How can I ensure the secret access key should be managed securely?

277    Asked by AadityaSrivastva in AWS , Asked on May 29, 2024

 I am a DevOps engineer at a particular company. One of my colleagues who is a software developer is working on the process of integration of an application with AWS services and he needs programming access to these services. Therefore, he requested AWS secret access keys for use in their code. What steps should I take to ensure that the key is securely managed? 

Answered by Colin Payne

In the context of AWS, here is the appropriate approach given:-
First, you would need to generate the secret access key by using the AWS Identity and access management by using the method of creating a new IAM user.

Now you can provide the secret access key to your particular colleague through a secure channel.

Securing the key with the application

You should avoid hardcoding the secret access keys in the source code. You can use the environment variables or AWS IAM roles with the appropriate permissions.

You can use the AWS SDK and even libraries that can support retrieving credentials from the environment variables or even IAM roles.

You can also consider using the AWS secret manager to manage, retrieve, and even rotate the secret access keys dynamically.

By following these steps, you can easily ensure the secret access keys which would help in mitigating the potential security risk and ensuring the integrity of your AWS resources.

Here is a Python coding example that demonstrates how you can securely manage secret access keys by using the AWS secret manager. This script would show how you can store a secret, retrieve it, and also rotate it automatically.

Import boto3
From botocore.exceptions import ClientError
# Initialize the Secrets Manager client
Secrets_manager_client = boto3.client(‘secretsmanager’, region_name=’us-west-2’)
# Create a secret
Def create_secret(secret_name, secret_value):
        Response = secrets_manager_client.create_secret(
        Print(f”Secret {secret_name} created successfully.”)
    Except ClientError as e:
        Print(f”Failed to create secret: {e.response[‘Error’][‘Message’]}”)
# Retrieve a secret
Def get_secret(secret_name):
        Response = secrets_manager_client.get_secret_value(
        Secret = response[‘SecretString’]
        Print(f”Retrieved secret: {secret}”)
        Return secret
    Except ClientError as e:
        Print(f”Failed to retrieve secret: {e.response[‘Error’][‘Message’]}”)
# Rotate a secret
Def rotate_secret(secret_name, new_secret_value):
        Response = secrets_manager_client.put_secret_value(
        Print(f”Secret {secret_name} rotated successfully.”)
    Except ClientError as e:
        Print(f”Failed to rotate secret: {e.response[‘Error’][‘Message’]}”)
# Example usage
Secret_name = ‘my-secret-access-key’
Secret_value = ‘{“AccessKeyId”: “AKIA…”,”SecretAccessKey”: “abcd…”}’
# Create a secret
Create_secret(secret_name, secret_value)
# Retrieve the secret
Retrieved_secret = get_secret(secret_name)
# Rotate the secret with a new value
New_secret_value = ‘{“AccessKeyId”: “AKIA…”,”SecretAccessKey”: “efgh…”}’
Rotate_secret(secret_name, new_secret_value)

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