How To Move A Tag On A Git Branch To Another Commit?

682    Asked by Dannasahi in Business Analyst , Asked on Aug 8, 2023

 I have made a tag on the master branch named v0.1 like the one mentioned below: Git tag -a v0.1 It was required to merge into master for release 0.1. Hence, I did so. Now the v0.1 tag is stuck over the improper commit. I wish it to be stuck on the latest commit on master, however, it is stuck on the second most latest commit on master.

How to shift it to the latest commit on master?

Answered by Buffy Heaton

If you wish to update a present tag, you can utilize the following command.

Git tag -a -f v1.4
The above command will plot the commit to the v1.4 tag identifier. This will override the present content for the v1.4 tag.
-f option can be deployed to shift the tag on the git branch to another commit.
You can also follow the steps given below:
Remove the tag on any remote branch before pushing git push origin: refs/tags/
Replace the tag to reference the latest commit git tag -fa
Push the tag to the remote origin git push origin master -tags.

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