Describe a way to delete a Global Secondary Index in Amazon DynamoDB.

2.8K    Asked by OliverWatson in AWS , Asked on Nov 30, 2023
Answered by Oliver Watson

A Global secondary index can be erased from the console or through an API call.

Select the table from which you need to erase the Global secondary index on the console, select the "indexes" tab under "Table items" and afterwards click on the "Delete" button which is alongside the erase list.

A Global Secondary Index can likewise be erased utilizing the Update Table API call.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

To delete a Global Secondary Index (GSI) in Amazon DynamoDB, follow these steps:

1. Access the DynamoDB Console:

Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

Navigate to the DynamoDB service.

2. Select the Table:

In the DynamoDB console, select the table that contains the GSI you want to delete.

3. Manage Indexes:

Go to the "Indexes" tab of the selected table.

Find the GSI you want to delete from the list of indexes.

4. Delete the GSI:

Select the GSI you wish to delete.

Click on the "Delete" button (usually represented by a trash can icon or an option in a drop-down menu).

5. Confirm Deletion:

A confirmation dialog will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion of the GSI.

Confirm the action to delete the GSI.

6. Using AWS CLI to Delete a GSI

Alternatively, you can use the AWS CLI to delete a GSI with the following command:

  aws dynamodb update-table     --table-name TableName     --global-secondary-index-updates "[{"Delete":{"IndexName":"IndexName"}}]"

Replace TableName with the name of your table and IndexName with the name of the GSI you want to delete.

Using AWS SDKs to Delete a GSI

You can also use AWS SDKs, such as the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), to delete a GSI programmatically:

Example with Boto3 (Python):

import boto3

  # Create a DynamoDB clientdynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')# Delete the GSIresponse = dynamodb.update_table(    TableName='TableName',    GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates=[        {            'Delete': {                'IndexName': 'IndexName'            }        }    ])


Replace TableName with the name of your table and IndexName with the name of the GSI you want to delete.


  • Impact on Application: Deleting a GSI may impact your application's ability to query the data indexed by that GSI.
  • Cost: Ensure you understand the cost implications, as deleting a GSI will stop any charges associated with its storage and read/write capacity.
  • Backup: It’s a good practice to back up your table data before deleting a GSI, in case you need to recover it later.

Following these steps or using the provided commands should enable you to successfully delete a Global Secondary Index in Amazon DynamoDB.

9 Months


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