Important Fields that will be used while dealing with Healthcare Claims?

1.1K    Asked by SaitoIto in Business Analyst , Asked on Jun 11, 2019
Answered by Saito Ito

Below are the important fields that will be used dealing with Healthcare claims,

Date of service - It denotes the date of the service used by the Insured

Procedure code - It represents the code id for the Procedure used by the Insured

Diagnosis codes - It is a code which represent description of illness

Price for each service line - Premium paid by the Insured for each service

Deductible - The amount insured pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay.

Co-pay - It is a fixed amount paid by an insured for covered services.

Coinsurance - It is the amount generally a fixed percentage, an insured must pay against a claim after the deductible.

Allowed amount for the claim - It is a max amount, the plan will pay for a covered health care services.

Disallowed amount in the total claim - It is the amount which is not covered in the claim

Subscriber - It refers to the person who pays the insurance premium amount.

Provider - Providers are basically who offer Healthcare services

Your Answer

Answer (1)

Hey there, folks! I just stumbled upon this discussion, and I must say, healthcare claims can be quite the maze, don't you agree? So, let me share my emotions here - I feel both intrigued and a tad overwhelmed by all these important fields. But hey, knowledge is power, right?

Now, let's talk about the important fields for dealing with healthcare claims. First off, the "Date of service" is crucial, as it sets the timeline for all the transactions. Then there's the "Procedure code," which is like the secret language of healthcare, identifying what was done. The "Diagnosis codes" are like the heart of it all, describing the illness that led to the service.

As for the solution to make things smoother, I'd suggest proper documentation and organization. Keeping track of all these fields in a clear manner will make the claims process more efficient for everyone involved.

Speaking from my own experience, dealing with healthcare claims can be a rollercoaster. However, staying informed and seeking assistance when needed can make a huge difference.

And to the author, my advice would be to emphasize the importance of accurate data. Encourage the use of reliable sources for coding and billing, and ensure that all parties involved are on the same page. Trust me, it can save a lot of headaches down the road!

1 Year


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