How can I use the AWS route 53 to ensure high availability and efficient routing for web-based applications?

341    Asked by DorothyChurchill in AWS , Asked on Mar 27, 2024

 There is a scenario where I am responsible for the management of the DNS for the web infrastructure of a company hosted on AWS. How can I use the AWS Route 53 to ensure high availability and efficient routing for my web-based application across multiple regions and the availability of zones? 

Answered by Deepa bhawana

 In the context of AWS, you can ensure high availability and efficient routing for web-based applications across multiple regions and availability of zones by using the AWS route 53 using the several steps which are given below:-

Set up health check

You can use the route 53 health Checking to monitor the health of your endpoint.

Import boto3
# Initialize Route 53 client
Route53_client = boto3.client(‘route53’)
# Create a health check
Response = route53_client.create_health_check(
        ‘IPAddress’: ‘your-endpoint-IP’,
        ‘Port’: 80,
        ‘Type’: ‘HTTP’,
        ‘ResourcePath’: ‘/’,
        ‘FullyQualifiedDomainName’: ‘’,
        ‘RequestInterval’: 30,
        ‘FailureThreshold’: 3
Health_check_id = response[‘HealthCheck’][‘Id’]
Configuration of DNS failover
You can implement DNS failover by using route 53 for automatically routing the traffic to healthy endpoints. You can Create failover records for the primary and secondary endpoint where traffic is routed to the secondary endpoint if the primary fails.
# Create a DNS failover record
Response = route53_client.change_resource_record_sets(
        ‘Changes’: [
                ‘Action’: ‘UPSERT’,
                ‘ResourceRecordSet’: {
                    ‘Name’: ‘’,
                    ‘Type’: ‘A’,
                    ‘AliasTarget’: {
                        ‘HostedZoneId’: ‘your-elb-hosted-zone-id’,
                        ‘DNSName’: ‘your-elb-dns-name’,
                        ‘EvaluateTargetHealth’: True
                    ‘Failover’: ‘PRIMARY’,
                    ‘SetIdentifier’: ‘Primary’
                ‘Action’: ‘UPSERT’,
                ‘ResourceRecordSet’: {
                    ‘Name’: ‘’,
                    ‘Type’: ‘A’,
                    ‘AliasTarget’: {
                        ‘HostedZoneId’: ‘your-secondary-elb-hosted-zone-id’,
                        ‘DNSName’: ‘your-secondary-elb-dns-name’,
                        ‘EvaluateTargetHealth’: True
                    ‘Failover’: ‘SECONDARY’,
                    ‘SetIdentifier’: ‘Secondary’,
                    ‘HealthCheckId’: ‘your-health-check-id’
Using the geolocation routing
You can use the route 53 geolocation routing for the purpose of routing traffic based on the geographical location of the users. You can create geolocation records for the purpose of directing the users to the nearest or most appropriate endpoint based on their location.
# Create a geolocation routing record
Response = route53_client.change_resource_record_sets(
        ‘Changes’: [
                ‘Action’: ‘CREATE’,
                ‘ResourceRecordSet’: {
                    ‘Name’: ‘’,
                    ‘Type’: ‘A’,
                    ‘SetIdentifier’: ‘US-East’,
                    ‘GeoLocation’: {
                        ‘ContinentCode’: ‘NA’,
                        ‘CountryCode’: ‘US’,
                        ‘SubdivisionCode’: ‘US-CA’
                    ‘AliasTarget’: {
                        ‘HostedZoneId’: ‘your-elb-hosted-zone-id’,
                        ‘DNSName’: ‘your-elb-dns-name’,
                        ‘EvaluateTargetHealth’: True
                ‘Action’: ‘CREATE’,
                ‘ResourceRecordSet’: {
                    ‘Name’: ‘’,
                    ‘Type’: ‘A’,
                    ‘SetIdentifier’: ‘Europe’,
                    ‘GeoLocation’: {
                        ‘ContinentCode’: ‘EU’
                    ‘AliasTarget’: {
                        ‘HostedZoneId’: ‘your-europe-elb-hosted-zone-id’,
                        ‘DNSName’: ‘your-europe-elb-dns-name’,
                        ‘EvaluateTargetHealth’: True

Your Answer


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