How can I give openssl subject alternative name?

326    Asked by AndreaBailey in Cyber Security , Asked on Feb 25, 2022

 Is it possible to provide a subjectAltName-Extension to the openssl req module directly on the command line? I know it's possible via a openssl.cnf file, but that's not really elegant for batch-creation of CSRs.

I find this form a bit more suited for Ansible. It sidesteps the problems of the official module openssl subject alternative name that is somewhat difficult to work with due to library dependency and version problems. The following is an adaptation of a part of the script generation by @Excalibur. You don't need to create a file. This particular playbook outputs the certificate to stdin which you can show with (ansible-playbook -vvvv ) or dump to a variable and output using the debug module.

The domain.key needs to be in the same directory as the playbook.--- - name: Test CSR generation 

 hosts: localhost

  - country: 'US' # C
  - state: 'NJ' # ST
  - locality: 'Trenton' # L
  - organization: 'ACME' # O
  - organization_unit: 'IT' # OU
  - common_name: ''
  - email_address: '' # emailAddress
  - add_subj_alt_name: 'IP:' # without common_name, e.g. IP:2001:db8::1
  - name: Generate CSR
    shell: |
      STR="/C={{ country }}/
        ST={{ state }}/
        L={{ locality }}/
        O={{ organization }}/
        OU={{ organization_unit }}/
        CN={{ common_name }}/
        emailAddress={{ email_address }}"
      openssl req -new -sha256 -key domain.key -subj "$STR"
      -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_req -config
      <(cat <<<'
      distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
      req_extensions = v3_req
      x509_extensions = v3_req
      countryName = {{ country }}
      stateOrProvinceNamecountryName = {{ state }}
      localityName = {{ locality }}
      organizationName = {{ organization }}
      organizationalUnitName = {{ organization_unit }}
      commonName = {{ common_name }}
      emailAddress = {{ email_address }}
      # The extentions to add to a self-signed cert
      subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
      basicConstraints = critical,CA:false
      subjectAltName = DNS:{{ common_name }},{{ add_subj_alt_name }}
      keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment') -noout -text

    executable: '/bin/bash'

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