How can I configure the AWS security group rule in Terraform?

274    Asked by DeirdreCameron in AWS , Asked on Nov 28, 2023

In the context of Terraform how can I utilize Terraform in order to define and implement the specific AWS security group rules that can restrict inbound traffic to a web server instance? 

Answered by Deirdre Cameron

In order to configure the AWS_security_group_ rule terraform for the instance of the web server, you should first create a Terraform script which should define the security group. Moreover, specify the ingress rules for ports 80 and 443 while using the principle not least privilege. Here is the example given:-

Resource “aws_security_group” “example_sg” {
  Name = “example-security-group”
  Description = “Example Security Group”
  Vpc_id =
  # Inbound rule allowing traffic on port 80 (HTTP)
  Ingress {
    From_port = 80
    To_port = 80
    Protocol = “tcp”
    Cidr_blocks = [“”] # Allow access from anywhere (This might be too permissive in production)
  # Outbound rule allowing all traffic
  Egress {
    From_port = 0
    To_port = 0
    Protocol = “-1”
    Cidr_blocks = [“”] # Allow traffic to anywhere (This might be too permissive in production)
In Terraform use the “aws_securuty_group” resource for setting the “ingress” block with appropriate “from_port” and “to_port” values.

For the specific purpose of limiting access to specific IP ranges, you can certainly use the “cidr_ blocks”. For instance, you can allow HTTP traffic from on port 80 and HTTPS traffic from on port 443.

This will further ensure the accessibility of the web while minimizing exposure.

You can execute the terraform configuration for creating or updating the security group according to the requirements. You should review regularly and update these rules to enhance the seamless workflow. This technique will maintain a robust however flexible AWS security group configuration for your specific web server. Join our AWS certification training course to gain more knowledge on the topic.

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