How can I check bitlocker status powershell?

4.8K    Asked by ankur_3579 in Cyber Security , Asked on Feb 9, 2022

All machines from my network should have BitLocker successfully applied to them. Is there a way that I can remotely query the machines to see if:Bitlocker has been enabled, Bitlocker has fully encrypted the drive. Ideally I am looking for a way to do it without admin rights.

Answered by Anil Mer

To check Bitlocker status PowerShell command, you can check the BitLocker status on a volume:

Manage-bde -status -cn  
Where the -cn argument is optional. Examples:
Manage-bde -status C:
Manage-bde -status -cn C:
The command can also be run remotely.

Your Answer

Answers (2)

To check the BitLocker status of a drive using PowerShell, you can use the Get-BitLockerVolume cmdlet. This command provides detailed information about the BitLocker status of drives on your system.

Steps to Check BitLocker Status in PowerShell:

1. Open PowerShell:

Press Win + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) or search for "PowerShell" and run it as an administrator.

2. Run the Get-BitLockerVolume Command:

Use the following command to view BitLocker status for all drives:


3. This will display information such as:

  • VolumeType: Identifies the type of volume.
  • ProtectionStatus: Indicates if BitLocker is On or Off.
  • EncryptionPercentage: Shows how much of the drive is encrypted.
  • LockStatus: Displays whether the drive is locked or unlocked.

Check Status of a Specific Drive:

To view details for a specific drive, specify the drive letter:

  Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:"

4. Interpret the Output:

  • Look for the ProtectionStatus field:
  • Protection On: BitLocker is enabled and protecting the drive.
  • Protection Off: BitLocker is not enabled or suspended on the drive.
  • Check EncryptionPercentage to see the progress if the drive is being encrypted or decrypted.

Additional Tips:

If the Get-BitLockerVolume cmdlet is unavailable, ensure the BitLocker module is installed by running:

  Import-Module BitLocker

  • Always run PowerShell as an administrator for accurate results.

Using these steps, you can quickly determine the BitLocker status of your drives!

1 Month

To check the BitLocker status on a drive using PowerShell, you can use the Get-BitLockerVolume cmdlet, which is part of the BitLocker module. Here are the steps to check the BitLocker status:

1. Open PowerShell

Press Win + X and select Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell (Admin) to open PowerShell with administrative privileges.

You can also search for "PowerShell" in the Start menu, right-click it, and select "Run as administrator."

2. Use the Get-BitLockerVolume Cmdlet

To check the BitLocker status of all drives, use the following command:


This command will display information about all BitLocker volumes, including their status, encryption method, and more.

3. Check Status for a Specific Drive

If you want to check the status of a specific drive, use the -MountPoint parameter:

  Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:"

Replace "C:" with the drive letter of the drive you want to check.

4. Interpret the Output

  • The output will include several properties, such as:
  • VolumeType: The type of volume (e.g., Operating System Volume, Data Volume).
  • MountPoint: The drive letter.
  • EncryptionMethod: The encryption algorithm used.
  • ProtectionStatus: Indicates whether BitLocker protection is on or off.
  • VolumeStatus: Indicates the overall status of the volume (e.g., Fully Encrypted, Encryption In Progress).

Example Output

Here is an example of what the output might look like:

VolumeType : Operating System Volume

MountPoint : C:

EncryptionMethod : XtsAes256

ProtectionStatus : On

LockStatus : Unlocked

VolumeStatus : FullyEncrypted


To check the BitLocker status on a drive using PowerShell, follow these steps:

  • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
  • Use Get-BitLockerVolume to get the status of all drives:


To check a specific drive, use:

  Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:"

Review the output to determine the BitLocker status.

By using these commands, you can easily check the BitLocker status on your drives.

9 Months


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