). What are the features of Memcached?

Ans:-A few highlighted features of Memcached can be given as:

  • CAS Tokens that are used to store the updated objects.
  • Callbacks to simplify the code.
  • GetDelayed to reduce the response or wait time for the outcome.
  • A binary protocol to use with the new client.
  • An Igbinary data option is available to use with the complex data.

Q74). Can you share a single instance of Memcached with multiple instances?

Ans:-Yes, it is possible.

Q75). If you have multiple Memcached servers and one of the Memcached servers fails, then what will happen?

Ans:-Even if one of the Memcached servers fails, data won’t get lost, but it can be recovered by configuring it for multiple nodes.

Read: Periodic Table Of DevOps Tools - A Revolutionary Breakthrough

Q76). How to minimize the Memcached server outages?

Ans:- To minimize the Memcached server outages as follow:

  • If one of the server instances fails, it will put a huge load on the database server. To avoid this, the code should be written in such a way that it can minimize the cache stampedes and leave a minimal impact on the database server.
  • You can bring up an instance of Memcached on a new machine with the help of lost IP addresses.
  • You can modify the Memcached server list to minimize the server outages.
  • Set up the timeout value for Memcached server outages. If the server gets down, it will try to send a request to the client until the timeout value is achieved.

Q77). How to update Memcached when data changes?

Ans:-To update the Memcached in case of data changes, you can use these two techniques:

  • Clear the cache proactively
  • Reset the Cache

Q78). What is a Dogpile effect and how to prevent it?

Ans:-Dogpile effect refers to the event when the cache expires, and the website hits by multiple requests together at the same time. The semaphore lock can minimize this effect.  When the cache expires, the first process acquires the lock and generates new value as required.

Q79). Explain when Memcached should not be used?

  • It should not be used as a datastore but a cache only.
  • It should not be taken as the only source of information to run your apps, but the data should be available through other sources too.
  • It is just a value store or a key and cannot perform a query or iterate over contents to extract the information.
  • It does not offer any security for authentication or encryption.

Q80). What is the significance of the blue/green color in the deployment pattern?

Ans:-These two colors are used to represent tough deployment challenges for a software project. The live environment is the Blue environment. When the team prepares the next release of the software, it conducts the final stage of testing in the Green environment.

Q81). What is a Container?

Ans:-Containers are lightweight virtualizations that offer isolation among processes.

Q82). What is a post mortem meeting in DevOps?

Ans:-A post mortem meeting discusses what went wrong and what steps to be taken to avoid failures.

Q83). Name two tools that can be used for Docket networking.

Ans:-These are Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

Check out questions often asked around Kubernetes during interviews.

Q84). How to build a small cloud quickly?

Ans:-Dokku can be a good option to build a small cloud quickly.

Q85). Name a few common areas where DevOps is implemented?

Ans:-These are IT, production, operations, marketing, software development, etc.

Q86). What is pair programming in DevOps?

Ans:-It is a development practice of extreme programming rules.

Q87). What is CBD in DevOps?

Ans:-CBD or component-based development is a unique style of approaching product development.

Q88). What is Resilience Test in DevOps?

Ans:-It ensures the full recovery of data in case of failure.

Q89). Name a few important DevOps KPIs.

Ans:-Three most important KPIs of DevOps can be given as:

  • Meantime to failure recovery
  • Percentage of failed deployments
  • Deployment Frequency

Q90). What is the difference between asset and configuration management?

Ans:-Asset management refers to any system that monitors and maintains things of a group or unit. Configuration Management is the process of identifying, controlling, and managing configuration items in support of change management.

Q91). How does HTTP work?

Ans:-An HTTP protocol works like any other protocol in a client-server architecture. The client initiates a request, and the server responds to it.

Q92). What is Chef?

Ans:-Chef is a powerful automated tool for transforming infrastructure into code.

Q93). How will you define a resource in Chef?

Ans:-A resource is a piece of infrastructure and its desired state like packages should be installed, services should be in running state, the file could be generated, etc.

Q94). How will you define a recipe in Chef?

Ans:-A recipe is a collection of resources describing a particular configuration or policy.

Q95). How is cookbook different from the recipe in Chef?

Ans:-The answer is pretty direct. A recipe is a collection of resources, and a Cookbook is a collection of recipes and other information.

Q96). What is an Ansible Module?

Ans:-Modules are considered as a unit of work in Ansible. Each module is standalone, and it can be written in common scripting languages.

Check out this complete Ansible Tutorial!

Q97). What are playbooks in Ansible?

Ans:-Playbooks are Ansible’s orchestration, configuration, and deployment languages. They are written in human-readable basic text language.

Q98). How can you check the complete list of Ansible variables?

Ans:-You can use this command to check the complete list of Ansible variables. Ansible –m setup hostname

Q99). What is Nagios?

Ans:-It is a DevOps tool for continuous monitoring of systems, business processes, or application services, etc.

Q100). What are plugins in DevOps?

Ans:-Plugins are scripts that are run from a command line to check the status of Host or Service.

Q132). What are the core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure?

Ans:- The core operations of DevOps are application development, version control, unit testing, deployment with infrastructure, monitoring, configuration, and orchestration.

Q133). Can one consider DevOps as an Agile methodology?

Ans:- DevOps can be considered as complementary to the Agile methodology but not completely similar.

Q134). Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?

Ans:- The advantage of using Git are-

  • Data redundancy and replication
  • High availability
  • Only one Git directory per repository
  • Superior disk utilization and network performance
  • Collaboration friendly
  • Can be used for any sort of projects

Q135). Are git fetch and git pull the same?

Ans:-The command ‘git pull’ pulls any new commits from a branch from the central repository and then updates the target branch in the local repository.

But, ‘git fetch’ is a slightly different form of ‘git pull’. Unlike ‘git pull’, it pulls all new commits from the desired branch and then stores them in a new branch in the local repository.

Q136) . What are the benefits of using version control?


  • It helps improve the collaborative work culture: Here, team members are allowed to work freely on any file at any time. The version control system allows us to merge all changes into a common version.
  • It keeps different versions of code files securely: All the previous versions and variants of code files are neatly packed up inside the version control system.
  • It understands what happened: Every time we save a new version of our project, the version control system asks us to provide a short description of what was changed. More than that it allows us to see what changes were made in the file’s content, as well as who has made those changes.
  • It keeps backup: A distributed version control system like Git allows all team members to have the complete history of the project file so that in case there is a breakdown in the central server, they can use any of their teammate’s local Git repository. 

Q137). How do you handle the merge conflicts in Git?

Ans:- In order to resolve the merge conflicts in Git, we need to follow three steps:

  • Understand what happened: It could be because of the same line edit on the same file; it could be because of deleting some files, or also it could be because of files with the same file names. You can check everything by using ‘git status’.
  • Mark and clean up the conflict: When we open the files using the merge tool, Git marks the conflicted area like this ‘<<<<< HEAD’ and ‘ >>>>> [other/branch/name]’.
  • Perform commit again and then merge the current branch with the master branch.

Must-Know: Regression Testing Interview Questions and Answers.

Q138). Can you tell me some advantages of Forking Workflow over other Git workflows?

Ans:- Forking Workflow is fundamentally different from other Git workflows. Instead of using a single server-side repository to act as the ‘central’ codebase, Forking Workflow gives every developer their own server-side repositories. This workflow is most often seen in public open-source projects.

The main advantage is that contributions can be integrated without the need for everyone to push to a single central repository to maintain clean project history. Developers can push to their own server-side repositories, and only the project maintainer will push to the official repository.

As soon as developers are ready to publish their local commits, they will push their commits to their own public repositories. Then, they will perform a pull request from the main repository, which notifies the project maintainer that an update is ready to be integrated.

Must Read: Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers.

Q139). When do you use ‘git rebase’ instead of ‘git merge’?

Ans:- Both ‘git rebase’ and ‘git merge’ commands are designed to integrate changes from one branch into another branch: just that they just do it in different ways.

When we perform rebase of a feature branch onto the master branch, we move the base of the feature branch to the master branch’s ending point.

By performing a merge, we take the contents of the feature branch and integrate them with the master branch. As a result, only the master branch is changed, but the feature branch history remains the same. Merging adds a new commit to your history.

Rebasing will create inconsistent repositories. For individuals, rebasing makes a lot of sense. Now, in order to see the history completely, the same way as it has happened, we should use merge. Merge preserves history, whereas rebase rewrites it.

Q140) What is Continuous Testing and Automation Testing are?

Ans:- Automation testing, as the name suggests, is a process of automating the manual process of testing. It involves the use of separate testing tools that let developers create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly without any manual intervention.

Continuous testing is nothing but the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline in DevOps. In this process, each build is tested continuously, allowing the development team to get fast business feedback so that it can prevent the problems from progressing to the next stage of the software delivery lifecycle. This will dramatically speed up a developer’s workflow. He/she no longer needs to manually rebuild the project and re-run all tests after making changes.

Must Read: Top Regression Testing Interview Questions and Answers.

Q141). How to launch a browser using WebDriver?

Ans:- The process to launch a browser using WebDriver:

For Firefox:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

For Chrome:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

For Internet Explorer (IE):

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Q142). What are the technical challenges with Selenium?


  • It supports only web-based applications.
  • It does not support the Bitmap comparison.
  • No vendor support is available for Selenium compared to commercial tools like HP UFT.
  • As there is no object repository concept, maintainability of objects becomes very complex.

Q143). When should we use Selenium Grid?

Ans:- It can be used to execute the same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers, concurrently, in order to achieve distributed test execution. It allows testing under different environments, remarkably saving the execution time.

Read more on : Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers.

Q144). Describe the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit().

Ans:- The driver. close command closes the focused Browser window. But, the driver.quit command calls the driver.dispose method which closes all browser windows and also ends the WebDriver session.

Find the in depth Git Interview Questions and Answers now!

Q145). How will you secure Jenkins?

Ans:- The way to secure Jenkins is as follows:

  • Ensure that the global security is on
  • Check whether Jenkins is integrated with the company’s user directory with an appropriate plugin
  • Make sure that Project matrix is enabled to fine-tune access
  • Automate the process of setting rights or privileges in Jenkins with a custom version-controlled script
  • Limit physical access to Jenkins data or folders
  • Periodically run security audits

Q146). How to create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

Ans:- To create a backup, all we need to do is to periodically back up our JENKINS_HOME directory. This contains all of the build configurations of our job, our slave node configurations, and our build history. To create a backup of our Jenkins setup, just copy this directory. We can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.

Q147). What is Jenkins Pipeline and CI/CD Pipeline?

Ans:- Jenkins Pipeline can be defined as a suite of plugins supporting both implementation and integration of Jenkins continuous delivery pipeline.

Continuous integration or continuous delivery pipeline consists of build, deploy, test, and release. The pipeline feature is very time-saving. In other words, a pipeline is a group of build jobs that are chained and integrated in a sequence.

Q148). What are Puppet Manifests?

Ans:- Every Puppet Node or Puppet Agent has got its configuration details in Puppet Master, written in the native Puppet language. These details are written in a language that Puppet can understand and are termed as Puppet Manifests. These manifests are composed of Puppet codes, and their filenames use the .pp extension.

For instance, we can write a manifest in Puppet Master that creates a file and installs Apache on all Puppet Agents or slaves that are connected to the Puppet Master.

Q149). How can I configure systems with Puppet?

Ans:- In order to configure systems with Puppet in a client or server architecture, we have to use the Puppet Agent and the Puppet Master applications. In a stand-alone architecture, we have to use the Puppet apply application.

Check out the most important Git Interview Questions and Answers now!

Q150). What is a Puppet Module? How is it different from the Puppet Manifest?

Ans:- A Puppet Module is nothing but a collection of manifests and data (e.g., facts, files, and templates). Puppet Modules have a specific directory structure. They are useful for organizing the Puppet code because with Puppet Modules we can split the Puppet code into multiple manifests. It is considered as the best practice to use Puppet Modules to organize almost all of your Puppet Manifests.

Puppet Modules are different from Puppet Manifests. Manifests are nothing but Puppet programs, composed of the Puppet code. File names of Puppet Manifests use the .pp extension.

Final Words:

Getting through these interview questions for devops is not enough. You should join the DevOps certification program to master the DevOps skills. We at JanBask Training are here to help you learn all DevOps tools and concepts practically. Take our demo class first to get an idea of instructors and get familiar with the online environment too. 

Once you go through the course, it is easy to crack an interview, as we will guide you end-to-end about the most asked interview questions for DevOps and help prepare for real-time job duties & skills to grab a huge salary package as expected by you.

Get practical DevOps certification training by industry experts and get certified now!

Comment down below and tell us how you would prepare for these interview questions for DevOps. Or ask away anything you feel regarding interview questions for DevOps engineer or DevOps Career path.


Q1. How do I prepare for DevOps interview experience?

Ans: You have taken a right decision if you want to pursue this career. It has large scopes ahead and you can charm any interviewer with your significant skills in DevOps. If you are wondering how to do that? Juts join a DevOps Online Training and prep for aws devops interview questions. There is no turning back from the success that awaits.

Q2. What important skills required to pursue DevOps job?

Ans: To pursue the DevOps job role, the individuals are required to master in these below technical to personality skills:

  • Platform familiarity
  • Coding
  • Configuration and version management
  • Provisioning and deployment
  • Security
  • Tracking and assessing release performance
  • Network optimization
  • Troubleshooting
  • Integration

One can master these technical skills through a DevOps Certification Course and Training and pass with flying colors after preparing devops interview questions and answers for experienced.

Q3. What Personality skills required for DevOps role

Ans: These personality traits can help you in each and every field you pursue-

  • Strong Communication and Collaboration Skills
  • Empathy and Unselfishness
  • Logical and analytical
  • Detail-oriented
  • Result-oriented

Be a pro in DevOps by preparing for azure devops interview questions. 

Q4. How to maintain a growing career in DevOps field? 

Ans: Here are few ways how you can keep having an outright uplift in DevOps field:

  • Being updated with the new upgrades in DevOps techniques.
  • By qualifying for multiple DevOps certification exams. The more DevOps Certification Course and Training exams you will take, the more you will have recruitment scope.
  • By enrolling in a DevOps Training Course and being a pro in this field with indepth knowledge that  noone can beat.

Q5. How much do a DevOps Professionals make on an average?

Ans: The average salary for a Devops Engineer is $123,472 per year in United States, as per Glassdoor. If you want to earn such lucrative package all you got to do is enroll at DevOps Training Course and prepare hard with interview questions for devops engineer.

Q6. What is the future scope of DevOps job/career?

Ans: With rising demands DevOps is leading the market today. Companies are at their peak by using DevOps teachnology. 

  • As of now, the average salary of a DevOps engineer is $115,666 in the USA.
  • In 2022 it ranked #4 with average salary of $120,095 and 8,548 job openings

You can skyrocket your career with help of devops interview questions and answers for experienced. Learn it all from DevOps Online Certification Training Course

Q7. What are the 5 pillars of DevOps?

Ans: We break DevOps into five main areas: Automation, Cloud-Native, Culture, Security, and Observability. We break DevOps into five main areas: Automation, Cloud-Native, Culture, Security, and Observability.

Be a master of this by joining DevOps Online Certification Training Course. You can memorize it for devops engineer interview question.             

Q8. What type of jobs can we get after DevOps certification?

Ans: Here are some jobs you can land after DevOps Certification Course and Training

  • Software Tester.
  • Security Engineer.
  • Application Developers.
  • Integration Specialist.
  • System Administrator.
  • DevOps Engineer.
  • System Architect.

Q9. How can I learn the core operations of DevOps?

Ans: You can learn all about DevOps and prepare for azure devops interview questions by enrolling at DevOps Online Training. Practice all aws devops interview questions through DevOps Training Course and be a game changer in this field. 

Q10. What are the 3 principles of DevOps?


  • First Way: Maximize flow.
  • Second Way: Feedback loops.
  • Third Way: Continuous experimentation and learning.

One can learn all about DevOps via DevOps Certification Course and Training. 

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    Maximiliano Jackson

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    Paxton Harris

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