How can I use the Amazon Book UPI to fetch book details?

238    Asked by Deepabhawana in AWS , Asked on Mar 29, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to developing a book recommendation platform that uses the Amazon books API. Describe the steps for me on how can I use the API to fetch the book details, such as title, author, description, etc. Discuss with me how can I handle the API rate limit and ensure efficient data retrieval for a large number of book queries. 

Answered by Deepa bhawana

In the context of AWS, here is the appropriate approach given of how you can use the Amazon Book API to fetch the book details:-

Fetching book details by using Amazon Books API

You can use the Amazon product advertising API to fetch the book details like author and title etc.

Import requests

Import json

Def fetch_book_details(isbn):
    Base_url =
    Access_key = “your_access_key”
    Secret_key = “your_secret_key”
    Associate_tag = “your_associate_tag”
    Params = {
        “Service”: “AWSECommerceService”,
        “Operation”: “ItemLookup”,
        “ResponseGroup”: “ItemAttributes,EditorialReview”,
        “ItemId”: isbn,
        “AssociateTag”: associate_tag,
        “AWSAccessKeyId”: access_key,
    Response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
    If response.status_code == 200:
        Book_data = json.loads(response.text)
        Return book_data
        Return None
# Example usage
Isbn = “9780345339683” # The Hobbit ISBN
Book_info = fetch_book_details(isbn)
If book_info:
    Title = book_info[“ItemLookupResponse”][“Items”][“Item”][“ItemAttributes”][“Title”]
    Author = book_info[“ItemLookupResponse”][“Items”][“Item”][“ItemAttributes”][“Author”]
    Description = book_info[“ItemLookupResponse”][“Items”][“Item”][“EditorialReviews”][“EditorialReview”][“Content”]
    Average_rating = book_info[“ItemLookupResponse”][“Items”][“Item”][“CustomerReviews”][“AverageRating”]
    Print(f”Title: {title}
Author: {author}
Description: {description}
Average Rating: {average_rating}”)
    Print(“Book details not found.”)
Handling API rate limit and efficient data retrieval
To handle the API rate limit, you can implement a rate-limiting mechanism such as exponential back-off or even you can use API which can provide a higher rate limit based on the subscription tiers. You can execute a caching mechanism to store fetched book details locally and reduce API calls.
You can also use batch processing for querying multiple books in a single API call, reducing the number of requests and improving efficiency.
Import time
Def fetch_book_details_with_retry(isbn, max_retries=3):
    For attempt in range(1, max_retries + 1):
        Book_info = fetch_book_details(isbn)
        If book_info:
            Return book_info
            Print(f”Attempt {attempt}: Failed to fetch book details. Retrying after {2**attempt} seconds.”)
    Return None
# Example usage with retry
Isbn = “9780345339683” # The Hobbit ISBN
Book_info = fetch_book_details_with_retry(isbn)
If book_info:
    # Process book details
    Print(“Failed to fetch book details after multiple attempts.”)

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