How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “SSL validation failed”?
I am a DevOps engineer and I am responsible for the task of managing AWS resources by using the platform of AWS CLI. When I was trying to implement a command to interact with an AWS service, I received an error which was stating that “SSL validation failed”. Explain to me how can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue.
In the context of AWS, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue of the “SSL validation failed” error by using the AWS CLI by using the simple steps which are given below:-
Verify network connectivity
First, try to verify the network connectivity. You can use tools like “ping” or “curl” to test the connection.
Ping Update the AWS CLI
You can also try to update the AWS command line interface.
Pip install –upgrade awscli
Checking SSL / TLS Configuration
You can try to verify whether your particular system's SSL/ TLS Configuration is correct or not. You can check the SSL certificate bundle by using the AWS command line interface.