How can I properly configure AWS credentials within Jenkins?

179    Asked by DanielBAKER in AWS , Asked on Jan 30, 2024

 I am a DevOps engineer and I am engaged in a particular task that is related to setting up a CI/CD pipeline on AWS by using Jenkins. While attempting the Configuration process, I need to provide AWS credentials to enable Jenkins to perform various AWS actions. How can I configure AWS credentials properly within Jenkins? 

Answered by Daniel BAKER

 In the context of AWS, to securely and properly configure AWS credentials within the environment of Jenkins, you can use a credentials plugin for storing the AWS access keys ID and secret access Keys. Here are the steps given:-

Install the Jenkins credentials plugin

First, you would need to install the Jenkins credentials plugin if you have not. This plugin would allow you to securely store and even manage credentials within Jenkins.

Add AWS credentials in Jenkins

Now you would need to add AWS credentials within the environment of Jenkins.

Access AWS credentials in Jenkins Pipeline

Now you can access the AWS credentials within your particular Jenkins Pipeline by using the technique of referring to the credentials ID that you have provided while adding the credentials. Here is the example given of the Jenkins file:-

Pipeline {
    Agent any
    Environment {
        AWS_CREDENTIALS = credentials(‘aws-credentials-id’) // Replace ‘aws-credentials-id’ with your actual credential ID
    Stages {
        Stage(‘Deploy’) {
            Steps {
                Script {
                    withCredentials([[$class: ‘AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding’, credentialsId: ‘aws-credentials-id’]]) {
                        // Use AWS credentials to perform AWS actions
                        Sh ‘aws s3 cp /path/to/local/file s3://bucket-name/’
                        Sh ‘aws ec2 describe-instances’
                        // Other AWS actions

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