How can I use the AWS edge location to optimize the performance and minimize the latency?

161    Asked by Dadhijaraj in AWS , Asked on May 27, 2024

 There is a scenario where I am designing a global application that needs low-latency access for users across different continents. How can I use the AWS edge location strategically to optimize the performance and minimize the latency for my users? 

 In the context of AWS, you can do so by using the following steps:-

Deploying CloudFront

First, configure CloudFront to distribute your application content from edge locations worldwide. This can be done by using the AWS management console or programmatically using AWS SDK or CLI command.


You can adjust the TTL setting in Cloudfront to catch the frequently accessed content at the edge location for a specific duration, reducing the need to fetch content from the origin server repeatedly.

Using the lambda edge for customization

If your application demands custom logic or modification at the edge location then you can use the lambda edge. You can write lambda function in node.js, and python for manipulation of the HTTP request and respond at edge location.

Geo-targeting with CloudFront behavior

You can implement Cloudfront behavior to serve different content or apply specific caching rules that are based on the geographical location of the users.

Here is an example given below of how you can use the AWS SDK for creating a CloudFront distribution, Configuration of caching behavior, and setting TTL values programmatically:-

Import java.util.ArrayList;
Import java.util.List;
Public class CloudFrontManagement {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of AmazonCloudFront client
        AmazonCloudFront cloudFrontClient = AmazonCloudFrontClientBuilder.defaultClient();
        // Create an Origin for your CloudFront distribution
        S3Origin s3Origin = new S3Origin(“”);
        // Create a Cache Behavior with TTL settings
        ForwardedValues forwardedValues = new ForwardedValues()
                .withCookies(new CookiePreference().withForward(“none”));
        CacheBehavior cacheBehavior = new CacheBehavior()


                .withMinTTL(3600L) // Minimum TTL in seconds
                .withDefaultTTL(86400L) // Default TTL in seconds
                .withMaxTTL(259200L); // Maximum TTL in seconds
        // Create a list of cache behaviors
        List cacheBehaviors = new ArrayList<>();
        // Create a CloudFront distribution configuration
        DistributionConfig distributionConfig = new DistributionConfig()
                .withComment(“Your CloudFront distribution comment”)
                .withOrigins(new Origins().withItems(s3Origin).withQuantity(1))
                .withCacheBehaviors(new CacheBehaviors().withItems(cacheBehavior).withQuantity(1));

        // Create a request to create a CloudFront distribution        CreateDistributionRequest request = new CreateDistributionRequest()

        // Send the request to create the CloudFront distribution
        CreateDistributionResult result = cloudFrontClient.createDistribution(request);
        // Print the distribution’s domain name
        System.out.println(“CloudFront distribution created with domain name: “ + result.getDistribution().getDomainName());
Here is the same example given in python:-
Import boto3
# Create an instance of the CloudFront client
Cloudfront_client = boto3.client(‘cloudfront’)
# Create an S3 origin for the CloudFront distribution
S3_origin_config = {
    ‘OriginProtocolPolicy’: ‘https-only’,
    ‘OriginAccessIdentity’: ‘’
S3_origin = {
    ‘Id’: ‘your-s3-origin-id’,
    ‘DomainName’: ‘’,
    ‘S3OriginConfig’: s3_origin_config
# Create a cache behavior with TTL settings
Cache_behavior = {
    ‘PathPattern’: ‘/assets/*’,
    ‘TargetOriginId’: ‘your-s3-origin-id’,
    ‘ForwardedValues’: {
        ‘QueryString’: False,
        ‘Cookies’: {‘Forward’: ‘none’}
    ‘MinTTL’: 3600,
    ‘DefaultTTL’: 86400,
    ‘MaxTTL’: 259200
# Create a distribution configuration
Distribution_config = {
    ‘CallerReference’: ‘your-caller-reference’,
    ‘Comment’: ‘Your CloudFront distribution comment’,
    ‘DefaultRootObject’: ‘index.html’,
    ‘Origins’: {
        ‘Quantity’: 1,
        ‘Items’: [s3_origin]
    ‘Enabled’: True,
    ‘DefaultCacheBehavior’: cache_behavior,
    ‘CacheBehaviors’: {
        ‘Quantity’: 1,
        ‘Items’: [cache_behavior]
}# Create a request to create a CloudFront distribution
Create_distribution_response = cloudfront_client.create_distribution(
# Print the distribution’s domain name

Print(“CloudFront distribution created with domain name:”, create_distribution_response[‘Distribution’][‘DomainName’])

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