How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “aws command not found”?

200    Asked by DavidPiper in AWS , Asked on May 14, 2024

I am currently working on an AWS CLU-related project and suddenly I encountered an error message which was stating that “aws command not found” when I was trying to run the AWS CLI command in my terminal. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by David

In the context of AWS, here are the steps given:-

Verify AWS CLI installation

Firstly, you would need to ensure that the AWS CLI is installed in your particular system. You can check this by running the following command:-

“aws_ _ version”
Checking environment variables
Try to make sure that the AWS CLI executable path is included in your PATH environment variable in your system.
Verify AWS CLI Configuration
You should check if AWS CLI is properly configured with your AWS credentials and default region.
Restart the terminal or shell
After making the changes to the PATH or even in Configuration files you can restart your terminal or shell session for applying the changes.
Checking for typos and spelling
Try to make sure that you are typing the AWS CLI command correctly without any typos or misspellings.
Here is the combined coding given for the above steps:-
# Check if AWS CLI is installed
If ! command -v aws &> /dev/null; then
    Echo “AWS CLI is not installed. Please install it using the appropriate method for your operating system.”
    Exit 1
# Display AWS CLI version
Echo “AWS CLI Version:”
Aws –version
# Check PATH variable for AWS CLI executable
Echo -e “
Checking PATH variable for AWS CLI executable:”
If [[ “:$PATH:” == *”:$HOME/.local/bin:”* ]]; then
    Echo “AWS CLI executable path is included in PATH.”
    Echo “AWS CLI executable path is not included in PATH.”
    Echo “Ensure that the directory containing the AWS CLI executable (e.g., $HOME/.local/bin) is added to your PATH variable.”
# Verify AWS CLI Configuration
Echo -e “
Verifying AWS CLI Configuration:”
Aws configure list
# Restart Terminal or Shell (Manual Step)
Echo -e “
Please restart your terminal or shell to apply any changes to PATH or AWS CLI configuration.”
# Check for Typos and Spelling in AWS CLI Commands
Echo -e “
Check for Typos and Spelling in AWS CLI Commands:”
Echo “Make sure you are typing AWS CLI commands correctly without any typos or misspellings.”
# Additional Troubleshooting Tips
Echo -e “
Additional Troubleshooting Tips:”
Echo “1. Ensure AWS CLI is properly installed and up to date.”
Echo “2. Check if AWS CLI binary is located in a directory included in PATH.”
Echo “3. Verify AWS CLI configuration using ‘aws configure’ command.”
Echo “4. Restart terminal or shell after making changes to PATH or AWS CLI configuration.”
Echo “5. Check AWS documentation or forums for specific issues or error messages.”
# End of Script
Exit 0
Here is the java coding given for above steps:-
Public class AWSCliChecker {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Check if AWS CLI is installed
        If (isAWSCliInstalled()) {
            System.out.println(“AWS CLI is installed.”);
            // Display AWS CLI version
            String awsVersion = getAWSCliVersion();
            System.out.println(“AWS CLI Version: “ + awsVersion);
        } else {
            System.out.println(“AWS CLI is not installed. Please install it.”);
    Public static boolean isAWSCliInstalled() {
        Try {
            Process process = new ProcessBuilder(“aws”, “—version”).start();
            // Read output from command
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
            String line;
            While ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                If (line.contains(“aws-cli”)) {
                    Return true;
            // Check exit value of the process
            Int exitValue = process.exitValue();
            If (exitValue != 0) {
                Return false;
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        Return false;
    Public static String getAWSCliVersion() {
        Try {
            Process process = new ProcessBuilder(“aws”, “—version”).start();
            // Read output from command
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
            StringBuilder version = new StringBuilder();
            String line;
            While ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            Return version.toString();
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        Return “Unknown”;

Here is the HTML coding given for above steps:-



    AWS CLI Checker

    AWS CLI Checker


Click the button below to check if AWS CLI is installed and display its version:




        Function checkAWSCli() {
            Const command = ‘aws –version’;
            Const outputDiv = document.getElementById(‘output’);
            outputDiv[removed] = ‘Executing command: ‘ + command + ‘’;
            // Execute the command using a hidden iframe
            Const iframe = document.createElement(‘iframe’);
   = ‘none’;
            Iframe.src = ‘[removed]’ + btoa(command);
            // Listen for message from iframe
            Window.addEventListener(‘message’, function(event) {
                If (‘AWS CLI’)) {
                    outputDiv[removed] +=;


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