How can I explain the process of creating an AWS access key for the developer?

305    Asked by CrownyHasegawa in AWS , Asked on Apr 15, 2024

I am responsible for managing Access to Aws Resources securely. A new developer joins the team currently and he needs programmatic access to AWS services by using the AWS CLI or SDK. Explain the process of creating an AWS access key for the developer. 

Answered by Connor Peake

 In the context of AWS, here is how you can explain:-

Creating AWS access keys

You can create AWS access keys for the particular new developer.

Best practices for access key management

You can rotate the access key regularly to minimize the risk of compromise.

You can use the IAM role with temporary security credentials whenever possible instead of long-term access keys.

You can apply the principle of least privilege by the technique of granting only the permission necessary for the developer’s task.

You can enable multi-factor authentication for IAM users to add an extra layer of security.

Here is an example given of how you can create AWS access keys for an IAM user by using the AWS CLI:-

Import boto3

# Initialize IAM client
Iam_client = boto3.client(‘iam’)
# Step 1: Create IAM user
Def create_iam_user(username):


        Response = iam_client.create_user(UserName=username)
        Print(f”IAM user {username} created successfully.”)
    Except Exception as e:
        Print(f”Error creating IAM user: {str€}”)
# Step 2: Attach policies to the IAM user
Def attach_policy_to_user(username, policy_arn):


        Response = iam_client.attach_user_policy(UserName=username, PolicyArn=policy_arn)
        Print(f”Policy attached to IAM user {username} successfully.”)
    Except Exception as e:
        Print(f”Error attaching policy to IAM user: {str€}”)
# Step 3: Generate access keys for the IAM user
Def generate_access_keys(username):
        Response = iam_client.create_access_key(UserName=username)
        Access_key_id = response[‘AccessKey’][‘AccessKeyId’]
        Secret_access_key = response[‘AccessKey’][‘SecretAccessKey’]
        Print(f”Access keys generated for IAM user {username}:”)
        Print(f”Access Key ID: {access_key_id}”)
        Print(f”Secret Access Key: {secret_access_key}”)
        Print(“IMPORTANT: Store the access keys securely!”)
    Except Exception as e:
        Print(f”Error generating access keys: {str€}”)
# Example usage
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:
    # Define IAM user details
    New_username = ‘developer1’

    Policy_arn = ‘arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess’ # Example policy for Amazon S3 full access

    # Create IAM user
    # Attach policy to the user
    Attach_policy_to_user(new_username, policy_arn)
    # Generate access keys for the user
Here is the same example given in Java programming language:-
Public class IAMUserManagement {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Initialize IAM client
        IamClient iamClient = IamClient.builder().build();
        // Step 1: Create IAM user
        String newUsername = “developer1”;
        CreateUserRequest createUserRequest = CreateUserRequest.builder()
        CreateUserResponse createUserResponse = iamClient.createUser(createUserRequest);
        System.out.println(“IAM user created successfully: “ + createUserResponse.user().userName());
        // Step 2: Attach policy to the user
        String policyArn = “arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess”; // Example policy for Amazon S3 full access
        AttachUserPolicyRequest attachUserPolicyRequest = AttachUserPolicyRequest.builder()
        System.out.println(“Policy attached to IAM user successfully.”);
        // Step 3: Generate access keys for the user
        CreateAccessKeyRequest createAccessKeyRequest = CreateAccessKeyRequest.builder()
        CreateAccessKeyResponse createAccessKeyResponse = iamClient.createAccessKey(createAccessKeyRequest);
        String accessKeyId = createAccessKeyResponse.accessKey().accessKeyId();
        String secretAccessKey = createAccessKeyResponse.accessKey().secretAccessKey();
        System.out.println(“Access keys generated for IAM user:”);
        System.out.println(“Access Key ID: “ + accessKeyId);
        System.out.println(“Secret Access Key: “ + secretAccessKey);
        // IMPORTANT: Store the access keys securely!

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