What is the basic difference between a dedicated host and vs dedicated Instance?

138    Asked by DanielBAKER in AWS , Asked on Jan 30, 2024

 I am a cloud architect and I am currently designing the infrastructure for a high-security application that may require isolation from other tenants on the platform cloud. However, me and my team are confused between using the dedicated hosts or dedicated Instances. How can we choose between two considering the difference between two?

Answered by Daniel Cameron

In the context of AWS, here is the difference between a dedicated host vs dedicated Instance given:-

Dedicated Instance

A dedicated Instance is mainly a virtual machine Instance that can be run on shared physical hardware. However, it is isolated at the hypervisor level. It is particularly used for applications that may require logical-based isolation and utilization of resources. It offers better cost efficiency as compared to dedicated hosts.

Dedicated hosts

On the other hand, a dedicated host is a physical server that is used for a single tenant. It helps to provide maximum isolation from the other tenants. It is mainly used for applications that have strict regulations or requirements related to compliance which mandate physical isolation. It can offer more expensive than other options related to deployment due to the exclusive use of physical hardware.

Therefore, the choice between the two depends upon your requirements and needs. For a high-security application that may have stringent isolation requirements, then you can use the dedicated hosts as it would ensure complete physical isolation. However, if the security of the application requires logical-based isolation then you can use the dedicated Instance as it can offer a balance of isolation and cost-effectiveness which can make it a viable choice for various workloads.

Here is the example given of how you can launch a dedicated Instance by using a Python code:-

Import boto3

# Connect to AWS
Ec2 = boto3.client(‘ec2’)
# Launch dedicated instance
Response = ec2.run_instances(
        ‘Tenancy’: ‘dedicated’
Print(“Instance launched:”, response[‘Instances’][0][‘InstanceId’])
Here is the example given of how you can launch a dedicated host by using a Python based code:-
Import boto3
# Connect to AWS
Ec2 = boto3.client(‘ec2’)
# Launch dedicated host
Response = ec2.allocate_hosts(
    InstanceType=’c5.large’, # Specify the instance type for the host
    Quantity=1, # Specify the number of hosts to launch
    AvailabilityZone=’us-west-1a’, # Specify the availability zone
    AutoPlacement=’on’, # Enable auto-placement to let AWS choose the host ID
Print(“Dedicated host launched:”, response[‘HostIds’][0])

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