What is Stakeholder Identification Onion Diagram?

1.1K    Asked by prachiPandey in Business Analyst , Asked on Jan 30, 2020
Answered by Dipesh Bhardwaj

The Stakeholder Onion Diagram is a way of visualizing the relationship of stakeholders to a project goal.

Additional information can be included that shows relationships among stakeholders to each other or to

specific “layers” of the project. But the main difference that sets the onion diagram apart is that is focuses

on the project goal at the center, not the project itself or key stakeholders.

A Stakeholder Onion Diagram is usually made up of 4 or 5 layers. From the center out, these layers


The Product or Solution

The Business System

The Business

The Environment

If used, the outer layer can be used for stakeholders who do not map to any other layers.

However, these are merely suggestions and the project team can add or remove layers as they feel


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