How can I use the AWS edge location for reducing latency and optimization of content?

210    Asked by DeirdreCameron in AWS , Asked on Jan 11, 2024

I am engaged in developing an application in which I need to deliver content with low latency to users worldwide. Explain to me how I can use the AWS edge location for the process of optimization of the content delivery and reduce latency for the users worldwide. 

Answered by Delbert Rauch

The edge location in AWS is a part of Amazon's cloud front which is a CDN(content delivery network) Service. It helps you optimize and reduce the latency of the content globally. You can use the edge location property in AWS by

Using cloud-front distribution

First, you would need to create a cloud-front distribution that can serve your application’s static and even dynamic content.

Reduce latency

By using the cloud front, the content is cached at the edge location closer to end-users. Whenever a particular users request any content, Cloud Front delivers the contents from the nearest edge location which further helps in reducing the latency of content.

Customize edge caching

You can configure the content by optimizing caching rules. You can ensure frequently accessed content remains available at the edge location. It will further improve the performance.

Here is the example given of setting up a CloudFront distribution by using the command line interface of AWS:-

# Create a CloudFront distribution
Aws cloudfront create-distribution
  --origin-domain-name YourOriginDomainName
  --default-root-object index.html
  --viewer-protocol-policy allow-all
# Update distribution settings to customize caching behavior
Aws cloudfront update-distribution
  --id YourDistributionID

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