Can I use server htmlEncode to protect against XSS?
Using classic ASP, is this the right way to protect against XSS?
var1=untrusted user input
Showing a text in the body
Showing a link in the body
Showing an image" >"><>< style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre;white-space:pre-wrap;">Showing an iframe
<iframe src="<%=server.urlencode(var1)%>"></iframe>
In meta tags
<meta name="description" content="<%=server.htmlencode(var1)%>">
In forms
<input type="text" name="var1" value="<%=server.htmlencode(var1)%>">
In email
Here you are here injecting content into a URL component, inside HTML. So in principle the correct thing to do would be to URL-encode the variable, and then HTML-encode the output of that: "> However, in reality the shorter form with just URLEncode is still safe because it just so happens that the output of URLEncode never produces any character that is special in HTML. So that's fine.