How can I solve and troubleshoot the issue of logging into the local machine by using AWS CLI?

304    Asked by DavidWHITE in AWS , Asked on May 17, 2024

I am a DevOps engineer and I am currently working on a cloud migration project. My team has decided to utilize the AWS CLI extensively for managing AWS resources. One of my team members, encountered an issue while trying to log in using the aws CLI on his local machine. How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of logging in local machine? 

Answered by Diya tomar

 In the context of AWS, here are the steps given for how you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue:-

Checking AWS CLI installation

You should ensure that the AWS CLI is properly installed on your member's local machine. You can run the “aws – version” command to confirm and check if the version machine has the expected one.

Checking AWS credentials

You should verify that the AWS credentials are correctly configured on your local machine.

Checking AWS Access permission

Try to ensure that the IAM user which is associated with the AWS credentials has the necessary permission to perform the intended AWS CLI action.

Checking AWS CLI Configuration

You can verify that [censored] CLI Configuration file so that you can ensure that the correct profile is being used if multiple profiles are configured.


You can run the AWS CLI command with the “—debug” flag so that you can get detailed debugging information that can help identify the root cause of the login issue.

Here is the coding structure given for the above steps as well as other important steps that you may take:-

# Step 1: Check AWS CLI Installation
Aws –version
# Step 2: Configure AWS Credentials
Aws configure
# Step 3: Check AWS Access Permissions
Aws iam list-user-policies –user-name
# Step 4: Check AWS CLI Configuration
Cat ~/.aws/config
# Step 5: Check Network Connectivity
# (Check firewall settings, proxy configurations, and network restrictions)
# Step 6: Check AWS CLI Environment Variables
# Step 7: Update AWS CLI
Pip install awscli –upgrade
# Step 8: Debug AWS CLI (Replace with actual command)
Aws --debug

Here is the coding structure given in java programming language:-

Public class AWSCLILogin {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try {
            // Step 1: Check AWS CLI Installation
            runCommand(“aws –version”);
            // Step 2: Configure AWS Credentials
            runCommand(“aws configure”);
            // Step 3: Check AWS Access Permissions
            runCommand(“aws iam list-user-policies –user-name ”);
            // Step 4: Check AWS CLI Configuration
            runCommand(“cat ~/.aws/config”);
            // Step 5: Check Network Connectivity
            // (Check firewall settings, proxy configurations, and network restrictions)
            // Step 6: Check AWS CLI Environment Variables
            runCommand(“echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID”);
            runCommand(“echo $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY”);
            runCommand(“echo $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION”);
            // Step 7: Update AWS CLI
            runCommand(“pip install awscli –upgrade”);
            // Step 8: Debug AWS CLI (Replace with actual command)
            runCommand(“aws --debug”);
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
    Private static void runCommand(String command) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        String line;
        While ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
Here is the coding structure given in python programming language:-
Import subprocess
Def run_command(command):
    Process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    Stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    # Step 1: Check AWS CLI Installation
    Run_command(“aws –version”)
    # Step 2: Configure AWS Credentials
    Run_command(“aws configure”)
    # Step 3: Check AWS Access Permissions
    Run_command(“aws iam list-user-policies –user-name ”)
    # Step 4: Check AWS CLI Configuration
    Run_command(“cat ~/.aws/config”)
    # Step 5: Check Network Connectivity
    # (Check firewall settings, proxy configurations, and network restrictions)
    # Step 6: Check AWS CLI Environment Variables
    Run_command(“echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID”)
    Run_command(“echo $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY”)
    Run_command(“echo $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION”)
    # Step 7: Update AWS CLI
    Run_command(“pip install awscli –upgrade”)
    # Step 8: Debug AWS CLI (Replace with actual command)
    Run_command(“aws --debug”)
Except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    Print(“Error executing command:”, e)

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