How can I solve the issue of “encoded Authorization failure” in AWS?

143    Asked by Dadhijaraj in AWS , Asked on Jun 4, 2024

I am a software developer and I am currently working on an e-commerce platform. The platform includes an API that can allow the third-party application to access certain user data after proper Authorization. Recently, there have been some reports that the developers are receiving an authorization failure when they are trying to access users' data. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Deepa bhawana

 In the context of AWS, here are the appropriate approach given:-

Identification of the problem and its causes

This particular issue suggests that the request lacks valid authentication Credentials.

Decoding this message and troubleshooting the issue

to decode this error message, you should recognize that it is based on 64 encodes. You can use a programming language such as Python to decode it.

Here is the Python coding given of how you can decide the based 64 message:-

Import base64
# Encoded message
Encoded_message = “UZHybXJhbGxhIHZhIiBpIGx1bSA=”
# Decode the message
Decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(encoded_message)
Decoded_message = decoded_bytes.decode(‘utf-8’)
Print(“Decoded Message:”, decoded_message)
Running this will give you output something like:-
“Authentication token is invalid or expired.”

Resolution steps

Verify the token

You should check if the token is valid for use or not. It should not be expired.

Refresh the token

If the token is expired then you should try to refresh it by using the appropriate endpoint or method which is provided by the API.

Token spoke and permission

You should try to ensure that the token has the necessary scopes and permission required for accessing the data of the users.

Here are the measurements given of how you can prevent such failure:-

You should implement a mechanism to refresh the token.

You should log detailed information about the authorization attempted, including the reasons for the failures.

You should improve the error message to provide clearer guidance on the causes of the failure and steps to resolve it.

You should always perform an audit of your Authorization and authentication mechanism to ensure that they are not robust and up to date with the practices.

You can provide thorough documentation and also support to the third-party developers on how you can correctly implement authentication and handling the tokens.

Here is a java program given that would help in decoding a base64 encoded Authorization failure message:-

Import java.util.Base64;
Import java.util.HashMap;
Import java.util.Map;
Public class AuthFailureHandler {
    // Mock database for tokens
    Private static Map tokenDatabase = new HashMap<>();
    Private static Map tokenExpiryDatabase = new HashMap<>();
    Static {
        // Adding some mock tokens and their expiration times
        tokenDatabase.put(“valid_token”, “user1”);
        tokenExpiryDatabase.put(“valid_token”, System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000); // expires in 60 seconds
        tokenDatabase.put(“expired_token”, “user2”);
        tokenExpiryDatabase.put(“expired_token”, System.currentTimeMillis() – 60000); // expired 60 seconds ago
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        String encodedMessage = “UZHybXJhbGxhIHZhIiBpIGx1bSA=”;
        String decodedMessage = decodeBase64Message(encodedMessage);
        System.out.println(“Decoded Message: “ + decodedMessage);
        String token = “expired_token”; // this would typically come from an API request
     * Decodes a base64 encoded message.
    Public static String decodeBase64Message(String encodedMessage) {
        Byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedMessage);
        Return new String(decodedBytes);
     * Handles token validation and takes necessary actions.
    Public static void handleTokenValidation(String token) {
        If (isTokenExpired(token)) {
            System.out.println(“The token is expired. Refreshing the token…”);
            String newToken = refreshToken(token);
            If (newToken != null) {
                System.out.println(“Token refreshed successfully. New Token: “ + newToken);
            } else {
                System.out.println(“Failed to refresh the token. Please reauthenticate.”);
        } else if (!isTokenValid(token)) {
            System.out.println(“The token is invalid. Please check your credentials.”);
        } else {
            System.out.println(“The token is valid. Access granted.”);
     * Checks if the token is valid.
    Public static boolean isTokenValid(String token) {
        Return tokenDatabase.containsKey(token);
     * Checks if the token is expired.
    Public static boolean isTokenExpired(String token) {
        Long expiryTime = tokenExpiryDatabase.get(token);
        If (expiryTime == null) {
            Return true;
        Return System.currentTimeMillis() > expiryTime;
     * Refreshes the token if it is expired.
    Public static String refreshToken(String token) {
        If (tokenDatabase.containsKey(token)) {
            String newToken = “new_valid_token”;
            tokenDatabase.put(newToken, tokenDatabase.get(token));
            tokenExpiryDatabase.put(newToken, System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000); // valid for 60 seconds
            // Remove old token
            return newToken;
        Return null;

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