How can I guide the process of signing up for AWS elastic search for keyword research purposes?

256    Asked by david_2585 in AWS , Asked on Apr 17, 2024

I am currently working with a start-up that specializes in digital marketing services. They want to expand their reach by using the platy of AWS services for keyword research and also analysis. How can I guide them through the process of signing up for AWS elastic search for keyword research purposes? 

Answered by Csaba Toth

 In the context of AWS, here is the appropriate approach given to how you can guide them:-

AWS account sign-up

You can advise them to visit the AWS website and click on the AWS accounts.

They would need to provide all necessary information such as e-mail, password, etc.

After completing the account creation process they about complete the verification of identity.

Access management

You can recommend they set up identity and access management users and roles to manage access to the AWS services.

They can create IAM users with the necessary permission to do keyword research.

Using AWS Comprehend for keyword analysis

You can guide them to navigate to the AWS management console and then they can open the AWS comprehend service.

They can use the AWS SDK to extract the keywords.

Using the AWS elastic search for advanced keyword research

You can recommend they set up an Amazon elastic search domain by the AWS management console or AWS SDK.

They can configure the elastic search domain with the suitable Instance type, storage, and access policies.

Here is an example given that would show how you can sign up for AWS, set up IAM roles using the AWS comprehend for keyword analysis, and set up AWS elastic search for advanced keyword research:-

Import boto3
Import json
Import time

# Initialize AWS clients

Iam_client = boto3.client(‘iam’)
Comprehend_client = boto3.client(‘comprehend’)
Es_client = boto3.client(‘es’)

# Step 1: Sign up for AWS and create an IAM role

# Assume role policy for EC2 instance access

Trust_policy_ec2 = {
    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,
    “Statement”: [
            “Effect”: “Allow”,
            “Principal”: {
                “Service”: “”
            “Action”: “sts:AssumeRole”

# Create IAM role for EC2 instances

Role_response = iam_client.create_role(

# Wait for IAM role creation to propagate


# Attach AmazonEC2FullAccess policy to the IAM role


# Step 2: Utilize AWS Comprehend for keyword analysis

# Text to analyze

  Text = “Digital marketing is essential for business growth and visibility.”

# Detect key phrases using AWS Comprehend

Response_comprehend = comprehend_client.detect_key_phrases(

# Extract and print key phrases

Key_phrases = [phrase[‘Text’] for phrase in response_comprehend[‘KeyPhrases’]]
Print(“Key Phrases:”, key_phrases)

# Step 3: Set up AWS Elasticsearch for advanced keyword research

# Create Elasticsearch domain

Es_response = es_client.create_elasticsearch_domain(
        ‘InstanceType’: ‘t2.small.elasticsearch’,
        ‘InstanceCount’: 1,
        ‘DedicatedMasterEnabled’: False,
        ‘ZoneAwarenessEnabled’: False
        ‘EBSEnabled’: True,
        ‘VolumeType’: ‘gp2’,
        ‘VolumeSize’: 10
# Provide access policy for the domain to allow access
        ‘Statement’: [{
            ‘Effect’: ‘Allow’,
            ‘Principal’: {‘AWS’: ‘*’},
            ‘Action’: ‘es:*’,
            ‘Resource’: f”arn:aws:es:{es_response[‘Domain’][‘Arn’].split(‘:’)[3]}:{es_response[‘Domain’][‘Arn’].split(‘:’)[4]}:domain/keyword-research-domain/*”
Print(“AWS resources created successfully.”)

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