How can I approach the optimization of EC2 Instance costs for my startup?

323    Asked by david_2585 in AWS , Asked on Apr 25, 2024

 I am a cloud analyst for a particular startup that heavily relies on the AWS EC2 Instance for various workloads. How can I approach the optimization of EC2 Instance costs for my startup during the time of maintaining the required performance and capacity for different workloads? 

Answered by David

 In the context of AWS, here are the steps given of how you can optimize the EC2 Instance’s cost while maintaining the performance and capacity for different workloads:-

Identify the workload requirements

You should analyze each workload running on an EC2 Instance to understand its CPU, memory, storage, and networking requirements. You can determine if the current Instance types and sizes are appropriate for the workload.

Using the AWS cost explorer

You can use the AWS cost explorer to analyze the historical EC2 usage and costs. You can identify any Instances that are consistently underutilized or even have low CPU memory utilization.

Implementation of auto-scaling

You can configure auto-scaling for the workload with variable demand. Auto scaling can offer adjustments to the number of EC2 Instances based on the metrics of the various workloads.

Regularly monitoring and optimization

You should continuously monitor EC2 usage performance metrics and costs by using the AWS cloud watch, AWS Cost Explorer, and third-party monitoring tools.

Here's an example AWS CLI command to describe EC2 instances with specific tags for cost allocation:

Aws ec2 describe-instances –query “Reservations[].Instances[].[InstanceId,InstanceType,Tags[?Key==’CostCenter’].Value]” –output table

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