How can I download the file by using the Command line interface of the AWS S3 bucket?

392    Asked by ChloeBurgess in AWS , Asked on Jan 4, 2024

I have stored a crucial project file in my AWS S3 bucket and I needed to download a specific file for my local machine for analyzing further. How can I approach downloading this file from the AWS S3 bucket by using the AWS Command line interface? 

Answered by bhagwati dubey

For achieving the objective of downloading a file from an AWS S3 download bucket by using the AWS SDK for a programming language such as Python programming language, you can use a library such as “boto3”.

Here is the example given by usingPython programming language and Boto3:

Import boto3

# AWS credentials setup (if not using default credentials setup)
# Replace ‘your_access_key’, ‘your_secret_key’, and ‘your_region’ with your AWS credentials
S3 = boto3.client(
# Bucket name and file/key to download
Bucket_name = ‘your_bucket_name’
File_to_download = ‘path/to/your/file.txt’ # Replace with the path to your file
# Local path to save the downloaded file
Local_save_path = ‘/local/path/to/save/file.txt’ # Replace with your local path
# Download the file from the S3 bucket
S3.download_file(bucket_name, file_to_download, local_save_path)

Boto 3 is a library for interactions of AWS.

  S3 = boto3.client(….) is used to set up a client in S3 with your credentials of AWS.

bucket_name and file_to_download are used in specifying the bucket name of S3 and the path within the bucket.

Local_save_path refers to the local path where you want to download and save the particular file.

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