How does emkei fake mailer work?
I'm trying to understand how email spoofing works. After studying the technical process, I have finally understood that: The spoofer will try to scan every port of an SMTP server to catch the MX Connect with telnet to the MX server Send the SMTP packet changing the FROM and TO in the envelope
However, as it is explained in this post, it is not that easy. You have for example to look for an SMTP server that will not reject the telnet connection attempt considering that I don't even know how you can find the smtp servers (they must be protected from port scanning I guess). And there are other issues.
Therefore, I'm wondering how websites such as "emkei" can so easily propose to spoof an email. Does it try all the SMTP server really fast?
Or does it host its own SMTP server that will relay the packet? In that case, if for example, it tries to send a mail from, it will have to route it to a Gmail SMTP server, and this one could reject any Gmail address that does not come from another Gmail SMTP server. And if they used an Open-Relay server, the server would have been blacklisted, right? I really don't see how it can work.
You don't need to connect to a domain's mail server to spam email from the emkei fake mailer domain. That's just not right at all. That particular attack is called 'open-relaying'... which is where you connect to an exposed mail-server and tell it to send mail. It can be used to send mail internally (which is unlikely to be spotted by spam filtering systems), to send external mail (spam), or to spoof mail from that mail-server's domain with a good chance of internal and external systems not recognising the spoof. This is possibly illegal in some countries, and not what emkei's mailer does. I verified this by telling the site to spoof a message from a domain I own and monitoring connection attempts on all ports. Nothing happened. What emkei's script does, is simply sends the mail using a local binary like sendmail/postfix with a spoofed FROM value. Since emkei has the option to support attachments and external SMTP servers, its likely that the site uses a framework like PHPMailer under the hood... as manually constructing emails can be a bit of an RFC minefield. This version of the attack is on its way out, since its becoming ineffective. Most spam systems will see that the email is likely not transmitted via TLS, not passed DKIM validation, and the headers are probably weird (for example, simply having an 'X-Mailer' header)... all of which will award a message spam-liklihood points in systems like Spam-Assassin. That said it will be a number of years before this method is altogether dead, email just wasn't created with security in mind and the retrofit is SLOW.