How can I resolve and troubleshoot the issue of “The request signature we calculated doesn’t match the signature you provided”?

180    Asked by DeepakMistry in AWS , Asked on Feb 29, 2024

 I am currently managing a team that is responsible for the integration of an application with various AWS services. While going through the workflow one of the team members encountered an error that was showing “The request signature we calculated doesn’t match the signature you provided”. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Deepali singh

 In the context of AWS, you can resolve and troubleshoot the issue of “The request signature we calculated doesn’t match the signature you provided” by using the simple steps which are given below:-

Checking request signings

You should try that the request is sent to the AWS Services or not with the correct AWS Access keys ID and secret Access keys.

Verify request parameters

Try to double-check the required request parameters. Try to ensure that the HTTP headers, query parameters, and other payloads are correctly formatted.

Checking timestamp and region

You can try to ensure that the request should include a valid timestamp and it should be sent to the correct AWS regions which corresponds to the AWS service endpoint.

Verify request URL

Try to ensure that the URL that you are requested should match the endpoint URL of the AWS service which are accessed.

Here is a Python example given which would demonstrate how you can sign an AWS request by using the boto 3 Library:-

Import boto3

From botocore.exceptions import ClientError
Def sign_aws_request():
    Function to sign an AWS request using Boto3
        # Create a client using valid AWS credentials
        Client = boto3.client(‘s3’,

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