What is the importance of rds snapshots in the context of data backup and disaster recovery?

394    Asked by CaroleThom in AWS , Asked on Apr 25, 2024

 I am a cloud engineer and I am tasked with managing a database deployment on Amazon RDS. Discuss the importance of RDS snapshots in the context of data backup and disaster recovery. Explain to me how can I schedule and manage RDS snapshots effectively to ensure data integrity and minimize downtime in case of failure or data loss. 

Answered by debbie Jha

 in the context of AWS, here are the steps and importance given of how you can schedule and manage them effectively by using AWS CLI:-

Importance of RDS snapshot

The RDS snapshot is very crucial for data backup and disaster recovery in Amazon RDS. It would allow you to capture a point-in-time snapshot for your database Instance, including all data, logs, and Configuration. It can act as a reliable backup mechanism to restore the data in case of accidental deletion.

Scheduling and managing RDS snapshot

You can install and configure AWS CLI on your local machine or AWS CLI-enabled environment by using AWS CLI.

You can use the “create db snapshot” command to create a manual snapshot of your RDS Database instance.

Here is the example given of the AWS command line interface command for managing RDS snapshot:-

# Create a manual RDS snapshot
Aws rds create-db-snapshot –db-instance-identifier my-db-instance –db-snapshot-identifier my-snapshot
# List existing RDS snapshots
Aws rds describe-db-snapshots –query ‘DBSnapshots[*].[DBSnapshotIdentifier, SnapshotCreateTime, Status]’
# Create an automated snapshot schedule using AWS CloudWatch Events and Lambda
# Example CloudWatch Event Rule JSON
  “source”: [“aws.rds”],
  “detail-type”: [“RDS DB Instance Event”],
  “detail”: {
    “EventCategories”: [“Backup”],
    “SourceArn”: [“arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:my-db-instance”]

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