How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “Cannot perform an interactive login from a non-tty device”?

199    Asked by DanielBAKER in AWS , Asked on Jan 30, 2024

I am currently configuring a remote server by using the technology of SSH, however, while attempting to log in or implement a particular Command, I have encountered a scenario where an error message occurred which was showing “Cannot perform an interactive login from a non-tty device”. Now, how can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of AWS, you can solve the issue of “Cannot perform an interactive login from a non-tty device” by following the several points which are given below:-

Check SSH Configuration

Try to ensure that the server of SSH Configuration is allowing the interactions with login as sometimes this particular error occurs when SSH Configuration is not allowed.

Force TTY allocation

You can force TTY allocation while SSH connection by using the option of ‘t’.

Use except or PTY

If you are trying to automate an SSH connection or you want to implement a command programmatically, then you can use tools like except or libraries that can support pseudo- TTY allocation. These tools would help in simulating interactive user input so that it can bypass the TTY requirements.

Checking environment variables

Try to ensure that the environment variables are correctly configured or not on the remote server. If not try to configure them.

Test interactively

You can also try logging in interactively from the command line to see the possible issues. This would help you in finding whether the issue is specific to certain Commands or operations.

Here is the basic example given of how you can use the ‘t’ option for forcing the TTY allocation while attempting to use SSH in a Python script:-

Import paramiko
# Create SSH client
Client = paramiko.SSHClient()
# Connect to SSH server
Client.connect(hostname=’hostname’, username=’user’, password=’password’, port=22)
# Execute command with TTY allocation
Stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(‘your_command’, get_pty=True)
# Read command output
Output =
Error =
# Close SSH connection

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