How can I use the AWS S3 command with a recursive option for uploading files and directories in the S3 bucket?

358    Asked by DylanPEREZ in AWS , Asked on Mar 5, 2024

I have a particular local directory that contains several subdirectories and also files that I need to upload to an Amazon S3 bucket. Explain to me how can I utilize the “aws S3 cp” command with the recursive option for effectively uploading all files and even subdirectories to the bucket of S3. 

Answered by Deepak Mistry

 In the context of AWS, if you want to upload all files and subdirectories from the local directory to an Amazon S3 bucket, then you can use the Command line interface of AWS with the recursive option. Here is the example given of how you can use the command:-

Aws s3 cp s3:/// --recursiveHere is the breakdown of the steps given:-

First, you would need to configure the command line interface of AWS.

Then you can run the AWS S3 cp Command with the option of recursive which would specify the local directory path and even the destination of the S3 bucket.

Then the Command line interface of AWS would recursively upload all the required files which are in large numbers and even directories to Amazon S3 in a single Command which would again help in saving time and even manual effort.

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