Can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “CloudFront 403 forbidden”?

475    Asked by DavidWHITE in AWS , Asked on May 13, 2024

I am a web developer and I have an issue with “CloudFront 403 Forbidden” which occurs when I am trying to access certain resources through my Cloudfront distribution. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by David

In the context of AWS, here are the steps given for how you can troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue:&

Checking cloudfront distribution setting

Firstly, you would need to ensure that the CloudFront distribution Is correctly configured to serve the desired Resources.

Verify origin Access identity

If you are using an origin Access identity to restrict access to your S3 bucket, then you can ensure that the OAI is associated with the CloudFront distribution and has all the necessary permission for accessing the origin.

Checking S3 bucket Permission

If your cloudfront distribution is serving content from an S3 bucket then you can verify the bucket permission. You can make sure that the bucket policies or access control lists allow CloudFront to access the object.

Inspect the CloudFront logs

You can enable logging for your CloudFront installation and then you can inspect the logs to identify the specific requests that are resulting in the 403 errors.

Here is the coding given of the above structure:-

Public class CloudFront403Resolution {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Step 1: Check CloudFront Distribution Settings
        // Step 2: Verify Origin Access Identity (OAI)
        // Step 3: Check S3 Bucket Permissions
        // Step 4: Inspect CloudFront Logs
        enableCloudFrontLogging(“DISTRIBUTION_ID”, “logging-config.json”);
        listCloudFrontLogs(“BUCKET_NAME”, “PREFIX”);
        // Step 5: Review CloudFront Error Responses
        // Step 6: Clear CloudFront Cache
        // Step 7: Check for Regional Edge Caches
    Public static void listCloudFrontDistributions() {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to list CloudFront distributions
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront list-distributions”);
        System.out.println(“Listing CloudFront distributions…”);
    Public static void listCloudFrontOAIs() {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to list CloudFront OAIs
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront list-cloud-front-origin-access-identities”);
        System.out.println(“Listing CloudFront OAIs…”);
    Public static void checkS3BucketPermissions(String bucketName) {
        // Implement AWS CLI commands to check S3 bucket permissions
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws s3api get-bucket-policy –bucket “ + bucketName);
        System.out.println(“Checking S3 bucket permissions…”);
    Public static void enableCloudFrontLogging(String distributionId, String configFile) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to enable CloudFront logging
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront update-distribution –id “ + distributionId + “ –logging-config file://” + configFile);
        System.out.println(“Enabling CloudFront logging…”);
    Public static void listCloudFrontLogs(String bucketName, String prefix) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to list CloudFront logs
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws s3api list-objects-v2 –bucket “ + bucketName + “ –prefix “ + prefix);
        System.out.println(“Listing CloudFront logs…”);
    Public static void getCloudFrontErrorResponses(String distributionId) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to get CloudFront error responses
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront get-distribution-config –id “ + distributionId);
        System.out.println(“Getting CloudFront error responses…”);
    Public static void updateCloudFrontErrorResponses(String distributionId) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to update CloudFront error responses
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront update-distribution –id “ + distributionId + “ –error-response page=403,error_caching_min_ttl=60”);
        System.out.println(“Updating CloudFront error responses…”);
    Public static void clearCloudFrontCache(String distributionId) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to clear CloudFront cache
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront create-invalidation –distribution-id “ + distributionId + “ –paths ‘/*’”);
        System.out.println(“Clearing CloudFront cache…”);
    Public static void getRegionalEdgeCaches(String distributionId) {
        // Implement AWS CLI command to check for regional edge caches
        // Example: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“aws cloudfront get-distribution-config –id “ + distributionId);
        System.out.println(“Checking for regional edge caches…”);

Here is the HTML structure given of how you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue:-

<meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>

<meta</span> name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”>

CloudFront 403 Forbidden Error Resolution

  CloudFront 403 Forbidden Error Resolution



  1. Check CloudFront Distribution Settings: Run aws cloudfront list-distributions to list CloudFront distributions.


  3. Verify Origin Access Identity (OAI): Run aws cloudfront list-cloud-front-origin-access-identities to list OAIs.


  5. Check S3 Bucket Permissions: Run aws s3api get-bucket-policy –bucket BUCKET_NAME and aws s3api get-bucket-acl –bucket BUCKET_NAME to inspect S3 bucket permissions.


  7. Inspect CloudFront Logs:



    • Enable logging: aws cloudfront update-distribution –id DISTRIBUTION_ID –logging-config file://logging-config.json


    • List CloudFront logs: aws s3api list-objects-v2 –bucket BUCKET_NAME –prefix PREFIX




  9. Review CloudFront Error Responses:



    • Get error response settings: aws cloudfront get-distribution-config –id DISTRIBUTION_ID


    • Update error response: aws cloudfront update-distribution –id DISTRIBUTION_ID –error-response page=403,error_caching_min_ttl=60




  11. Clear CloudFront Cache: Run aws cloudfront create-invalidation –distribution-id DISTRIBUTION_ID –paths “/*” to clear the cache.


  13. Check for Regional Edge Caches: Get distribution information: aws cloudfront get-distribution-config –id DISTRIBUTION_ID.


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