How can I configure the Lambda function for consuming messages from the SQS queue effectively?

337    Asked by CsabaToth in AWS , Asked on Apr 3, 2024

I am currently developing a serverless application on AWS that processes incoming messages from an SQS queue by using the lambda function. Describe the steps for me on how I can configure the Lambda function for consuming messages from the SQS queue effectively, handle retries and error handling, and integrate with other AWS services as needed for the application. 

Answered by Csaba Toth

 In the context of AWS, you can configure a lambda function to consume messages from an SQS queue effectively and handle them while integrating with other AWS services by using the several steps which are given below:-

Setting up SQS queue and lambda function

Firstly, you would need to create an SQS queue in your AWS account and configure the required permissions for your particular lambda function to access the queues.

Import boto3

# Create SQS client
Sqs = boto3.client(‘sqs’)
# Create SQS queue
Response = sqs.create_queue(
        ‘VisibilityTimeout’: ‘30’, # Visibility timeout in seconds
        ‘MessageRetentionPeriod’: ‘86400’ # Message retention period in seconds (1 day)
Queue_url = response[‘QueueUrl’]

Lambda Function Configuration

You can configure your lambda function to consume messages from the SQS queue. You can set the concurrency limit, timeout setting, and error handling mechanism.

Import boto3

# Create Lambda client
Lambda_client = boto3.client(‘lambda’)
# Create Lambda function
Response = lambda_client.create_function(
    Role=’arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-role’, # Replace with your IAM role ARN
        ‘S3Bucket’: ‘lambda-code-bucket’,
        ‘S3Key’: ‘’
    Timeout=30, # Timeout in seconds
    MemorySize=512, # Memory allocation in MB
        ‘Variables’: {
            ‘QUEUE_URL’: queue_url # Pass SQS queue URL as environment variable

Error handling band retries

You can implement error handling and retries in your lambda function to handle the exceptions, network issues, or even service errors gracefully.

Import botocore.exceptions
Def lambda_handler(event, context):
        # Your SQS message processing code here
    Except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
        # Log the error or handle it based on your application’s requirements
        Print(f’Error processing message: {e}’)
        # Retry logic can be implemented here based on error types
Integration with other AWS services

You can integrate your lambda function with the other AWS services as needed. For example, you can store the data that you have processed in Amazon S3, send notifications by using the Amazon SNS, or trigger downstream Processes by using the AWS step functions.

Import boto3

Def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Process the message
    # Example: Store processed data in Amazon S3
    S3 = boto3.client(‘s3’)
    Bucket_name = ‘YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME’
    Key = ‘processed_data.txt’
    Data = ‘Processed message data…’
    S3.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=data)
    # Example: Send notification using Amazon SNS
    Sns = boto3.client(‘sns’)
    Topic_arn = ‘YOUR_SNS_TOPIC_ARN’
    Message = ‘Processed message ready!’
    Sns.publish(TopicArn=topic_arn, Message=message)
    # Example: Trigger downstream process using AWS Step Functions
    Stepfunctions = boto3.client(‘stepfunctions’)
    State_machine_arn = ‘YOUR_STEP_FUNCTION_ARN’
    Input_data = {‘key’: ‘value’}
    Response = stepfunctions.start_execution(

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