How can I set the default output command by using the Command line interface of AWS?

416    Asked by DylanPEREZ in AWS , Asked on Feb 8, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to setting up a new AWS Command line interface for my team. In this task, I want to ensure that there should be a consistent output format across all configurations. How can I structure a question so that I can guide them on setting the default output format by using “aws configure”

Answered by bhagwati dubey

 In the context of AWS, you can set the default output format by using the AWS Command line interface by using the several steps which are given below:-

First, you would need to open your terminal or command prompt.

Now you can enter the following command:

         “aws configure set default.output json”

Thus this above Command will help you in setting the default output format to JSON. You can replace ‘json’ with ‘text’, ‘table’, or even ‘Yami’ which would depend on your particular preference.

Verify the changes that you have committed by running the following command:-

  “aws configure get default.output”

This above command will help you display the current default output format. It would confirm that it has been set correctly.

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