How can I Integrate Amazon Cloudfront with the Namecheap DNS to accelerate content delivery?

366    Asked by AadityaSrivastva in AWS , Asked on Apr 15, 2024

I am currently tasked with optimization of the performance of a web-based application hosted on AWS by using Namecheap as the domain registrar. How can I Integrate the Amazon Cloudfront with the Namecheap DNS to accelerate content delivery and improve user experience? 

In the context of AWS, here is how you can integrate the Amazon CloudFront with Namecheap DNS to optimize the content delivery and improve the user experience:

Set up CloudFront distribution

You should log in to your AWS management console and then navigate to Amazon Cloudfront.

You can create a new Cloudfront distribution for your particular web-based application, specifying the origin from which Cloudfront fetches content.

You can configure the caching behavior, origin setting, and then distribution setting based on your requirements of the application.

Configuration of Namecheap DNS:

You can log in to your Namecheap account and then navigate to the DNS settings for your domain.

You can add a new CNAME record pointing to the CloudFront domain name.

Here is an example given of how you might configure Cloudfront with the Namecheap DNS by using the Python programming language and Boto3:-

Import boto3

# Initialize Boto3 client for CloudFront
Cloudfront_client = boto3.client(‘cloudfront’)
# Create CloudFront distribution
Response = cloudfront_client.create_distribution(
        ‘CallerReference’: ‘your-caller-reference’,
        ‘Comment’: ‘Your CloudFront distribution’,
        ‘DefaultCacheBehavior’: {
            ‘TargetOriginId’: ‘your-target-origin-id’,
            ‘ForwardedValues’: {
                ‘QueryString’: False,
                ‘Cookies’: {‘Forward’: ‘none’}
            ‘ViewerProtocolPolicy’: ‘redirect-to-https’,
            ‘AllowedMethods’: [‘GET’, ‘HEAD’, ‘OPTIONS’],
            ‘DefaultTTL’: 86400,
            ‘MinTTL’: 3600
        ‘Origins’: {
            ‘Quantity’: 1,
            ‘Items’: [
                    ‘Id’: ‘your-origin-id’,
                    ‘DomainName’: ‘your-origin-domain’, # S3 bucket or EC2 instance domain
                    ‘CustomOriginConfig’: {
                        ‘HTTPPort’: 80,
                        ‘HTTPSPort’: 443,
                        ‘OriginProtocolPolicy’: ‘https-only’
        ‘Enabled’: True
Distribution_id = response[‘Distribution’][‘Id’]
# Obtain CloudFront domain name
Distribution_info = cloudfront_client.get_distribution(Id=distribution_id)
Cloudfront_domain = distribution_info[‘Distribution’][‘DomainName’]
# Update Namecheap DNS settings with CloudFront domain
# This step needs to be done manually in Namecheap’s DNS management interface

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