I found - this message was automatically generated by gmail in the sent folder, what should I do?
I just noticed a strange email in my sent folder that I did not send. Here is the header information:
To: 5f3d36eb61801dda4063@cloudmailin.net
From: ********@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 06:54:17 -0700
Subject: bW9KRGdIeTlyMFd2UjZQQVYrQUd0TVJ5N2IrbDlqVXh2NlF6ZUFvaDlaanpRQWwzVmZtVFlwQVo5cXUybmRFbC0ta0VvVDdmakJzVzQzL3lQM2lYL0tBQT09--19cd1b1aa0f32659eece53630df822281b44c804
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline
This message was automatically generated by Gmail.
There was no content in the email, just the jumble of characters in the subject. The email address this was sent to is reported a few times on the internet as possible phishing, but it's not clear to me why Gmail would automatically generate an email on my behalf to this address. The "From" field was indeed my actual email address.
I have already changed my password as a precaution, but I am curious is this anything to worry further about?
The message line that was automatically sent says "This message was automatically generated by Gmail". It means that you marked a previously received message as spam, so it automatically sends a notification to Google in order to block further reception or messages from the same sender. Nothing to really worry about