Launch an EC2 (Options available, bootstrapping, VPC , EBS etc.)

1.0K    Asked by HarryADAMS in AWS , Asked on Jan 21, 2020
Answered by Harry ADAMS

Login to aws console and search for “EC2”. Click on Ec2 and the “Launch Instance” option. Then it’ll show for no. of available AMI’s (Amazon machine image). This is basically the OS image with pre-installed packages you can select for available images which are provided by amazon itself or raw one also as per need.

After selecting the image,click next to “STEP 2: Choose an Instance Type”, in which

choose an instance depending upon the need ( t2.micro for free tier ) after clicking Next

you’ll be routed to “STEP3: Configure Instance Details” , mention various details like

number of instances, Network, IAM, Subnet etc. Then “STEP 4:Add storage”

(Default is 8GB), then Add Tags, Configure Security group (access level firewall of instance)

then review and launch.

It’ll take some time till the instance is created and provisioned, once done you can access

it via public ip and with private key credentials.

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