How can I use the boto library in Python programming language for the Integration of S3 and SNS?
I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to developing a data processing application that can receive files uploaded by users to an Amazon S3 bucket. In this particular task, I need to execute a notification system by using the Amazon SNS for alert administration whenever a new file is uploaded. How can I use the boto library in Python programming language for the Integration between S3 and SNS?
In the context of AWS, you can achieve this objective of Integration between S3 and SNS by using the boto library in Python programming language by using simple steps which are given below:-
Create an SNS topic
First, try to create an SNS topic by using boto where notification would be sent:-
Import boto3
# Create an SNS client
Sns_client = boto3.client(‘sns’)
# Create a new SNS topic
Response = sns_client.create_topic(Name=’S3_File_Uploads’)
# Get the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the created topic
Topic_arn = response[‘TopicArn’]
Subscribe administration to the topic
You would need to subscribe to administrators' email addresses or Phone numbers to the SNS topic so that they can receive the notification:-
# Subscribe administrators to the SNS topic
Protocol=’email’, # or ‘sms’ for phone numbers
Endpoint=’’ # Replace with the administrator’s email address or phone number
Configuration of S3 bucket notification
You would need to configure the S3 bucket to send notifications to the SNS topic whenever a new file is uploaded:-
# Create an S3 client
S3_client = boto3.client(‘s3’)
# Configure S3 bucket notifications
‘TopicConfigurations’: [
‘TopicArn’: topic_arn,
‘Events’: [‘s3:ObjectCreated:*’]